Thursday, April 19, 2018

The blog post for today will be about Earth-chan. I actually found out about Earth-chan a while ago. But, I kept forgetting to do a blog post about her. I'm doing a blog post about her now though, so it's better late than never! So, who is Earth-chan? Well, Earth-chan is an anthropomorphic representation of the planet Earth, and she is drawn as an Anime character. She is a young girl, and her hair is blue and green to represent the surface of the Earth. She is also often shown wearing a surgical face mask as well. She likes recycling too. Along with this, there is an ongoing joke of Earth-chan saying she's not flat. This joke is directed towards flat-Earthers, who are people that think the Earth is actually flat. Other than this, I personally don't know very much more about Earth-chan. But, I do think she has a cute design. If any of you guys would like to see what she looks like for yourself, I will include a picture of her below. Enjoy!

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