Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It's blog post time again! For today's post I actually have some Pokémon news for you guys. Although I found out about this yesterday, I had already finished my blog post by then. So, I had to wait until today to do this post. Anyways, on with the news! If you guys don't already know about this, Ash has received yet another new design. This one is for the upcoming Pokémon movie that is set to be released in 2018. Although the design was just announced recently, it's already been getting a lot of hate. However, I personally don't understand why. Even though it's not the same as most of the other Pokémon generations, it's still a nice design for Ash. I also think it's a major step up from the most recent Sun and Moon Anime. Don't get me wrong, I have watched Sun and moon, and I like it as a whole. I just don't like the art style they used for Ash and Team Rocket. Anyways, I will also include a picture of what Ash will look like in the new movie below. I would also like to say that you shouldn't let my opinions on his new look effect your thoughts about it. I just wanted to tell you guys the news and what my thoughts are on it!

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