Sunday, March 12, 2023

How old is Klee in Genshin Impact? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Firstly, it's important to note that Klee and her mother Alice are from a race who lives a very long time. Alice is hundreds of years old herself and still considered a bit young. Because of this, Klee is technically much older than everyone else. Part of the reason Albedo watches over her is because he does not age much himself. Because of this, they are two people who rarely ever look different. It could have taken Klee decades to get where she is now. However, this doesn't mean she's an adult. She is still technically a child who simply ages slowly. Even if she's older than Jean or some of the others, she is still a child in comparison. It could, and most likely will, take her a very long time to reach adulthood by human standards. If her mother is hundreds of years old, then Klee will take an extremely long time to reach even her teenage years. This means Albedo is the perfect person to watch over her, since he won't grow old before she can watch over herself. In this sense, Klee's race is most likely similar to the adepti. Adepti grow to a certain age and remain that way for centuries, and those are just the half human adepti we know of. We know nothing about Klee's race, so nearly anything is possible. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because fans are often unsure how old she is. We have a few children characters so far, some of which aren't even children. For example, Dori and Sayu are just short. They aren't children. So it's important to know that Klee is a child, despite her long lifespan. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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