Monday, April 30, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about some Death Note references in the episode titled "The Shippening" from the show The Amazing World Of Gumball. While watching some videos, I heard a few people mention this episode of the show having quite a few Death Note references in it. After watching it myself, I actually spotted some of them. So, I thought it would be a good idea to mention it on here. Now then, on with the post! The first reference is very early on in the episode, since the music for the opening title card of this episode closely resembles L's Theme from the Death Note Anime. Secondly, the notebook used in the episode is quite similar to the Death Note. Even though the rules for it are different, it's still pretty similar. Much like how anything happens in their reality if it's written in the notebook in The Shippening, anyone who's name is written in the Death Note will actually die in their reality. Even the way Sarah finds the notebook is a reference to how Light found his Death Note. Along with this, the overly dramatic way Sarah writes in her notebook is similar to the way Light writes in his Death Note. Minus the dramatic arm swipes, that is. But, those aren't the only Anime references made in that episode!As a little bonus, Anime versions of Gumball and Darwin appear in this episode as well, with the Anime version of Gumball being a gender bend. Sarah also mentions that she is an Otaku, and she says the light could kill her because of it. Her shirt even has the Japanese characters for "Otaku" on it. Along with this, I will also be including two pictures from the episode The Shippening down below for reference. Enjoy!

Sarah dramatically writing in her notebook.
The Anime versions of Gumball and Darwin.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

What makes a live-action Anime adaptation good or bad? In the last few years we have been seeing quite a few live-action Anime adaptations. But, unfortunately not all of them are good. One of the most infamous ones that has come out recently is the live-action Death Note movie on Netflix. This movie was very poorly received for a lot of different reasons. Since this is one of the more well-known failed adaptations, I'll be using it as an example for this post. First of all, the main characters were misrepresented and they didn't act like their Anime counterparts. Their names were also changed as well. This is one of the things that makes a live-action adaptation bad. I personally think the characters should at least reflect their Anime counterparts if they are supposed to represent them. Secondly, the storyline for the movie wasn't followed accurately either. Although I don't mind if a movie takes some "creative liberties" with the story, they should at least make it believable for the series. Lastly, the actors used for the movie didn't even vaguely look like the characters in the original series. Even though I don't expect the actors to look exactly like the original characters, I still think a resemblance would help with the whole story. These are just some of the reasons I think some live-action Anime adaptations fail. If any adaptation is going to be made from a series or movie that already exists, I believe the storyline and characters should at least follow the original ones. But, this is mostly just my opinion on it. I hope you guys still enjoy this post, and I hope you guys agree with at least some of it too!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Why is Zen from Mystic Messenger so narcissistic?  First of all, this post may have some spoilers in it, so proceed with caution! Now then, on with the post! On the surface, Zen seems to be a normal guy who is an aspiring actor with a less-than-normal narcissistic personality. This can actually be seen with the amount of selfies he sends you during the game. But, why does he have this narcissistic side? Well, this is where the spoiler part comes in. These are some pretty major spoilers for Zen's route too, so I wouldn't suggest reading the rest of this post if you haven't played his route. Unless you want to spoil it for yourself, that is. Anyways, Zen's narcissism actually comes from his family. More specifically, it comes from his brother. Growing up, Zen's parents always told him that he wasn't handsome, even though he was. But, his brother told him that he was very handsome and that he was special because of it. Even though he stopped talking to his brother and his parents later down the line, he still kept that mentality of thinking of himself as handsome. This mentality eventually ended up contributing to his narcissistic personality. But, this is mostly just my opinion on it though. As a little bonus, I will be including two pictures of Zen below. Enjoy!

Zen when he was younger.
One of the many pictures Zen sends you over the course of the game.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Is L actually the protagonist of Death Note? I know I made a blog post before about Light being the antagonist, so I figured it would be a good idea to talk about L next. Much like my other post, there will be a few spoilers for the series. So, proceed with caution. Now, on with the post! Since I concluded in my other post about Light that he was the antagonist, that would mean L is actually the protagonist. This is because he is technically the driving force of good against Light's driving force of evil. Even though Light was doing it unintentionally. But, that doesn't mean that L is your basic protagonist either. Much like Light, he is willing to do anything to reach his goal. This is shown when he did things like using Lind L. Taylor as his stand-in and stealing Misa's cellphone. Even though he knew that Lind L. Taylor could be killed, he didn't care and did it anyways. However, this could have just been because Lind L. Taylor was already on death row. But, he did steal Misa's cellphone, despite knowing it was a crime. He also lies and uses unethical methods to get the information he needs. So although L is technically the protagonist of the series, that doesn't mean he's innocent. He has a few flaws too. But this is mostly just my opinion, so don't take it too personally! I hope you guys still enjoy this post though, and I hope you guys agree with some of it too!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

How powerful are Unown from Pokémon? These strange and mysterious Pokémon may not seem very powerful at first, but looks can be deceiving. It's hard to say how much power these Pokémon have in the games, but they do seem to be quite powerful in the Anime. They have shown to be able to read minds, and they can even distort reality. But, they could only do this when they were in a large group. In fact, the Unown actually played a large part in the third Pokémon movie. In this movie, they created the large illusion that drove the plot of the whole movie. Other than this though, it's nearly impossible to know exactly how powerful Unown can be. Especially since most of their power comes from working with each other. These Pokémon also live in a separate dimension, so they may or may not have more power there. But from what information we have now, I think it's pretty safe to say that these Pokémon are quite powerful beings. But, they are only powerful when they are together. This is mostly just my opinion on it though. Until we get some more information on them, it's hard to say just how much power these mysterious Unown have. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this post!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Does Miss Kobayashi actually like Tohru? Well that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Although it's obvious that Tohru likes Miss Kobayashi, it seems as though Kobayashi only sees Tohru as a friend. But, does she really? When Tohru first told Kobayashi she liked her, Kobayashi was surprised because they're both girls. But as the series progresses, Kobayashi started growing closer to Tohru. Even so, it looks as if Tohru is still only a friend to Kobayashi. She just thinks of her as a very close friend. However, that doesn't mean that it might not happen in the future. Along with this, it also doesn't mean that this is canonically true either. I guess we'll just have to wait for some new information to see what will happen! This is just my opinion on it though, so don't take it too personally! I hope you guys still enjoy this post too, even though it's a pretty short one compared to some of my others!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Does Absol deserve to be a dark-type Pokémon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. As I stated above, Absol is a dark-type Pokémon. But does it deserve to be one? In Japan, the dark-type is actually the evil-type. However, Absol isn't really an evil Pokémon. It's actually a very useful Pokémon that can sense when a natural disaster is going to happen. Because of this, it would go to people to warn them of the impending disaster. Since a natural disaster would happen soon after an Absol appeared, it was labeled the disaster Pokémon. Therefor, Absol gained a bad reputation for presumably causing the natural disasters instead of appearing before people to warn them of it. So, Absol actually only has the dark-typing because of a misunderstanding. This means it's not actually a bad Pokémon, so Absol doesn't deserve to be considered a dark-type Pokémon. But, this is just my opinion on it. I hope you guys still agree with this post though!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Unown from Pokémon. Unown are psychic type Pokémon, and they are shaped like letters and punctuation marks with eyes. Although they are shaped like ancient writing, nobody knows if the writings came first or if the Unown did. They are also said to resemble hieroglyphs on ancient tablets, and some say the two are related. These Pokémon don't evolve either. They often appear in groups too, and they are quite weak when they are alone. In fact, nothing happens when they are alone. But when there are at least two or more, a strange power is said to emerge. It also seems like they can communicate telepathically with each other too. Contrary to popular belief, their name is actually spelled without a k as well. This is why I've been spelling it as "Unown" instead of "Unknown". Although Unown are rare Pokémon, they are currently not considered to be mythical Pokémon. However, they are still quite mysterious Pokémon. As of right now, not very much is known about these strange Pokémon either. Other than the things I've already mentioned above and the fact that they get stuck on walls a lot, that is.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

If you guys don't know, today is Earth Day! So, I figured it would be a good and extremely appropriate idea to talk about Earth-chan in today's blog post. I know I did a post about her a little while ago, but I'll be mentioning some things on here that I didn't include in the other one. So, this post is more like a part 2. Now then, on with the post! First of all, the idea of Earth-chan was first introduced by a Twitter user called @Trinimmortal. After that first Tweet, the idea of Earth-chan skyrocketed. Some people even want an Earth-chan Anime now. Her creator even Tweeted the idea of an Earth-chan Anime to Crunchyroll. As of right now though, it's hard to say if one will actually be made for her. She has obviously become very popular as well, and tons of fan-art of her has been made because of it. Although she is seen wearing a surgical mask in some of her pictures and is shown to be sick, nobody knows what her illness is. Some people also say that Earth-chan was created to promote recycling and reduce pollution, but it's hard to say if that actually was the reason she was created. If you guys would like to see another picture of her, I will be including a picture that I found on Trinimmortal's Twitter page below. Enjoy! Happy Earth Day!

Saturday, April 21, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the show Violet Evergarden. Violet Evergarden is a Netflix original show, and it currently has 13 episodes and an OVA. It is also based on the light novel of the same name. The show centers mainly around a young girl named Violet Evergarden. After being used as nothing more than a weapon by the military, Violet is left an emotionless shell. When the four year war finally ended, she was forced to become a civilian. Afterwards, she is deeply and emotionally moved into taking a job as an Auto Memories Doll. The show then follows Violet's everyday life as she learns about the emotions of others through her new job and tries to find the true meaning behind the words "I love you". This show is a romantic drama. Although I usually prefer shows with a lot of comedy in them, I would most definitely recommend checking out this show. It has a good storyline, amazing animation, and powerful emotions. But, that's just my opinion on it. If any of you guys would like to check it out for yourself, it is obviously available English dubbed and English subbed on Netflix.

Friday, April 20, 2018

If you guys didn't already know, the Aggretsuko Anime premiered on Netflix today. Obviously this means that this is a Netflix original show. As of right now, it currently has ten episodes available. Of course I have already watched some of them too. This Anime isn't exactly something you would expect from Sanrio, but it's pretty much exactly what you would expect from Aggretsuko. One of the only main differences in the show is that Aggretsuko is actually just called Retsuko instead. The episodes themselves are only 10 to 15 minutes long each too. As for the show itself, it centers mainly around Retsuko and her daily life as she struggles with keeping calm at her ungrateful job. Her bosses give her too much work, and she is a complete pushover at the office. But when she gets mad, she loses her temper and sings karaoke death metal in the bathroom while she's at work. She also goes to a karaoke club after work to let off some steam as well. I personally think this Anime is quite interesting to watch. As you guys may have guessed, this is a comedy and slice-of-life type Anime. If any of you guys would like to check it out for yourself, it is available English dubbed and English subbed on Netflix.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Earth-chan. I actually found out about Earth-chan a while ago. But, I kept forgetting to do a blog post about her. I'm doing a blog post about her now though, so it's better late than never! So, who is Earth-chan? Well, Earth-chan is an anthropomorphic representation of the planet Earth, and she is drawn as an Anime character. She is a young girl, and her hair is blue and green to represent the surface of the Earth. She is also often shown wearing a surgical face mask as well. She likes recycling too. Along with this, there is an ongoing joke of Earth-chan saying she's not flat. This joke is directed towards flat-Earthers, who are people that think the Earth is actually flat. Other than this, I personally don't know very much more about Earth-chan. But, I do think she has a cute design. If any of you guys would like to see what she looks like for yourself, I will include a picture of her below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Today's blog post will be about Kuromi, who is yet another Sanrio character. Kuromi is a tomboy who also secretly likes girly things. She likes reading romance novels and writing in her diary. But on the outside, she has a rather tough appearance. Her favorite color is black, and she loves to cook. The skull on Kuromi's hood changes its facial expression to match her mood as well. Although Kuromi isn't as popular as some of the other Sanrio characters, she still has a decent-sized following. She even appeared in an Anime called Onegai My Melody. In this Anime Kuromi was portrayed as being My Melody's rival, as well as being the main antagonist of the series. Since I just recently found out about this Anime, I can't really say any more about what her role in it was. But, if any of you guys would like to check out Kuromi's official Sanrio page, I will include a link to it below. Enjoy!

The link to Kuromi's official Sanrio page:

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Was Light really the antagonist of Death Note? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But first, I would like to say that there are going to be some spoilers in this post, so proceed with caution! Now on with the post! Since Light Yagami is the main character of Death Note, it's easy to think of him as the protagonist of the series. However, Light isn't an average main character. Instead, he is a liar and a cheater who is willing to do anything to reach his goal. He also manipulates other people and kills anyone who gets in his way. Although he was initially doing it to better the world by ridding the world of criminals, he eventually developed a god complex and a thirst for power. I know it sounds like I'm being biased in this post, but this really is what Light turned into after finding the Death Note. But why is this? Well, the power to kill people with only a name and a face ended up corrupting Light's way of thinking. Because of this, I think Light really was a protagonist to begin with. But, using the Death Note for so long eventually made him forget about his morals and focus only on becoming the god of his new world. Therefor in my personal opinion, Light actually did become the antagonist of the series. But this is just my personal opinion on it, so don't take it too personally!

Monday, April 16, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five English covers sung by Meiko, along with their links. Yes it's true! It's yet another Vocaloid song list! I'm sure you guys are starting to get sick of these by now, so I'll try to take a break from them after this. But, I generally don't mention Vocaloids on here very often. I also don't mention Meiko on here a lot, so it's alright for now. Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoy these songs! Now then, on with the list!

1.) Hello

2.) Bad Apple

3.) Meiko (Originally called Miku)

4.) Stay With Me

5.) Change Me

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Why do so many Anime and manga fans find yanderes attractive? I know I've done a post like this about tsunderes before, so I might as well do one about yanderes as well. But, although I could understand why people like tsunderes, yanderes are an entirely different story. I'm honestly not sure why people like yanderes so much. I suppose it could be because of the danger, or because a yandere would be extremely devoted to the person they love. However, I can almost certainly say that a person would not want a real yandere girlfriend or boyfriend. Yanderes are quite psychotic, and they justify it all by saying it's for the person they love. This is actually why I don't understand why so many people find yanderes attractive. I suppose people think a yandere would be a good boyfriend or girlfriend in theory, but in reality they know it would be a bad idea. I guess I really have no concrete explanation for why people like yanderes. Nonetheless, I hope you guys enjoy this post anyways! And remember, this is just my opinion on it, so don't take it too personally!

Saturday, April 14, 2018

As you guys may or may not know, I really like Studio Ghibli films. Along with this, I also really like the music used in their films. Since I don't talk about Studio Ghibli on here very much, I decided it was time to do another post about it. So for today's blog post, I will be listing five songs from Studio Ghibli films that I personally enjoy listening to, along with their links. These aren't exactly my favorite ones either, since it's so hard to pick favorites out of all of these wonderful songs. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Merry Go Round Of Life (Howl's Moving Castle theme song)

2.) Waltz Katzen Blut (From The Cat Returns)

3.) My Neighbor Totoro theme song (English version)

4.) Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea (English version)

5.) One Summer's Day (From Spirited Away)

Friday, April 13, 2018

Today's blog post will be about first person Anime. As of right now I personally only know of a few Anime series that are in first person. However, I do know that these types of shows usually aren't talked about very much, regardless of how popular they may be. But, it's hard to say why this is. So what is a first person Anime anyways? Well to put it simply, these shows generally have normal romance-based storylines. But instead of having a main protagonist, the viewer is the main protagonist. I have actually watched a couple of these myself. Although I personally don't really like them, I know other Anime fans would most likely enjoy them. Even though they aren't talked about very much, I'm sure these types of shows are more popular than most people let on. I would personally recommend checking at least one of these out as well, since they can be quite the interesting experience. If any of you guys actually would like to check some of these out, I have found them English subbed on Crunchyroll. If you're not sure which ones are in first person, I will include four of them below. Enjoy!

* One Room

* Makuranodanshi

*Room Mate

* Anime De Training! Ex (This one is obviously exercise-based)

Note: I would also like to mention that I haven't watched some of these, so I can't really tell you guys what to expect.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

For today's blog post I will be listing five songs sung by Kasane Teto, along with their links. I usually don't include very many Utauloid songs on here, so I decided to make a list of Kasane Teto songs. This is mostly because she's one of the most popular ones. I would also like to mention that Kasane Teto was initially introduced as an April Fools Day prank, and she was said to be a "new Vocaloid" when she was first released. I just wanted to include that little fun fact in this post because I thought it was pretty cool. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Fukkireta

2.) Kasane Territory

3.) Confront! You Look So Cool!

4.) A Song For You (This one is in English)

5.) Song Of The Eared Robot

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Is Digimon just a Pokémon clone? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post. Now, I know that Digimon and Pokémon do have some similarities, but they're also quite different. Although Pokémon did come out first, Digimon initially started out as a Tamagotchi-style virtual pet instead of as a Gameboy game. Along with this, the Digivolution process in Digimon is usually temporary, where as evolution is a permanent process in Pokémon. They also have different storylines, and obviously they have different characters. Digimon are companions too, like Pokémon are. However, Pokémon are usually caught and collected, whereas in Digimon the characters usually only have one digital monster. Digimon stay out with their companions as well, which is obviously another difference from Pokémon, who are normally caught in Pokeballs. Unlike Pokémon, Digimon are also only in the digital world. But, these are just a few differences between the two that I noticed. So even though they are similar to each other, Pokémon and Digimon are very different as well. It's honestly a bit annoying when people say Digimon is just a Pokémon rip-off when they haven't even watched it. Nevertheless, I hope this post helps you guys out some! I would also like to mention that some of this is just my opinion, so don't take it too personally!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The blog post for today will be about the Vocaloid Yuzuki Yukari. I had actually found her quite a while ago, and I had been meaning to do a blog post about her. But I kept forgetting about it. So, I guess it's better late than never! Anyways, Yuzuki Yukari is a Vocaloid that is distributed by AH-Software Co. Ltd.. But, she's also available as a Voiceroid+, which focuses on speaking instead of singing. She is 18 years old, and she is 5 feet and 3 inches tall. However, her weight is private. Like many of the other Vocaloids, she also doesn't have an official personality. Her birthday is December 22nd as well, and she can currently only speak Japanese. Although she may not be as popular as some of the other Vocaloids, Yuzuki Yukari is still quite popular. Along with this, Yuzuki Yukari actually has a life-size figurine of herself. If any of you are interested in this figurine, I'll include the link to Crunchyroll's article for it below. If any of you guys would also like to hear what she sounds like, here is a link to a song sung by her:

Crunchyroll's article for the life-size figurine:

Monday, April 9, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about yuri and yaoi. Although this is a very popular topic in the Anime and manga community, I've actually been avoiding mentioning it on here because I personally don't like these. However, I figured it would still be a good idea to mention it on here for anyone who might not know what it is. To put it simply, the term yuri is used for girls love, and yaoi is for boys love. This means that yuri is used to refer to two girls who are in a romantic relationship, and yaoi is used to refer to two boys who are in a relationship. Although I personally don't like either of these, I do know that many other Anime fans quite enjoy watching Anime or reading manga that either features it or centers around it. I obviously don't mind if other people like it either, since everyone has their own tastes and preferences. However, I do get a bit annoyed when I see fans of it trying to get other people to check it out even if they say they don't want to. But, I'm getting a bit off topic now. Nevertheless, I hope this post helps out any of you guys who didn't know what these two terms meant!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Today's blog post will be a list of five English Vocaloid covers, along with their links. Since I haven't done a Vocaloid blog post in a while, I decided it would be a good idea to list some Vocaloid covers for today's post. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Rather Be - Hatsune Miku

2.) Symphony - Kaito

3.) Deja Vu - Rin And Len Kagamine

4.) Bad Apple - Meiko

5.) Last Night, Good Night - Megurine Luka

Saturday, April 7, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing five Anime or Vocaloid based original animation memes. I don't really have a reason for this list, I just thought it would be a good idea. As usual I will also be including the links to the videos as well. Now then, on with the list!

1.) Baka

2.) Baku Baku Nya Nya

3.) WEEB


5.) Copycat

Friday, April 6, 2018

Today's blog post will be about OCs. Although OCs aren't necessarily exclusive to the Anime community, I figured it would still be a good topic to talk about. But before I do that, I would like to mention that I have once again been seeing Kirimichan pop up on Sanrio's official website since I finished yesterday's blog post. Now then, on with the post! Firstly, the term OC stands for "Original Character". This means the artist had created the character they are using themself. I myself have seen a lot of OCs in different fandoms like My Little Pony and Steven Universe, along with quite a few others. However, OCs are also quite popular in the Anime and manga community, and I actually see OCs in this art styling more often than not. Although I generally don't look specifically for OCs, I have found quite a few nice ones through things like animation memes. But, that's basically all I can say about OCs. Honestly, they're a pretty simple topic to explain. Although this was a pretty short post compared to some of my others, I hope it still helped you guys out some!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Kirimichan. Kirimichan is another one of Sanrio's many characters. However, I did not include her in the list I made yesterday. This is because I had found Kirimichan on Sanrio's website before, but recently it has been very hard to find her through their website. She is no longer in their character list, and she doesn't even come up if you search for her anymore. However, I have found her page on Sanrio's website through Google. I think this is because Kirimichan isn't as popular as she was before. Now that I've explained why I didn't include her in my list, I will tell you some things about her. First of all, Kirimichan is a salmon fillet. Although her gender isn't specified in her bio on Sanrio's website, I have seen Kirimichan be referred to as a girl on multiple different websites. So, I am doing the same. She is also a star in the sliced food world, and she has her own theme song that she sings herself. Of course I will be linking her song below. Along with this, Kirimichan and her friends also have human forms. Their human forms were supposed to be used for things like animations and games, but it is currently unclear if they will still be used or not. Nevertheless, I will link the promotional video that debuted their human forms below. I will also be including another link for Kirimichan's official Sanrio page, and one more for her bio on Sanrio's official website. Enjoy!

The link to Kirimichan's theme song:

The link to the promotional video:

* Note: The videos are in Japanese.

The link to Kirimichan's Sanrio page:

The link to Kirimichan's bio:

* Note: The bio also includes some of Kirimichan's friends.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be making a list of the different Sanrio characters. I figured it would be a good idea to list them all on here since I will be talking about some of them in future posts. I have already talked about a few of them before as well. But, I would like to say that I won't be including the Mr. Men or Little Miss characters on this list because they are part of a different character line. Now then, on with the list!

* Hello Kitty

* My Melody

* Pompompurin

* Cinnamoroll

* Badtz-Maru

* Kiki And Lala - The Little Twin Stars

* Aggretsuko

* Gudetama

* Chococat

* Hangyodon

* Keroppi

* Monkichi

* Hummingmint

* Kuromi

* Pochacco

* Marumofubiyori

* Tuxedosam

* Minna No Tabo

I personally found all of these characters through Sanrio's official website. So if any of you guys would like to check these characters out for yourself, here is the link to Sanrio's official website:

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Badtz-Maru. As I stated before, I will be doing multiple posts about the different Sanrio characters because there are so many to choose from. So, today I will be continuing it with this post about Badtz-Maru. Badtz-Maru is a mischievous penguin that lives in Gorgeoustown. Along with this, he lives with his mother and his pinball playing father. He also has a pet alligator named Pochi. He attracts a lot of attention when he walks it too. Badtz-Maru currently just rolls his eyes at his life in Gorgeoustown, but he has dreams of greatness for when he grows up. Although he's not as popular as Hello Kitty, Badtz-Maru is still quite a popular character. He is even one of the few characters that appeared in Sanrio Boys, with the others being Hello Kitty, Pompompurin, the Little Twin Stars, Cinnamoroll, My Melody, and Keroppi. He is also one of the few characters to actually have an attitude, and he's not specifically marketed towards boys or girls. If any of you guys would like to check out his official Sanrio page, I will include a link to it below. Enjoy!

The link to Badtz-Maru's official Sanrio page:

Monday, April 2, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be listing ten fun facts about the main characters from Mystic Messenger. Some of the fun facts may be pretty obvious, and some of them may contain minor spoilers for the game. But, I hope you enjoy them anyways! Now then, on with the list!

1.) Seven sometimes cross-dresses, and the player can get multiple pictures of him doing so.

2.) The school Yoosung goes to is the Sky National University.

3.) Jaehee doesn't actually need to wear glasses.

4.) Because Jumin is used to being driven by a chauffeur, he himself is a terrible driver.

5.) Zen can heal incredibly fast.

6.) Jumin likes striped patterns and symmetrical patterns.

7.) Seven attended college and graduated early when he was younger.

8.) Jaehee loves coffee.

9.) Zen does smoke, but he also wants to quit.

10.) Yoosung can cook.

*Bonus Fact*
All of the characters in the game are actually said to be a year older than they actually are. This is because East Asia considers a newborn baby to be a year old already. For example, Seven is 21 years old internationally, but his Korean age is 22. Despite this, all of the characters still keep their original Korean ages in the English version of the game.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Well guys, it's been a long journey. I want to thank you all for supporting me. But, I have to inform you that today is....April Fools Day! Gotcha! But it's also Easter today, so it's a double holiday! So I present to you my double-holiday blog post! As per usual, I will be including some Easter themed Anime pictures in today's post because there aren't very many Easter themed Anime episodes or specials. Actually, I'm not sure if there are any Easter themed Anime specials. Anyways, I will only be including three pictures this time instead of five. This is so I can also mention something for April Fools Day afterwards. But, I would like to mention again that I don't own any of these pictures. So, credits to the artists. (I'm not sure who they are.) Enjoy! Happy Easter!

Now then, onto the April Fools Day part! Mystic Messenger actually has extra DLC specifically for April Fools Day, and it costs 60 hourglasses to unlock. I'm actually currently playing it myself to help celebrate the holiday. But, I won't say very much about it because it only goes on for one day, which makes it very easy to spoil parts of it. However, I will say that I found it to be quite confusing. Nonetheless, I will also include a picture of Seven from the April Fools Day DLC below. Enjoy! Happy April Fools Day!