Friday, December 15, 2017

Today's blog post will be about an Anime called Kemono Friends. I had first heard about this Anime quite a while ago, but I wasn't really interested in watching it then. Upon seeing it mentioned multiple times in the past few days, I finally got curious enough to watch it. After watching a few episodes, I can honestly say that this is a good Anime. It has a rather unique CG animation style, and the characters are quite cute as well. It also has a good storyline, too. This show is about humanoid type animals called Friends, and it centers mostly around Serval and Kaban as they travel through various parts of Japari Park. This Anime is actually very popular, and it's known to be one of the biggest Anime shows of 2017! It currently has 12 episodes, and it's available English subbed on Crunchyroll. Although it seems like a somewhat strange concept for a show, it's actually quite good. I would also like to recommend checking this show out, since it's a cute and fun show to watch. If you want to see what some of the characters from Kemono Friends look like, here's a picture for it:

From left to right, this picture has Jaguar, Otter, Serval, and Kaban in it.

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