Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Boruto Uzumaki from Boruto. More specifically I will be giving my thoughts on Boruto as a character. However, there will be minor spoilers in this post, so proceed with caution. Now then, on with the post! First of all, I have not watched the show yet, but I have watched the movie before. But, the movie did give me a good idea of who Boruto is and how his personality is going to be. The first thing I noticed is that Boruto seems to be extremely rebellious, especially when it comes to his father, Naruto. Although Naruto was the same way when he was younger, he did it for attention because he didn't have any parents or relatives to take care of him. He was also treated as an outcast by almost everyone in the village. Because Boruto has a loving family and is not a jinchuriki and is therefore not treated as an outcast, he has no excuse to act like that. Even though some people may say he's doing it to get attention from Naruto, that is also not an excuse. This is because Naruto is very busy with work as the Hokage, and Boruto should be able to understand that. Especially since he was raised in that lifestyle. I honestly believe that Boruto acts that way because he grew up in a more-or-less padded environment. But because this is the case, that means Boruto has plenty of room for improvement, as he just needs to grow up a bit. Much like with how Naruto grew up, I'm sure if Boruto became a ninja as well he would also learn what it means to be given an important responsibility. But until then, he's going to need to calm down some!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

So I've been noticing for a while now that there is a Mystic Messenger theory floating around commonly known as either the reset theory, or the 707 reset theory. Since I have heard this theory before, today I will be giving my thoughts on it and seeing just how well this theory holds up. There will be some spoilers in this though, so read at your own risk of spoiling parts of the game for yourself! Now on with the post! First of all, the reset theory basically states that at the end of each route, MC resets the whole thing so she can choose a different route and Seven is the only one aware of this. Although this hasn't been confirmed, Seven is the one who breaks the fourth wall the most times throughout the gameplay. He has also hinted multiple times that he knows he's in a game. Along with this, the theory also goes on to say that Seven likes the MC in every route. This can be seen in Jumin's route specifically during a phone call where Seven says that he is upset the MC chose Jumin instead of him. Some people even go on to say that Seven pushes the MC away in his route because he's afraid she'll reset again after choosing him. Now onto my thoughts on this! I do believe that it is possible for Seven to know he's in a game. However, I'm not so sure if he knows the game keeps getting reset. But, it is possible that he has a simple deja vu feeling when a route starts over. Along with this, he might just like MC in every route because they're supposed to be similar. Unless the MC purposefully aims for the bad endings, she is usually portrayed as a nice and understanding person with a sense of humor. So in conclusion, I personally think that this theory probably has about a 50% chance of actually being true. That means that until Cheritz themselves either confirms or denies this theory, it's impossible to know if it's true. But, that's just my opinion on it. So if any of you think this theory could be true, don't let my opinions change your mind!

Monday, February 26, 2018

As you guys may know, I am a big fan of Steven Universe. Which is not a surprise, since it's a very popular Western cartoon. But if it's a Western cartoon, why do so many Anime fans like it? It's not even in the Anime art styling! Well, I'm here to tell you why this is. For one, there are a lot of Anime and manga references sprinkled in throughout the series. Not only this, but it also has a similar story-telling style, and it has very good continuity as well. Because of this, Anime and manga fans enjoy watching the show and picking out all of the little Anime references. All in all, I personally like the show because of its storyline, and its good humor. It also has good characters as well. But, unfortunately it has a far less-than-perfect fan base. Other than this it's a very good show. So even though it's not an Anime, I would definitely recommend watching this series!

Sunday, February 25, 2018

I'm back with another blog post! And for today's post, I will be showing you three more Anime or manga references in Steven Universe, since there's so many to work with. Now then, on with the list!

In this first picture, Lapis Lazuli is obviously reading a manga. This may be a small reference, but it's there all the same. (From the episode "Kindergarten Kid".)
In this next one, Jane is holding a DVD for an Anime called "Koala Princess", which is one of Ronaldo's favorite Anime series. (From the episode "Restaurant Wars".)

In this last picture, the bees in this fantasy sequence look a lot like Beedrill from Pokémon. Although this one isn't pointed out very much, I noticed it the first time I watched the episode. (From the episode "Future Vision".)

Saturday, February 24, 2018

It's time! The Pokémon Go Community Day event has officially started! At least it has in my area. The event has only been going on for a little while now, and I have already started catching Dratini! Since the event just started, it will be going on for about three more hours. This means that it will end at about five o'clock p.m.(Eastern Standard Time). During this event, Dratini will be much easier to find, and they will appear mostly around Pokestops. I myself am also using an incense to lure them towards me. However, lure modules will work for three hours to make it easier to find and catch more of these special event Pokémon. Along with this, catching a Dratini during the event will give you three times as much stardust. A Dragonite that is caught or evolved during this event will also be given the special move Meteor. These Pokémon are quite easy to catch as well, as I have caught quite a few of them just while typing this post. I am getting most of my information for this event from the official website too. So if you would like to know all of the details for it, I will include a link below. But if you would like to participate in the event, you had better hurry! It only goes on for a few hours!

The official Pokémon Go Community Day event link:

Friday, February 23, 2018

The blog post for today will be about lolis in Anime. Yes it's true! This actually isn't going to be a Pokémon post! I know I do a lot of posts about Pokémon, but that's just because there's so much content to work with! But I'll try to do other posts as well. Now that that is out of the way, on with the actual post! Lolis are a common trope often found in Anime. Although it can be young girls, it can also be older girls that still have a young looking appearance. Lolis also usually dress up in a childish fashion as well, which often attributes to making them look younger. Because of this, there can be lolis in Anime that are actually 18 years old or older. Other than this, there's not much more to say about lolis. However, a common example of a young loli is Kanna Kamui from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, and a popular older loli is Kinue Hayase from Masamune-Kun's Revenge, who's actually over 40 years old. I will include a picture of both of these characters below for reference as well. Enjoy!

Kanna Kamui
Kinue Hayase

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Ramune. To start with, Ramune is a popular Japanese soda. I'm not sure if I have seen it in any Anime thus far, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was. This soda is easily recognizable because of the design of the bottle and the marble that keeps the bottle closed. This soda comes in a variety of different flavors as well, including strawberry, grape, melon, orange, and some harder to find ones like bubblegum. There are a lot more flavors than this available as well. This drink is sometimes called "marble soda" outside of Japan as well. There's not much more to say about this drink. But, I will say that I have tried many flavors of this type of soda, and I have enjoyed each one. I'm sure that there are flavors out there that I wouldn't like, but the ones I've tried so far are quite good. Because this drink is so popular, it can usually be found in stores that have other Japanese foods or drinks available. I would also like to say that I would definitely recommend trying this soda too. If you want to know what it looks like, I will include a picture of some bottles of Ramune below.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

For today's blog post I will be talking about Team Instinct from Pokémon Go. When I was watching and reading things about Pokémon Go, I noticed that Team Instinct and its leader, Spark, were widely mocked for being a team of memes with a leader to match. As I am a proud member of Team Instinct myself, I didn't quite understand why this was. Now if you don't know, teams in Pokémon Go only become available after reaching level five and interacting with a gym. After that, the player is prompted to pick one of three teams; Team Mystic, Team Valor, and Team Instinct. Each of which holds their own ideas of what makes a Pokémon stronger, with Team Valor focusing on the strength of a Pokémon and strong bonds with Pokémon, Team Mystic focusing on knowledge and evolution, and Team Instinct focusing on the instincts of trainers and Pokémon while also focusing on how Pokémon eggs are hatched. However, Spark is often mocked for his appearance. While the other two leaders, Candela (leader of Team Valor) and Blanche (leader of Team Mystic), have more cool looking designs, Spark wears a much more casual outfit. Along with this, Spark was also shown to be tripping while holding an armful of Pokémon eggs in the official artwork for the Pokémon Go anniversary. Despite all this, I sill believe that Team Instinct is a good team with a good team leader, and I don't regret joining it at all. And if any of you still think Team Instinct is still just a team full of memes, I only have one thing to say; Team Meme for the win!

The official artwork showing Spark tripping while carrying Pokémon eggs.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about some Pokémon Go news. Or rather, some things that have been added to Pokémon Go that I've noticed. To start with, there are new outfits available for purchase, including Team Rocket and Team Rainbow Rocket grunt outfits. This one is a big plus for me, since Team Rocket is one of my favorite antagonist groups in the series and the games. There are also more Pokémon available for capture as well, with Rayquaza being the current available legendary Pokémon. Along with this, there is an upcoming Community Day mini-event happening this weekend. The event will take place on February 24th, and it will give players the ability to catch Dratini. Since the event only lasts for a few hours, I will include a link to the official website below for details. But if you guys aren't sure if the official website has the correct times listed for your area, I would suggest checking other websites as well. Or, I would also suggest checking into the game at various times throughout the Community Day event just to be sure. Well, that's everything new I've noticed for now. But, I hope this post helps you guys out anyways!

The link for the Community Day event page:

Monday, February 19, 2018

As you guys may know, Eevee is my favorite Pokémon. So for today's blog post, I will be talking about Eeveelutions. Although I know I have done a post about them before, today I will be talking about some possible future Eeveelutions. There are already many different Eevee evolutions available as of right now. But, there are still quite a few that haven't been created yet. Since each Eeveelution only has one typing, there are still many other types that haven't had an Eevee evolution. For example, there are no Eeveelutions for the dragon, normal, flying, bug, ground, or rock types. Even though Eevee is already a normal type, a normal type evolution for it could be a bigger, fluffier version of it. There are a lot of different possibilities for the other unused types as well. Since I don't want to make the post too long, I won't go into detail of what each possible Eeveelution could look like or what their moves could be. But, I will say that I am looking forward to seeing any new Eevee evolutions that may come in the future. Since we haven't gotten a new one in a while, I hope we get to see a new Eeveelution soon. However, it's practically impossible to know when we'll see another one. But there is a new game coming out soon, so there's still hope for a new Eeveelution!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five Pokémon first evolutions that I like from the Alola region. To keep this fair, I will not be including any Alolan variants of other Pokémon. I will also not be including any Pokémon that don't evolve. These aren't exactly my top five favorite Alolan Pokémon either. They're just some of the ones that I like. Now then, on with the post!

1.) Rowlett - I really like this Alolan Pokémon. It's really cute, and I really like it's design as well. It's evolutions are also pretty cool.

2.) Litten - What's not to like about a fire-breathing cat? But seriously, I really like Litten's design. Although it's final evolution took some getting used to, the designs for Litten's whole evolution line are cool.

3.) Rockruff - Rockruff is a very cute little puppy Pokémon. I like it's cute design, and it has a good personality in the Anime too. I also generally like cute Pokémon. I can't help it!

4.) Bounsweet - Here is yet another instance of a cute Pokémon. It's cute designs and evolution line are very nice as well. I also like the fact that this Pokémon lets off a sweet smell too.

5.) Cutiefly - I'm honestly not sure why I like this Pokémon so much. It is a very cute Pokémon though. But to be fair, the word "cutie" is literally in it's name. I also like the fact that this Pokémon has the ability to sense the auras of people, Pokémon, and plants.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

It's Kaito's birthday today! So in celebration of this, I will be listing five English covers sung by Kaito, along with their links. I know this main post is pretty short, but that's pretty much all I have to say about it. Enjoy the songs anyways! Happy Birthday Kaito!

1.) Unbreakable

2.) Clockwork Clown (Karakuri Pierrot)

3.) A Thousand Years

4.) Take On Me

5.) Apparently There's A Cheat Code To Happiness

Friday, February 16, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Pokémon movie I Choose You. Unlike the others, there may be a few spoilers for the movie in this post. So if you haven't watched it yet, I would suggest watching the movie first. Now then , on with the post! This movie was just released in 2017, so it's fairly new as of right now. However, this movie is very different from the previous Pokémon movies. Instead of following the main storyline, this movie is instead more of a recreation of the first few episodes of the original Pokémon Anime called Pokémon Indigo League. But, there were some major changes made to it. Instead of travelling with Brock and Misty, Ash now travels with two new characters named Verity and Sorrel. Together they go on a long journey to take the Rainbow Wing (a feather from the legendary bird Pokémon Ho-Oh) to the place it's leading them to. Along the way they run into Ash's new rival Cross, a strict trainer who believes only in the strength of Pokémon instead of the bonds made with them. Although this movie follows a very different path from the normal continuity, I actually quite liked this movie. It has a good storyline, and I liked the new characters. They also kept the original Team Rocket members, so that's a huge plus for me. But, I'm not sure how I would feel about it if this is the new permanent storyline for the Anime. I guess we'll just have to wait and see for that part. Nonetheless I would definitely recommend this movie! It's really good!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the movie From Up On Poppy Hill. From Up On Poppy Hill is a movie that was made by Studio Ghibli in 2011. This movie is about a group of students that are working to find a way to save their local clubhouse (where all of the clubs from the school hold their club activities) from being demolished. Along with this, the movie also follows the life of high school student Umi Matsuzaki as she goes to school and helps take care of her Grandmother's boarding house. While at school, Umi meets a boy named Shun Kazama. The main story then follows the paths of Umi and Shun, whose relationship becomes very complicated along the way. The story also follows the efforts of the school students trying to save the local clubhouse. This movie is a romance and drama film with some comedy mixed in as well. Although I very much like this movie and have watched it recently, it's complex storyline makes it hard to explain without giving away any spoilers. So if you would like to check it out for yourself, I would very much recommend it! It really is a good movie!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

It's Valentine's Day, and you know what that means! Lock all of your doors and stay inside to avoid all of the couples roaming around outside. Just kidding! It actually means it's time to watch special Valentine's Day Anime episodes! So for today's post, I will be listing five Valentine's Day specials in Anime. I will also include a link to Crunchyroll's list at the end as well. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Episode 14 (OVA)

2.) Fruits Basket - Everybody Loves Chocolate

3.) Assassination Classroom - Valentine's Day Time

4.) Code Geass - Love Attack

5.) School Babysitters - Episode 3

The link for Crunchyroll's list:

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Mystic Messenger Twitter event that's being held by Cheritz right now! This Twitter event is for Valentine's Day, so it's time sensitive. This event is going on from February 12th to February 19th. For this event, you have to write a tweet with your love confession to your favorite Mystic Messenger character, along with the appropriate hashtags (which I will include below). Depending on which organization the winning character is from (Mint Eye or the RFA), the winner of this prize can receive either the RFA VIP Package or the Special Believer Package, along with some chocolates for Valentine's Day. If you would like to see all of the information for this event yourself, here is the link for Cheritz's official Tumblr page:

Additionally, here is the list of all of the usable hashtags:

To enter your confession for the event: #MM_Valentine

Usable hashtags for submitting which character you're confessing to:

Jumin Han: #JuminHan


707: #Seven

Yoosung: #Yoosung

Jaehee Kang: #JaeheeKang

V: #V

Unknown: #Unknown or #Ray or #Saeran

Rika: #Rika

Monday, February 12, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about Light Yagami from Deathnote. More specifically, I will be talking about how smart I think Light really was. There will be some spoilers for the Anime. So if you haven't finished it, don't read this yet. You have been warned. Now then, on with the post! Now I know that Light was actually very intelligent. But, did he still make some mistakes? The answer is: yes. Yes he did. To start with, he made the entire police force aware of a serial killer by killing all criminals exclusively with heart attacks. This in itself is his first mistake, since this decision was ruled mainly by his ego. Secondly, he easily let his guard down and displayed cocky behavior. He thought that his intelligence alone made him completely exempt from failure, making him extremely overconfident. Now some people may say "Well he is the one who killed L". And to that I say, not entirely. He may have been the pushing force, but he ultimately wasn't the one who did it. Instead, he just manipulated other people into doing his bidding. Although this can sometimes be a good tactical move, it still wasn't the best idea. At any point in time Rem could have just changed her mind and decided not to do it. He also made it almost completely obvious that he was Kira because of how he would praise Kira, even when he knew L was watching him. Along with this, he went and killed all of the FBI agents sent after Kira when he got desperate. Because of this, the police force was able to find out who the FBI agents had been investigating. This mistake is actually the one that lead L to believe that Light was Kira. With just these few mistakes, it's easy to see why L often had the upper hand. Even though Light was incredibly smart, he did not always make the best decisions. These mistakes, along with some other ones made throughout the series, are what ultimately ended up leading to Light's failure. Despite all of this, he did make some smart decisions and actions as well, like how he hid the Death Note. But, that's not what this post is about. I personally think that Light actually could have succeeded if he had carried out his plans with a bit more caution and planning, and a lot less ego.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Pass Out After Drinking Caffeine Syndrome
from Cherrydepia, the free joke

POADCS (Pass Out After Drinking Caffeine Syndrome) [is]
a well-known silly syndrome in Mystic Messenger
Cheritz. 00000111 00000000 00000111 [1].
This syndrome originated from Long Cat Island in
The island has a lot of natural coffee beans and the [syndrome]
sprung up when a cow ate the beans.
After eating too many coffee beans, the cow passed [out for]
3 seconds[2]. 00000111 00000000 00000111 is [awesome]
Another cow who was in love with that cow also got [this syndrome]
How? We'll never know. That is still a mystery.
I am just writing random BS to mock Yoosung.
Thanks to cows and my imagination.
This fake syndrome was created by 707 in an attempt to prank Yoosung, who obviously did not read this article. So why did I bother to write all of this? Well that's because I was going to make a real life Wikipedia replica of this syndrome that Seven made up in Mystic Messenger. But, I was worried that it would get taken down for not being a real syndrome. So I made this instead. I also included the picture above as a reference so you guys could see the actual picture Seven sent. As you can see, I also included some words to end some of the sentences, and I finished one of the words. The words I added (and the one I finished) are in brackets to show the difference. I hope you guys enjoy this little fake article I did!
Fun fact: The binary that appears twice in the article translates to 707.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

It's time for another new blog post, and surprise surprise, it's about Mystic Messenger again! That's okay though, because I usually don't do very many posts about it as a general rule. Anyways, as I was browsing through and reading things about Mystic Messenger, I noticed that some people were wondering if 707 was the canonical end game for Mystic Messenger. So I started wondering about that too, and now I'm here to give my thoughts on it! Well, without giving away any spoilers, that is. Firstly, 707's route is the one with the most plot points in it. Secondly, Seven's picture is the picture that is currently being used to represent the app, making him the first character you see after downloading the app. (As seen below.) Along with this, he's also the first one who notices you in the beginning of the game. Some people also speculate that the lyrics in the English version of the song are talking about Seven and his feelings towards the MC. Now it's time for my opinion! With all of this evidence pointing towards him being the canon route of the game, I think that there is a very good possibility that he is meant to be the end game. However, it's hard to say for sure if this is true unless Cheritz themselves confirm it. Even if this is the case though, it still doesn't effect the other routes of the game. However, I would recommend doing Seven's route last so as to not spoil the other routes. I personally think that it's more fun when you learn the main parts of the story last so you're not aware of it until you have to be.

The picture currently being used to represent the app.
The link for the official English version of the Mystic Messenger opening:

Friday, February 9, 2018

Today's blog post will be about rhythm games. Although rhythm games aren't exclusively Anime based, there are a lot that are. As the name suggests, rhythm games generally have a rhythm based gameplay in which the player has to hit the notes or buttons in time with the beat of the song. Along with this, rhythm games often have combos as well, which usually give a better score if completed. There are many different types of rhythm games too, like Project Diva and Dance Dance Revolution. In games like Project Diva, a song is sang or played correctly only if the player hits the right buttons at the right time. In games like Dance Dance Revolution, the player has to use a dance mat to be able to hit the right buttons. If the correct buttons are hit at the right time, the player gets a higher score. Some songs in rhythm games can only be unlocked after beating the other songs before it as well. Other than this, there isn't very much more to say about rhythm games, since they have pretty basic gameplay mechanics. I myself have not played very many rhythm games, but I do like the ones I have played. Even if some of the levels do take multiple tries to beat.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

For today's blog post, I wanted to do something Mystic Messenger related. But, I still haven't tried the V route or the Ray route yet. So instead, I will be listing the main RFA members from my favorite one to my least favorite one. I will also give a short note on what I think about them. Now then, on with the list!

1.) 707 - Seven has actually been my favorite since I first started playing Mystic Messenger. He's really cool, and he has a great sense of humor!

2.) Zen - I actually didn't use to like Zen very much before I started playing it. But after I started playing, I saw that he was actually pretty cool.

3.) Yoosung - I've always liked Yoosung, even before I started playing the game. Even though I don't like him as much now, he's still one of my favorites.

4.) Jaehee - Am I the only one who still likes her as a friend? But seriously, I actually quite enjoyed doing Jaehee's route, and she is a good friend to have. She's also fun to talk to.

5.) Jumin - Last but not least is Jumin. Despite him being the last on the list, I don't hate him. He's pretty fun to talk to. Even though he doesn't understand very much about humor, at least he tries. He's pretty classy too.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Since I recently did a post about what animation memes are, today I will be listing some of the Mystic Messenger animation memes I like, along with their links. Since they're generally quite short, I will be listing ten of them instead of just five. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Downloading

2.) Clarity

3.) Smile

4.) Cut My Hair

5.) I Can't Wait

6.) Hungry!

7.) Hot Milk

8.) I Am The Man

9.) Marble Soda

10.) We Don't Talk Anymore

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

As you guys may know, opening and ending sequences are an important, and apparently mandatory, part of an Anime episode. So for today's blog post, I will be listing five Anime opening or ending songs that I like, along with their links. These aren't exactly my favorite ones either, I just really like them. Also to avoid confusion, these will be the first opening or ending songs for an Anime. Now then, on with the post!

1.) One Punch Man (Opening)

2.) My Hero Academia (Opening)

3.) Soul Eater (Opening)

4.) Black Butler (Ending)

5.) Blue Exorcist (Ending)

Monday, February 5, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about animation memes. There's a good chance many of you have heard of these already, but I'll explain what they are anyways. Now even though animation memes aren't exclusively Anime themed or in the Anime art style, I have seen a lot that are. So, loophole! Anyways, animation memes are generally only a few seconds to a minute long. They are usually based on or around certain parts of a song. There is usually one original animation meme, and then there are different variations of the same meme made by different artists. Even though the art styles can vary greatly among the animation memes because they are made by different creators, there are a lot of artists out there that make really well-done animation memes. Along with this, there are many different ones that use characters from shows or games, like Mystic Messenger. Since I don't want to use a YouTuber's name without their permission, I won't give any recommendations for any that I particularly like. But, there are a lot of talented artists out there! If any of you guys would like to watch any of the various animation memes, they're on YouTube. They're also quite easy to find if you just type "animation meme" into the search bar. I hope this post helps some of you guys find something you would like!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Today I will be talking about the show Kiss Him, Not Me. Now before I actually start talking about the show, I just want to mention that I was actually very hesitant to watch this show because I was put off by it's description. But after I watched it, I saw that it was actually funny and had some good humor in it. I also like the storyline too. So I guess what I'm saying is that you shouldn't judge an Anime or manga before you at least watch one episode or read one chapter. You might be surprised! Now then, on with the actual post! Kiss Him, Not Me is an Anime that is based on the manga of the same name. The show centers mainly around Kae Serinuma, an average looking high school girl who believes only one thing - princes should be together! As a boys love fan, she would often think of fake relationships between any boys that she saw, including her classmates. But after losing a lot of weight due to her favorite Anime character dying, suddenly the boys at her school want to date her instead! This show is a romantic slice-of-life with some comedy mixed in. If any of you guys would like to check it out for yourself, it is available English dubbed on Funimation, or English subbed on Crunchyroll.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the show Ultimate Otaku Teacher. Ultimate Otaku Teacher is an Anime that is based on the manga of the same name. The show centers mainly around Junichiro Kagami, an intelligent scientific prodigy. However, he instead decides to be an otaku, filling his room with Anime, manga, figurines, and obsessing over his Anime blog. When his sister Suzune gets sick of him being a NEET, she forces him to take a job as a high school teacher! Although he would rather stay home and obsess over his blog and Anime, he unhappily takes the job of being a teacher. Using his knowledge gained from Anime and manga, he uses a unique method of teaching all of his new students. This Anime is a slice-of-life show with some comedy mixed in. I would personally recommend watching it as well, since I quite enjoy watching it. If any of you guys would like to check it out, it is available English dubbed on Funimation.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Today's blog post will be about the show Black Clover. Black Clover is an Anime that is based on the manga of the same name. In a world where magic is everything and is used frequently, two babies, Asta and Yuno, are found abandoned at a church. Fifteen years later, Yuno is a gifted magic user, where as Asta is yet to receive any powers at all! Shortly after, both are given very rare and very different grimoires, books that amplify a user's magic power. With grimoires completely opposite of each other, Yuno and Asta set out as rivals to begin their journeys of becoming the Wizard King. But which one will fulfill his dream? This show is an action adventure series with some comedy mixed in as well. I would personally recommend watching this Anime, too. If any of you guys would like to check it out, it is available English Subbed on Crunchyroll, or English Dubbed on Funimation.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about some more Mystic Messenger news. As of yesterday, Ray's (or Unknown's) route has officially been released with the latest update for Mystic Messenger! The new route will cost 250 hourglasses if you have already purchased V's route, or 550 hourglasses if you have not purchased V's route. Along with this, the unlimited calling card for Another Story, which works for both V and Ray, will cost $6.99. There are also fully voiced calls and visual novels for the new route as well. All of this means that once you start Another Story, you can end up on either V's route or Ray's route after the first few days. I hope this short post helps any Ray fans out there that may read this! Especially since his route has now finally been released!