Friday, April 27, 2018

Is L actually the protagonist of Death Note? I know I made a blog post before about Light being the antagonist, so I figured it would be a good idea to talk about L next. Much like my other post, there will be a few spoilers for the series. So, proceed with caution. Now, on with the post! Since I concluded in my other post about Light that he was the antagonist, that would mean L is actually the protagonist. This is because he is technically the driving force of good against Light's driving force of evil. Even though Light was doing it unintentionally. But, that doesn't mean that L is your basic protagonist either. Much like Light, he is willing to do anything to reach his goal. This is shown when he did things like using Lind L. Taylor as his stand-in and stealing Misa's cellphone. Even though he knew that Lind L. Taylor could be killed, he didn't care and did it anyways. However, this could have just been because Lind L. Taylor was already on death row. But, he did steal Misa's cellphone, despite knowing it was a crime. He also lies and uses unethical methods to get the information he needs. So although L is technically the protagonist of the series, that doesn't mean he's innocent. He has a few flaws too. But this is mostly just my opinion, so don't take it too personally! I hope you guys still enjoy this post though, and I hope you guys agree with some of it too!

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