Sunday, March 5, 2023

What time is it? Post time. As promised, I will be talking about the movie When Marnie Was There again today; as a part two to yesterday's post. There will be heavy spoilers though, so proceed with caution. But for those of you who don't know, When Marnie Was There is a somewhat confusing movie that can be a bit difficult to follow at times. It centers around Anna finding a friend in a girl named Marnie, who is only around sometimes. Whenever Anna tries to visit her on her own, Marnie is gone and her house is empty. Because of this, it's implied that Marnie is a ghost from a time long passed. Since Anna and Marnie are around the same age and the girls are very close, many people believe that the two are in love. This is absolutely not true at all. The girls love each other, but they are not in love. You see, Marnie truly is a ghost of the past. But she is not a young girl. The truth is, Marnie is a ghost from Anna's past. At the end, it's revealed that Marnie was Anna's grandmother. Anna was so young that she had forgotten, or perhaps she never knew. The reason Marnie is young when she meets Anna again is most likely so Anna will befriend her, although that was never really confirmed one way or another. But what is confirmed is the relationship between them. Marnie makes sure Anna knows how much she loves her the entire time they're together, and it's important to Marnie that Anna loves her back and forgives her for leaving. Even though Anna didn't know it at the time, it makes sense why Marnie cares for Anna so much. In life, she cared so much for Anna but was never truly able to tell her. So when Anna stumbled upon Marnie's childhood home, it sparked a connection that allowed Marnie to finally tell Anna how much she loved her. So yes, the girls do love each other very much; and they are connected. But it's a familial connection, not a romantic one. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Except for them being family. They are family, so please don't ship Anna and Marnie together. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post.

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