Friday, March 10, 2023

What is a Windblume? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! With the coming of the Windblume Festival, also comes the debate of what a Windblume is. The flowers of before that held this name are long gone, but fans of Genshin Impact still try to figure out what they were. But, there's almost no way of knowing what it was. As far as Mondstadt flowers go, it could be a windwheel aster. This is because they grow in places with a lot of anemo energy. Decarabian had a large amount of anemo energy, and it was always surrounding Old Mondstadt. On the other hand, cecilia flowers also grew in Old Mondstadt; since they grow in windy places. This is why they grow on Starsnatch Cliff. However, we likely won't ever know what the Windblume was. Part of the freedom of Mondstadt is the Windblume Festival, and part of the freedom of the Windblume Festival is choosing your own Windblume. There's nothing more fitting for the city of freedom than the freedom of choosing your own flower every festival. Personally, my Windblume is the cecilia flower. It just seems right. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a bonus, here's a picture of a cecilia. Enjoy!

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