Sunday, April 29, 2018

What makes a live-action Anime adaptation good or bad? In the last few years we have been seeing quite a few live-action Anime adaptations. But, unfortunately not all of them are good. One of the most infamous ones that has come out recently is the live-action Death Note movie on Netflix. This movie was very poorly received for a lot of different reasons. Since this is one of the more well-known failed adaptations, I'll be using it as an example for this post. First of all, the main characters were misrepresented and they didn't act like their Anime counterparts. Their names were also changed as well. This is one of the things that makes a live-action adaptation bad. I personally think the characters should at least reflect their Anime counterparts if they are supposed to represent them. Secondly, the storyline for the movie wasn't followed accurately either. Although I don't mind if a movie takes some "creative liberties" with the story, they should at least make it believable for the series. Lastly, the actors used for the movie didn't even vaguely look like the characters in the original series. Even though I don't expect the actors to look exactly like the original characters, I still think a resemblance would help with the whole story. These are just some of the reasons I think some live-action Anime adaptations fail. If any adaptation is going to be made from a series or movie that already exists, I believe the storyline and characters should at least follow the original ones. But, this is mostly just my opinion on it. I hope you guys still enjoy this post, and I hope you guys agree with at least some of it too!

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