Sunday, December 3, 2017

Today's blog post will be about Mimikyu from Pokémon. Although I know I already did a blog post about Mimikyu, this one will be more like a theory. As you may know, Mimikyu is a very mysterious little Pokémon. While it is already a small Pokémon, it's actually smaller than its disguise as well. But, why does Mimikyu need a disguise? I know it's so people don't see it's real form, but why? From what we've seen of Mimikyu's true form so far, it's more or less just a shadow. His shadowy form is very similar to the shadows that are on the Pokémon Ghastly as well. However, Mimikyu's form seems to also have some sort of uncontrollable power that causes people to be extremely frightened when they see it. Or it at least causes someone to see something that frightens them. We can see this happening to Meowth when he peeks under Mimikyu's disguise. It also seems that this happens whenever someone sees his true form, since Meowth was still scared by it even when it was under water. However, with the little information we have about his true form, there's no way to tell what causes people to be frightened by it. Unfortunately, it looks like we most likely won't be getting any new information about this mysterious power that Mimikyu has for a while either. But, hopefully we'll get some answers about it soon! Especially since so many people are curious about it!

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