Thursday, April 26, 2018

How powerful are Unown from Pokémon? These strange and mysterious Pokémon may not seem very powerful at first, but looks can be deceiving. It's hard to say how much power these Pokémon have in the games, but they do seem to be quite powerful in the Anime. They have shown to be able to read minds, and they can even distort reality. But, they could only do this when they were in a large group. In fact, the Unown actually played a large part in the third Pokémon movie. In this movie, they created the large illusion that drove the plot of the whole movie. Other than this though, it's nearly impossible to know exactly how powerful Unown can be. Especially since most of their power comes from working with each other. These Pokémon also live in a separate dimension, so they may or may not have more power there. But from what information we have now, I think it's pretty safe to say that these Pokémon are quite powerful beings. But, they are only powerful when they are together. This is mostly just my opinion on it though. Until we get some more information on them, it's hard to say just how much power these mysterious Unown have. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still enjoy this post!

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