Monday, March 6, 2023

It's time! Time for what? Well time for a Tohri Nishikikouji appreciation post of course! Hatoful Boyfriend spoilers ahead! For those of you who don't know, Tohri is the ultimate rival of none other than Doctor Shuu Iwamine! The only problem is, Shuu has no idea who he is. Although Tohri is a rather narcissistic and odd bird at times, he's actually really nice. He's kind to the player most of the time, and he's respectful to those around him. I often forget about him because in the main game he's a side character who you only encounter by smashing his cameras to bits. But in reality, he's a really good character. You don't see his human form in the main game, much like the other side characters. But his human form is a perfect reflection of himself. I suppose that's to be expected, since the other characters are also really well reflected in their human forms. But Tohri's design matches him especially well. He also has a pretty sweet route to play, since he's really kind towards the player. He has one of the more wholesome routes in the game, as well. Which is surprising considering he specializes in making deadly weapons. But, these are mostly just my opinions. I wanted to talk about him because of how much I liked his route, character, and design. I recently replayed his route and it was surprisingly adorable. I recommend it if you like that kind of stuff. As always, here's a picture of Tohri for you all! Enjoy!

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