Sunday, March 19, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Love Unholyc. I talked about this game yesterday, but I didn't go into very much detail about the mechanics of the game. So I decided to do another post about it today. Love Unholyc is a dating sim that has real-time chat rooms, video calls, and phone calls. Each phone call takes special phone tickets, video and phone calls can happen during certain parts of the stories. There are a few different routes and paths you can take, and the stories follow along with visual novels and chat rooms. If you miss a chat, you can buy it back with five time tickets. To buy certain items in the game, you have to use acme. Acme is an exchangeable resource you can use to buy various items, and it's relatively easy to collect throughout the game. Along with this, it also has a gacha system where you can obtain various things like more acme, characters, tickets, and other items. Aside from the three main characters, you can unlock quite a few other characters that you can interact with in the character gallery. You can also unlock various photos and such. The three main boys are Sol, Leo, and Jung Hi. However, you can also unlock routes for William and Eater. I will also mention that there are in-app purchases for certain things, but the game can be played entirely for free. I recommend Love Unholyc for those of you who enjoy the layout of Mystic Messenger. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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