Sunday, February 18, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five Pokémon first evolutions that I like from the Alola region. To keep this fair, I will not be including any Alolan variants of other Pokémon. I will also not be including any Pokémon that don't evolve. These aren't exactly my top five favorite Alolan Pokémon either. They're just some of the ones that I like. Now then, on with the post!

1.) Rowlett - I really like this Alolan Pokémon. It's really cute, and I really like it's design as well. It's evolutions are also pretty cool.

2.) Litten - What's not to like about a fire-breathing cat? But seriously, I really like Litten's design. Although it's final evolution took some getting used to, the designs for Litten's whole evolution line are cool.

3.) Rockruff - Rockruff is a very cute little puppy Pokémon. I like it's cute design, and it has a good personality in the Anime too. I also generally like cute Pokémon. I can't help it!

4.) Bounsweet - Here is yet another instance of a cute Pokémon. It's cute designs and evolution line are very nice as well. I also like the fact that this Pokémon lets off a sweet smell too.

5.) Cutiefly - I'm honestly not sure why I like this Pokémon so much. It is a very cute Pokémon though. But to be fair, the word "cutie" is literally in it's name. I also like the fact that this Pokémon has the ability to sense the auras of people, Pokémon, and plants.

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