Sunday, April 22, 2018

If you guys don't know, today is Earth Day! So, I figured it would be a good and extremely appropriate idea to talk about Earth-chan in today's blog post. I know I did a post about her a little while ago, but I'll be mentioning some things on here that I didn't include in the other one. So, this post is more like a part 2. Now then, on with the post! First of all, the idea of Earth-chan was first introduced by a Twitter user called @Trinimmortal. After that first Tweet, the idea of Earth-chan skyrocketed. Some people even want an Earth-chan Anime now. Her creator even Tweeted the idea of an Earth-chan Anime to Crunchyroll. As of right now though, it's hard to say if one will actually be made for her. She has obviously become very popular as well, and tons of fan-art of her has been made because of it. Although she is seen wearing a surgical mask in some of her pictures and is shown to be sick, nobody knows what her illness is. Some people also say that Earth-chan was created to promote recycling and reduce pollution, but it's hard to say if that actually was the reason she was created. If you guys would like to see another picture of her, I will be including a picture that I found on Trinimmortal's Twitter page below. Enjoy! Happy Earth Day!

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