Saturday, December 2, 2017

For the past few days, I have been playing a game called Undertale. Although the game doesn't use Anime art styles and it is an American game, it does reference Anime and manga several times. So for today's blog post, I will be listing three Anime references from the game. However, I would like to recommend this game before I start the list. I personally enjoy playing this game very much, and I can play it for hours without getting bored! Now that I've said that, on with the list!

This first reference is a monster called Tsunderplane that you might encounter. This one is obviously referencing tsunderes, since the plane even says things that a tsundere would normally say.

This next reference is from Alphys' lab. Because Alphys herself likes Anime, there are multiple references for it in her lab. This includes manga, figurines, and two large Anime posters on the walls of the second floor.

This last one is another monster named Onionsan. This one is pretty obvious too, since here he has an Anime-like facial expression. However, it's also because the last part of his name includes the Japanese honorific -san, which is often used in Anime.

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