Saturday, March 18, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about the game Love Unholyc. Love Unholyc is an otome game that is available for free on the app store. It's a dating simulator with just a few romanceable characters, but it has an interesting story to make up for it. The story follows the main character, who is a demon/human descendant. Her mixed bloodline gives her extraordinary magical powers, but she's hardly ever used them. Because of this, she isn't very strong. In trying to grow her powers enough in time for her coming-of-age ceremony, she accidentally binds herself to three unsuspecting humans. Through them, she has to gain enough power to complete her coming-of-age ceremony. This game is actually pretty similar to Mystic Messenger. It has call options, real-time chatrooms, and multiple routes you can take. So if any of you like Mystic Messenger, I recommend this game. But be warned! This game is much more mature than Mystic Messenger. It's not too over-the-top, but it can be a bit much. So if that isn't for you, don't play it. It's also important to note that this game has a set main character. You can change her name, but that's all. Although the base game is free to play, it does have in-app purchases, including time tickets; which work pretty much exactly like hourglasses in Mystic Messenger. They allow you to buy back missed chatrooms. As always, I will be including a picture from the game below so you all can see what it looks like. Enjoy!

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