Monday, April 9, 2018

For today's blog post, I will be talking about yuri and yaoi. Although this is a very popular topic in the Anime and manga community, I've actually been avoiding mentioning it on here because I personally don't like these. However, I figured it would still be a good idea to mention it on here for anyone who might not know what it is. To put it simply, the term yuri is used for girls love, and yaoi is for boys love. This means that yuri is used to refer to two girls who are in a romantic relationship, and yaoi is used to refer to two boys who are in a relationship. Although I personally don't like either of these, I do know that many other Anime fans quite enjoy watching Anime or reading manga that either features it or centers around it. I obviously don't mind if other people like it either, since everyone has their own tastes and preferences. However, I do get a bit annoyed when I see fans of it trying to get other people to check it out even if they say they don't want to. But, I'm getting a bit off topic now. Nevertheless, I hope this post helps out any of you guys who didn't know what these two terms meant!

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