Friday, March 3, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the complexities of the Hawk Party in Hatoful Boyfriend. Spoilers ahead! So let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, the Hawk Party is a political division within the game. The Hawk Party focuses on living in a world without humans. Unlike the Dove Party who want to live in peace with the humans, the Hawk Party thinks birds are superior. They also want to stop humans from creating more problems so birds can live peacefully. Despite this, the Hawk Party members we've met so far seem to like humans; or at least tolerate them in Shuu's case. But, why is this? There's virtually no way these characters can be a part of a political party without knowing who they're helping. With Doctor Iwamine, I'm sure he just likes being able to further his research. Tohri Nishikikouji also received funding for his research through this, since he specializes in creating weaponry. Considering the Dove Party is focused on peace, there would be no reason for them to need anyone who specializes in weapons, dissection, or harmful chemicals. Because of this, I often wonder if some are just joining the Hawk Party for their own personal gain. Whether they like humans or not wouldn't matter if they were only doing things to receive funding for their research. Along with this, it would be easier to stop the Hawk Party's plans if you were working from the inside. So if members of the Hawk Party do care for humans, then there's a good chance they only joined for personal reasons. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I thought it was odd that the Hawk Party members we know of don't really seem to care at all about the actual plans of the Hawk Party. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Ryuuji Kawara. Enjoy!

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