Friday, March 31, 2023

Its time for another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about Lilia Vanrouge from Twisted Wonderland. Lilia is a student from the Diasomnia house, and he is Malleus's right hand man. Along with this, he's the vice housewarden. He seems to be a normal young student, but he's clearly hiding something as well. He also prides himself on being cute and youthful. However, he'll occasionally make odd remarks that make him seem much older than he looks. He's rather mysterious, but very friendly. He loves popping in out of nowhere, and he gets along with all of the students regardless of their age or dorm affiliation. As always, I will be including a picture of Lilia Vanrouge below so you all can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 30, 2023

What happens when Kirby absorbs someone? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! This may seem like a strange question, but everyone knows this little Kirby always sucks up nearby enemies and eats them whole. That's so graphic for such a cute little round guy! But don't worry, because he's actually not killing them at all. Instead, they're just being moved to a different part of the world. Yes, it's true. Kirby has never actually been eating his enemies. Instead, he sucks them up, steals their power-ups, and then the poor things get teleported to another section of the world. I'm sure the little guys are really confused when they pop up somewhere else, but it's better than being forever absorbed by a small pink blob who barely even talks. However, it also means there's a good chance enemies get absorbed and teleported multiple times throughout Kirby's adventures. Hopefully it's just a normal part of life for them now. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's another Kirby picture! Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

It's time for another blog post! I'm feeling rather burned out today, so I'll be doing a nice simple post for you all. Because of this, I'll be listing five sleepy Pokemon today; along with a picture of each. Enjoy!

1.) Snorlax

2.) Komala

3.) Abra

4.) Slakoth

5.) Delcatty

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

It's a Kirby appreciation post! Since I haven't talked about Kirby in a while now, I decided to have a Kirby appreciation post! He's small, he's round! He's overthrowing the tyrannical leaders! It's Kirby! The small pink blob who comes into town, kicks the residents' butts, eats a ton of food, overthrows the villains' evil plots and then goes back home to eat more food! He has friends everywhere, and he's helped a lot of people. But he's very humble, and is not above getting revenge for the theft of his precious food. His appetite is so big that he even absorbs others for their amazing powers. But he's still adorable! And that's why we love him. As always, I'll be including a picture of Kirby below. Enjoy! Poyo!

Monday, March 27, 2023

What time is it? Post time! The blog post for today will be a list of six dragon-type Pokemon, along with a picture of each. I almost never talk about dragon-type Pokemon on this blog, so I decided to list a few of them for you all today. Enjoy!

1.) Dratini

2.) Flygon

3.) Gible

4.) Deino

5.) Applin

6.) Tatsugiri

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Who is Jack Howl from Twisted Wonderland based on? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Jack Howl is a sporty member of the Savanaclaw house. He's clearly based on a wolf as well, but Savanaclaw is based on The Lion King. Because of this, many fans are confused. After all, there are no wolves in that movie. There are many animals in The Lion King, but wolves are not one of them. It gets even more confusing when you consider the fact that there is only one hyena member instead of three. Most of the characters are pretty one-to-one with their movie counterparts, even if it's just visually. So why wouldn't Jack also be a hyena? Well, I believe I have the answer! There are no wolves in The Lion King, but there are wolves in other Disney movies. If we follow the pattern of older Disney films, wolves are somewhat notably included in Beauty And The Beast. Since Gaston is represented by Ashton Vargas in Twisted Wonderland, there is no house for Beauty And The Beast. Although some may argue he could be from a newer film like Sam, I don't really think that matters. Sam is based on Dr. Facilier, and The Princess And The Frog is still a 2D animated film that is much like the classics included in the game. There aren't many classic Disney films that highlight wolves as a villain in them at all, and there aren't really enough villains in some Disney films to create an extra dorm for. The only exception to this is Ignihyde, but that's most likely because Hades is such a beloved character. Not to mention there are two other hench-imps and some others in that film that they just chose not to use, so Hercules doesn't really have a lack of villains. I think it's safe to say that Jack Howl is based on a villain from a movie that either didn't have enough villains to warrant a house, or a minor villain that no one would remember very well; like the wolves from Beauty And The Beast. He was placed in Savanaclaw solely because he's a wolf and not because he has a connection to The Lion King. If he really is based on such a minor character, then it makes sense for them to just create him from scratch and place him in the most convenient house. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, March 25, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! Today's blog post will be about Idia Shroud from Twisted Wonderland. Idia is the older brother of Ortho, and he's the dorm housewarden for Ignihyde. Despite this, he's extremely reserved. He's very introverted, and he becomes anxious when he's around other people. Because of this, he doesn't normally attend his classes in-person. As a result, he doesn't have very many friends. He is usually calm by nature, but he will sometimes act differently; meaning he will occasionally get uncharacteristically talkative when it comes to certain things. Idia is 18 years old, and he's also a junior. Along with this, he's 183 centimeters tall; which is roughly 6 feet. His birthday is December 18th, as well. As always, I will be including a picture of Idia below so you all can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, March 24, 2023

It's time for a list! Since yesterday's post was a list of my favorite characters from each Twisted Wonderland dorm, today I've decided to just list my top ten favorites instead. However, this list won't be in any specific order. It's too difficult to choose for that. So, let's get on with the list!

1.) Idia Shroud

2.) Lilia Vanrouge

3.) Ace Trappola

4.) Deuce Spade

5.) Kalim Al-Asim

6.) Chenya

7.) Dire Crowley

8.) Sam

9.) Epel Felmier

10.) Leona Kingscholar

Thursday, March 23, 2023

It's time for a list! So for today's blog post, I will be listing my favorite characters from each dorm of Twisted Wonderland. There are so many characters I like, so I just decided to choose one from each dorm instead! That's seven in total, so let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Heartslabyul - Ace Trappola

2) Savanaclaw - Leona Kingscholar

3) Octavinelle - Jade Leech

4.) Scarabia - Kalim Al-Asim

5.) Pomefiore - Epel Felmier

6.) Ignihyde - Idia Shroud

7.) Diasomnia - Lilia Vanrouge

*Bonus! Side character addition!*

8.) Chenya

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

It's time for another post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about my favorite Twisted Wonderland dorm: Heartslabyul! Although I like some of the other dorms, nothing can beat this one! This is because Heartslabyul is based on Alice In Wonderland. It's a pretty and slightly mad dorm with strict rules. Although other housewardens have been less strict with the rules, Riddle takes them very seriously. So if you don't obey the rules, it's off with your head! There are a ton of rules to follow, so members of this dorm have a lot to remember. If it isn't obvious, Heartslabyul is based on the Queen Of Hearts. The insane amount of rules were put in place because the Queen Of Hearts had to rule over a kingdom of madness, so the rules helped keep things orderly. But honestly, some of the rules themselves are nothing but mad. Students in this dorm are often pretty energetic, as well. I may do more posts about the other dorms in the future, but I definitely wanted to start with this one. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

What happens to Pokemon after you transfer them in Pokemon Go? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, you can transfer Pokemon in Pokemon Go. Unlike when you release them in other Pokemon games, transferring a Pokemon actually gives you some candy. Because of this, fans have made up some pretty awful theories regarding what happens to these poor Pokemon. But I'm here to put those to rest. Firstly, technically nothing really happens to Pokemon once you transfer them. But for a nice in-game explanation, you're actually trading Pokemon for their candies. The Pokemon are released after your trade, and you're given candies in return. As for the candies, Pokemon food of all kinds is made from berries. So these little candies are most likely made from the same berries as Pokeblocks are. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this again since it's still a bit of a subject within the community. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, March 20, 2023

It's post time! The blog post for today will be about Twisted Wonderland. I have been talking about this game ever since it was first announced a few years ago. I gave many updates on it throughout its creation process, and I even talked about each character whenever one was released. I was very excited for the release of this game, and even waited about a year or so for its official English translation. But when the time finally came, I had no way to play it! So it is with absolute pleasure that I can finally say that I have officially played this game! Now I can fully give my complete thoughts on it. Long story short, this thing is awesome! Short story long, it has tons of features! It has a main story, collectible characters, special events, a rhythm game section, a battle feature, a really neat gacha, mini games, tons of characters, and it moves! What do I mean by that last one? Well, visual novels almost never move. It's just a picture of a character chilling on your screen while some dialogue rolls along at the bottom. But not for this game! All of the characters move whenever they're talking, and things in the background move as well. It's also incredibly clear that a lot of work was put into this game. As it should have been, coming from big companies like Aniplex and Disney. That's right, this is a Disney game with an original story coming straight from their Japanese branch. Each character is based off of a Disney villain, but they also have their own unique spins. This game is really incredible. But be warned, it is pretty big for a phone game. It takes about two gigabytes of space on its own, and it can be very glitchy when it's installing. My game crashed multiple times throughout installation, and each loading screen took quite a long time. However, it's pretty smooth once it's finished. The other problem I had was with the account recovery settings. I wasn't allowed to set it up until after the prologue, but my game had already crashed a few times by then. Luckily it was fixable with some patience, but I'd rather just have the option right away. Regardless, I highly recommend this game. It's really fun, it gets updated pretty often, and the story is really good. Even though it's not really a dating sim. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, March 19, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Love Unholyc. I talked about this game yesterday, but I didn't go into very much detail about the mechanics of the game. So I decided to do another post about it today. Love Unholyc is a dating sim that has real-time chat rooms, video calls, and phone calls. Each phone call takes special phone tickets, video and phone calls can happen during certain parts of the stories. There are a few different routes and paths you can take, and the stories follow along with visual novels and chat rooms. If you miss a chat, you can buy it back with five time tickets. To buy certain items in the game, you have to use acme. Acme is an exchangeable resource you can use to buy various items, and it's relatively easy to collect throughout the game. Along with this, it also has a gacha system where you can obtain various things like more acme, characters, tickets, and other items. Aside from the three main characters, you can unlock quite a few other characters that you can interact with in the character gallery. You can also unlock various photos and such. The three main boys are Sol, Leo, and Jung Hi. However, you can also unlock routes for William and Eater. I will also mention that there are in-app purchases for certain things, but the game can be played entirely for free. I recommend Love Unholyc for those of you who enjoy the layout of Mystic Messenger. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, March 18, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about the game Love Unholyc. Love Unholyc is an otome game that is available for free on the app store. It's a dating simulator with just a few romanceable characters, but it has an interesting story to make up for it. The story follows the main character, who is a demon/human descendant. Her mixed bloodline gives her extraordinary magical powers, but she's hardly ever used them. Because of this, she isn't very strong. In trying to grow her powers enough in time for her coming-of-age ceremony, she accidentally binds herself to three unsuspecting humans. Through them, she has to gain enough power to complete her coming-of-age ceremony. This game is actually pretty similar to Mystic Messenger. It has call options, real-time chatrooms, and multiple routes you can take. So if any of you like Mystic Messenger, I recommend this game. But be warned! This game is much more mature than Mystic Messenger. It's not too over-the-top, but it can be a bit much. So if that isn't for you, don't play it. It's also important to note that this game has a set main character. You can change her name, but that's all. Although the base game is free to play, it does have in-app purchases, including time tickets; which work pretty much exactly like hourglasses in Mystic Messenger. They allow you to buy back missed chatrooms. As always, I will be including a picture from the game below so you all can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

Friday, March 17, 2023

It's St. Patrick's Day! Happy St. Patty's Day everyone! To help celebrate today, I will be listing five green Pokemon; along with a picture of each. Since wearing green is a tradition for the holiday, I decided to list some green Pokemon. There's nothing that comes to mind more often than grass when you think of the color green, so these are all grass-type Pokemon. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Chikorita

2.) Skiploom

3.) Snivy

4.) Petilil

5.) Maractus

Thursday, March 16, 2023

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Vocaloid Po-uta. Po-uta is a Vocaloid who was just released in March of this year. He's an American Vocaloid who was officially released for the Vocaloid6 engine. He is also voiced by the American artist Porter Robinson. Now, some long-time fans may recognize this name; since I discussed his song Shelter back when it first came out. It isn't often that American artists get to voice Vocaloids, but Porter Robinson is highly well-known in many areas of the world. Not much is know about Po-uta right now, but he can speak English, Japanese, and Chinese. He was also created and released by the Yamaha Corporation. If any of you would be interested in hearing this new Vocaloid, I will be including his official demo song below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Yesterday was White Day! Happy belated White Day everyone! For those of you who don't know, White Day is a Japanese holiday that occurs exactly one month after Valentine's Day. It's a day to give back to loved ones in return for the gifts received on Valentine's Day, and the reason it's called White Day is because it was originally common to gift marshmallows on this day. I feel like this gives the whole day a sweet and fluffy feeling. For this year's special post, I will be listing five White Day pictures of the boys from Idolish7, along with their names. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

Riku Nanase

Mitsuki Izumi

Tenn Kujo

Sogo Osaka

Iori Izumi

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

It's post time! I am aware today is White Day, but I'm going to need some time to get the pictures cooperating so I can properly do a White Day post this year. I apologize for the delay. But in the meantime, I do have a topic I'd like to discuss. For those of you who don't know, Tighnari's English dubbed voice is being replaced in Genshin Impact. I won't be giving the details, since I don't know very much myself. But his original voice actor was acting inappropriately, and has since been officially released from the job. After they find a suitable replacement, his voice lines will gradually be completely replaced. For many fans, this is devastating. His voice fit him really well, and his voice actor always seemed to be a nice person. But, I suppose things aren't always as they seem. This is the first time since the game's release that a character's voice has been replaced. I understand why it happened and why it needed to happen, but this is really upsetting for me. I loved Tighnari's voice, and I thought it fit him very well. Hopefully it doesn't change too much, but there's no reason this should have happened to begin with. Most of the Genshin community and voice actors are really good people, and one thing like this puts a mark on the whole community. People won't even let others enjoy Tighnari anymore because of his voice actor, and that's not fair at all. Tighnari isn't his voice actor. He's a character. Liking him isn't wrong at all, and it's more wrong to ridicule people for liking him. It's also wrong to tell people how they should feel about it. People are allowed to be upset. It's an upsetting thing. It reflects badly on the community, which is already struggling to get along. Not only this, but many people genuinely loved Tighnari's voice. This is a small thing overall, but it's still a pretty big hit to take. Hopefully things will go smoothly, and I hope for nothing but the best for his new voice actor. I also hope people can separate Tighnari enough to give the new voice actor the warm welcome they deserve. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, March 13, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five pink Pokemon; along with a picture of each. I haven't listed Pokemon on here in a little while, so I decided to list a few now. These aren't exactly my favorite Pokemon either, just some of the ones I like. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Miltank

2.) Skitty

3.) Igglybuff

4.) Hoppip

5.) Audino

Sunday, March 12, 2023

How old is Klee in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Firstly, it's important to note that Klee and her mother Alice are from a race who lives a very long time. Alice is hundreds of years old herself and still considered a bit young. Because of this, Klee is technically much older than everyone else. Part of the reason Albedo watches over her is because he does not age much himself. Because of this, they are two people who rarely ever look different. It could have taken Klee decades to get where she is now. However, this doesn't mean she's an adult. She is still technically a child who simply ages slowly. Even if she's older than Jean or some of the others, she is still a child in comparison. It could, and most likely will, take her a very long time to reach adulthood by human standards. If her mother is hundreds of years old, then Klee will take an extremely long time to reach even her teenage years. This means Albedo is the perfect person to watch over her, since he won't grow old before she can watch over herself. In this sense, Klee's race is most likely similar to the adepti. Adepti grow to a certain age and remain that way for centuries, and those are just the half human adepti we know of. We know nothing about Klee's race, so nearly anything is possible. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because fans are often unsure how old she is. We have a few children characters so far, some of which aren't even children. For example, Dori and Sayu are just short. They aren't children. So it's important to know that Klee is a child, despite her long lifespan. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Why do I dislike Hatsune Miku? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Firstly, it's important for me to note that I don't hate her. As a standalone Vocaloid, she's fine. I suppose she's a nice introduction to the genre. However, there's just too much of her. There are six Crypton Vocaloids, but most people would never know. If you go to anywhere that sells Vocaloid merchandise, it's almost all Miku. Every collaboration is Miku. Every concert is Miku. Every game is Miku. Frankly, I'm sick of it. I go into a Vocaloid game wanting to see more than one Vocaloid. Yes the others get songs, but not nearly as many. I play the games to see my favorite Vocaloids, I look for merchandise of my favorite Vocaloids, and I look for performances of my favorite Vocaloids. Not Miku. I'm not the only one who feels this way, either. There are tons of Vocaloid fans asking for content for their favorites who aren't Miku. She isn't the only Vocaloid in existence, and she is not everyone's favorite Vocaloid. I started out thinking she was fine, but after years of her just growing bigger and bigger, I grew tired of seeing her all of the time. She's everywhere. I don't hate her, but I also don't want to see her everywhere I look. I'm sure Miku fans are over the moon about all of this, but not everyone is a Miku fan. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Saying anything about this is pointless, since Crypton never listens when it comes to Miku anyways. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, March 10, 2023

What is a Windblume? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! With the coming of the Windblume Festival, also comes the debate of what a Windblume is. The flowers of before that held this name are long gone, but fans of Genshin Impact still try to figure out what they were. But, there's almost no way of knowing what it was. As far as Mondstadt flowers go, it could be a windwheel aster. This is because they grow in places with a lot of anemo energy. Decarabian had a large amount of anemo energy, and it was always surrounding Old Mondstadt. On the other hand, cecilia flowers also grew in Old Mondstadt; since they grow in windy places. This is why they grow on Starsnatch Cliff. However, we likely won't ever know what the Windblume was. Part of the freedom of Mondstadt is the Windblume Festival, and part of the freedom of the Windblume Festival is choosing your own Windblume. There's nothing more fitting for the city of freedom than the freedom of choosing your own flower every festival. Personally, my Windblume is the cecilia flower. It just seems right. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a bonus, here's a picture of a cecilia. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 9, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about the Utauloid Kazehiki. I recently found this little guy, and realized I hadn't talked about an Utauloid in a while. So here we are! Kazehiki is a 12 year old boy who is always sick and slightly sleep deprived. He's also rather timid, and he's a ghost. In his afterlife, he haunts an old church; where he pretends to be the priest. He has Japanese voicebanks, as well as one English voicebank. Along with this, his birthday is November 6th. He also has a duet partner whose name is Gekiyaku. The two look similar, but it's unclear what their relation is; especially since neither of them remember much of anything. All Kazehiki remembers is that he has immense faith in God, which can never be swayed for him. As always, I will be including the link for his official website below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

It's time for a Venti appreciation post! The Windblume festival is once again upon us in the world of Genshin Impact, so I've decided to talk about the bringer of wind himself: the anemo archon Barbatos! Although he's supposedly the weakest archon, he's actually pretty powerful. He's kind, and a benevolent archon. He keeps the city of Mondstadt safe, even when they don't know who he is. Even his most devote follower, Barbara, treats him unfairly and refuses to believe he is Barbatos. But, Venti still brushes it off and treats her well. Venti treats all of his people as equals, whether they know who he is or not. As the compassionate and friendly archon of freedom, Venti is by far my favorite archon so far. Which is why I wanted to make this appreciation post for the Windblume festival! Aside from his personality, he also has a great design. Along with this, he's still pretty strong as well. I recommend adding him to your team in the game, because it's fully worth it; even without the extra constellations. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, here's a picture of Venti. Enjoy! May the wind guide you!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

March 3rd was Kazuaki's birthday! So, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! For those of you who don't know, all of the characters of Hatoful Boyfriend have birthdays. This is unsurprising, since characters from pretty much anything usually have birthdays. Although their birthdays are not stated in the games, Hato Moa usually creates a special birthday image for their birthdays on her Twitter. This trend has obviously carried onto this year, and the most recent image was created for Kazuaki Nanaki. I know I've missed the other birthdays up until this post, but I plan on doing more birthday posts for the other birdie boys in the future. But for now, I'll just wish Kazuaki a happy birthday. As always, here's the special birthday picture. Enjoy! Happy belated birthday Kazuaki-Kun!

Monday, March 6, 2023

It's time! Time for what? Well time for a Tohri Nishikikouji appreciation post of course! Hatoful Boyfriend spoilers ahead! For those of you who don't know, Tohri is the ultimate rival of none other than Doctor Shuu Iwamine! The only problem is, Shuu has no idea who he is. Although Tohri is a rather narcissistic and odd bird at times, he's actually really nice. He's kind to the player most of the time, and he's respectful to those around him. I often forget about him because in the main game he's a side character who you only encounter by smashing his cameras to bits. But in reality, he's a really good character. You don't see his human form in the main game, much like the other side characters. But his human form is a perfect reflection of himself. I suppose that's to be expected, since the other characters are also really well reflected in their human forms. But Tohri's design matches him especially well. He also has a pretty sweet route to play, since he's really kind towards the player. He has one of the more wholesome routes in the game, as well. Which is surprising considering he specializes in making deadly weapons. But, these are mostly just my opinions. I wanted to talk about him because of how much I liked his route, character, and design. I recently replayed his route and it was surprisingly adorable. I recommend it if you like that kind of stuff. As always, here's a picture of Tohri for you all! Enjoy!

Sunday, March 5, 2023

What time is it? Post time. As promised, I will be talking about the movie When Marnie Was There again today; as a part two to yesterday's post. There will be heavy spoilers though, so proceed with caution. But for those of you who don't know, When Marnie Was There is a somewhat confusing movie that can be a bit difficult to follow at times. It centers around Anna finding a friend in a girl named Marnie, who is only around sometimes. Whenever Anna tries to visit her on her own, Marnie is gone and her house is empty. Because of this, it's implied that Marnie is a ghost from a time long passed. Since Anna and Marnie are around the same age and the girls are very close, many people believe that the two are in love. This is absolutely not true at all. The girls love each other, but they are not in love. You see, Marnie truly is a ghost of the past. But she is not a young girl. The truth is, Marnie is a ghost from Anna's past. At the end, it's revealed that Marnie was Anna's grandmother. Anna was so young that she had forgotten, or perhaps she never knew. The reason Marnie is young when she meets Anna again is most likely so Anna will befriend her, although that was never really confirmed one way or another. But what is confirmed is the relationship between them. Marnie makes sure Anna knows how much she loves her the entire time they're together, and it's important to Marnie that Anna loves her back and forgives her for leaving. Even though Anna didn't know it at the time, it makes sense why Marnie cares for Anna so much. In life, she cared so much for Anna but was never truly able to tell her. So when Anna stumbled upon Marnie's childhood home, it sparked a connection that allowed Marnie to finally tell Anna how much she loved her. So yes, the girls do love each other very much; and they are connected. But it's a familial connection, not a romantic one. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Except for them being family. They are family, so please don't ship Anna and Marnie together. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Heads up! New post incoming! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the movie When Marnie Was There. When Marnie Was There is a Studio Ghibli film from 2014, and it centers around a young girl named Anna. Anna is a shy and anxious girl who struggles with asthma. Even though others around her are kind to her, she struggles with fitting in with them. Because of this, she feels very alone and isolated. But when her asthma becomes too much for her, she's sent to spend the summer with family. While there, she finally meets a young girl who she can be herself with. Through her, she learns more about herself and the world around her. This movie is a slice-of-life fantasy and adventure film. Usually I'd say more about it, but I wanted this post to be a spoiler-free one for those who haven't seen it. So, I'll be talking about it more in detail tomorrow. But if any of you would like to watch it before, Studio Ghibli movies are all available on HBO Max. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, March 3, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the complexities of the Hawk Party in Hatoful Boyfriend. Spoilers ahead! So let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, the Hawk Party is a political division within the game. The Hawk Party focuses on living in a world without humans. Unlike the Dove Party who want to live in peace with the humans, the Hawk Party thinks birds are superior. They also want to stop humans from creating more problems so birds can live peacefully. Despite this, the Hawk Party members we've met so far seem to like humans; or at least tolerate them in Shuu's case. But, why is this? There's virtually no way these characters can be a part of a political party without knowing who they're helping. With Doctor Iwamine, I'm sure he just likes being able to further his research. Tohri Nishikikouji also received funding for his research through this, since he specializes in creating weaponry. Considering the Dove Party is focused on peace, there would be no reason for them to need anyone who specializes in weapons, dissection, or harmful chemicals. Because of this, I often wonder if some are just joining the Hawk Party for their own personal gain. Whether they like humans or not wouldn't matter if they were only doing things to receive funding for their research. Along with this, it would be easier to stop the Hawk Party's plans if you were working from the inside. So if members of the Hawk Party do care for humans, then there's a good chance they only joined for personal reasons. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I thought it was odd that the Hawk Party members we know of don't really seem to care at all about the actual plans of the Hawk Party. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Ryuuji Kawara. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

What time is it? It's time for a list! For today's blog post, I will be listing three yokai from Yokai Watch; along with a picture of each. This is just a list of a few of the yokai I like. They aren't really in any specific order, either. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!


1.) Whisper

2.) Jibanyan

3.) Komasan

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

It's time for another blog post! For today's blog post, I will once again be talking about Doctor Shuu Iwamine from Hatoful Boyfriend. But first, there will be spoilers ahead! So proceed with caution! Now, I know I've talked about him a few times already on here, but I find his psychology to be pretty fascinating. He almost only cares about his research, and he doesn't care at all who knows. But he's considered to be so odd that nobody ever really takes him seriously. He doesn't understand those he talks to much at all, but he's so fixated on his research that he doesn't mind. He doesn't try to fit in, but he somehow still functions perfectly fine in society. This is most likely because of others who helped him get to where he is, but I'm sure he could do well on his own. He also has no remorse for what he does, since nothing is wasted if it's used for research. But, this isn't because he doesn't feel anything. Firstly, he does get along with people well when he interacts with them; as we see in the drama CDs. He does seem a bit off and uncaring, but he's usually very interested in what goes on around him. Along with this, he is the one who volunteered to take care of Miru and Kaku. He doesn't really care for them, but he takes care of them as well as he can because of Ryuuji. It's true that in his route he says he only feels anything for Hiyoko because of the mere exposure effect, but there's a chance this is just how he explains it away for himself. After all, he does mention liking her before the end of the route even happens. Although he does dismiss the Legumentine's beans, it's because of the beans themselves and not because of who gave them to him. He's just so fascinated by small and seemingly meaningless things that he often forgets to care about anything else. He's such a complex person, even though at first he just seems like a stereotypical mad doctor. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I find him so fascinating as a person. Nonetheless, I hope everybirdie still liked this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Shuu with Miru and Kaku! Enjoy!