Tuesday, March 14, 2023

It's post time! I am aware today is White Day, but I'm going to need some time to get the pictures cooperating so I can properly do a White Day post this year. I apologize for the delay. But in the meantime, I do have a topic I'd like to discuss. For those of you who don't know, Tighnari's English dubbed voice is being replaced in Genshin Impact. I won't be giving the details, since I don't know very much myself. But his original voice actor was acting inappropriately, and has since been officially released from the job. After they find a suitable replacement, his voice lines will gradually be completely replaced. For many fans, this is devastating. His voice fit him really well, and his voice actor always seemed to be a nice person. But, I suppose things aren't always as they seem. This is the first time since the game's release that a character's voice has been replaced. I understand why it happened and why it needed to happen, but this is really upsetting for me. I loved Tighnari's voice, and I thought it fit him very well. Hopefully it doesn't change too much, but there's no reason this should have happened to begin with. Most of the Genshin community and voice actors are really good people, and one thing like this puts a mark on the whole community. People won't even let others enjoy Tighnari anymore because of his voice actor, and that's not fair at all. Tighnari isn't his voice actor. He's a character. Liking him isn't wrong at all, and it's more wrong to ridicule people for liking him. It's also wrong to tell people how they should feel about it. People are allowed to be upset. It's an upsetting thing. It reflects badly on the community, which is already struggling to get along. Not only this, but many people genuinely loved Tighnari's voice. This is a small thing overall, but it's still a pretty big hit to take. Hopefully things will go smoothly, and I hope for nothing but the best for his new voice actor. I also hope people can separate Tighnari enough to give the new voice actor the warm welcome they deserve. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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