Monday, February 5, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about animation memes. There's a good chance many of you have heard of these already, but I'll explain what they are anyways. Now even though animation memes aren't exclusively Anime themed or in the Anime art style, I have seen a lot that are. So, loophole! Anyways, animation memes are generally only a few seconds to a minute long. They are usually based on or around certain parts of a song. There is usually one original animation meme, and then there are different variations of the same meme made by different artists. Even though the art styles can vary greatly among the animation memes because they are made by different creators, there are a lot of artists out there that make really well-done animation memes. Along with this, there are many different ones that use characters from shows or games, like Mystic Messenger. Since I don't want to use a YouTuber's name without their permission, I won't give any recommendations for any that I particularly like. But, there are a lot of talented artists out there! If any of you guys would like to watch any of the various animation memes, they're on YouTube. They're also quite easy to find if you just type "animation meme" into the search bar. I hope this post helps some of you guys find something you would like!

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