It's post time! As a dedicated Pokemon fan, have you ever wondered what Dunsparce would look like if it was longer? How about a slightly longer Dunsparce, but even longer? Well, the wait is over! It has been for a while now, but I wanted to talk about this Pokemon in a little more detail. For those of you who don't know, I'm talking about Dudunsparce. Dudunsparce is the evolution of the Pokemon Dunsparce. After waiting years for a Dunsparce evolution, fans were somewhat disappointed to find that Dunsparce basically just gets a little longer when it evolves. If you're lucky, it can even be a little longer than that. This is because Dudunsparce has two forms; which are the two-segment and three-segment forms. Dudunsparce is still a normal-type Pokemon like Dunsparce is, and it doesn't look very much different from its original form. As strange as this is for Pokemon, Dudunsparce actually managed to win fans over after a while. I personally think it's rather funny that Dudunsparce is basically a long Dunsparce. If any of you are interested, I'll be including Dunsparce, two-segment Dudunsparce, and three-segment Dudunsparce below so you all can see them. Enjoy!

Two-segment Dudunsparce
Three-segment Dudunsparce
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