Friday, April 13, 2018

Today's blog post will be about first person Anime. As of right now I personally only know of a few Anime series that are in first person. However, I do know that these types of shows usually aren't talked about very much, regardless of how popular they may be. But, it's hard to say why this is. So what is a first person Anime anyways? Well to put it simply, these shows generally have normal romance-based storylines. But instead of having a main protagonist, the viewer is the main protagonist. I have actually watched a couple of these myself. Although I personally don't really like them, I know other Anime fans would most likely enjoy them. Even though they aren't talked about very much, I'm sure these types of shows are more popular than most people let on. I would personally recommend checking at least one of these out as well, since they can be quite the interesting experience. If any of you guys actually would like to check some of these out, I have found them English subbed on Crunchyroll. If you're not sure which ones are in first person, I will include four of them below. Enjoy!

* One Room

* Makuranodanshi

*Room Mate

* Anime De Training! Ex (This one is obviously exercise-based)

Note: I would also like to mention that I haven't watched some of these, so I can't really tell you guys what to expect.

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