Tuesday, February 28, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about the problem with anime. Anime has many issues and such, but one of the biggest problems is how they portray body image. For example, How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift shows the main character as "fat" and "unhealthy", even though she's actually very thin. She barely has any extra weight at all, and you'd never know if it wasn't constantly pointed out. It just makes girls even more self conscious than usual. It's also an issue in Kiss Him, Not Me, where most of the boys only like her when she's thin and pretty; even though she's the same person either way. It isn't just a problem for girls, either. Most anime portrays guys as conventionally attractive and buff. If they're even a little less attractive, they usually make them out to be awful guys who nobody likes. It's also very common for certain guy stereotypes to be seen as ugly by all of the other characters in a series. Because of this, anyone who watches an anime that points these things out and makes fun of them for it will often feel horrible and self-loathing if they share any of the characteristics of the characters. Anime often isn't based in reality, but it can still reflect badly on people. It isn't bad to joke about certain things, but it shouldn't be an ongoing thing where the only joke is how ugly someone is. People often can't really change the way they look, and it's harmful when things reflect on real life. People of all ages watch anime, and things like that can really change the way someone thinks of themselves. Especially if they look or act a lot like the poor punching bag in question. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, February 27, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! For todays blog post, I will be talking about Hato Moa's Twitter account. Since I've been getting into Hatoful Boyfriend again, I rediscovered Hato Moa's Twitter account. Although it's mostly in Japanese (for obvious reasons), she actually posts very often. She posts about her daily life and interests, but she also posts exclusive artwork for Hatoful Boyfriend. She posts pictures of her journals as well, which often also have Hatoful Boyfriend pictures included in them. I don't normally talk about Twitter pages or Instagram accounts unless they're officially run by a company, but Hato Moa's is one of the ones I find genuinely interesting. The things she finds and talks about are pretty cool and interesting, and it's super fun to get surprise pieces of artwork from her. She also talks about her games a bit here and there, and it's fun to see what inspired her to write Hatoful Boyfriend and how much work she puts into her projects. Normally I would just mention her Hatoful Boyfriend comments, but I've noticed she doesn't get much interaction on her social media accounts unless it's specifically Hatoful Boyfriend stuff. Although I understand that, I'm sure it can be a bit draining to see people only ever care about one thing. Creators deserve a lot of support, especially when they make something that so many people love. I know it may not seem like much to most people, but creating things takes a lot of work! So the creators need some appreciation too! But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a link to Hato Moa's official Twitter page below; as well as a picture of Tohri Nishikikouji from her Twitter page. Enjoy!

Hato Moa's Twitter page: https://twitter.com/moa810

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Who is the one thousandth Pokemon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! After many years and many new generations, Pokemon has finally reached over 1,000 Pokemon. So who has earned this high honor? It's (drumroll please) Gholdengo! Yay! I have talked about Gholdengo before, but that was mostly just about how much I disliked Gholdengo as an evolution for Gimmighoul. On its own, Gholdengo doesn't have a bad design. It looks pretty friendly, and it actually makes sense for it to be the one thousandth Pokemon. Gholdengo is said to be made up of 1,000 coins, which is a neat little nod to it being the one thousandth Pokemon. After all the time that's passed, it's hard to believe we've already made it to 1,000. There are so many that even I forget some occasionally! None of them are perfect, but every Pokemon has its fans. Even Trubbish. With each new generation comes even more Pokemon, so eventually we may even have a two thousandth Pokemon! But in the meantime, I look forward to seeing which Pokemon will come next. Hopefully some will be Eeveelutions. But, I digress. These are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a picture of Gholdengo below. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Does Nageki know how old he's supposed to be in Hatoful Boyfriend? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But first, I'd like to mention a few things. First of all, spoilers ahead! So proceed with caution! Secondly, I apologize for making yet another Hatoful Boyfriend post today. I haven't been doing well for a while now, and it took me a long time to even just come up with this. When I'm feeling down, I tend to latch onto one thing; since it helps me feel a bit better. But, I understand why that would be annoying to others. Still, thank you all for your patience. Now then, let's get on with it. For those of you who don't know, Nageki is supposed to be 20 years old, but is physically 15 because he stopped aging. He spends all of his days in the library, and watches seasons and people pass by him. But, does he know he's stopped aging? This has actually been talked about in the series. Though he has no memories, he does have a sense of time loss. In the main game, he mentions being trapped in the library; as well as being unnoticeable by other people. After five years in the library, he's come to accept it. But in the Hatoful Boyfriend drama CD, there's a journal entry from Nageki that talks about this very thing. In it he mentions watching others grow up and leave the school, while he's still there. He mentions that it's just his own clock that has stopped ticking, and he seems very confused about why he hasn't aged at all. He knows time is passing, and he knows he should be following it. So mentally, he's older than he is physically. He knows he's supposed to be older, and has forgotten why he isn't. He may even know how old he's supposed to be at the start of the game, or he may just know he's meant to be older than he is. Either way, he knows he isn't supposed to be 15 anymore. After watching others age and watching the seasons pass, he knows he's too young. Since he's been in the library for five years now, he's even seen his own classmates finish school without him, and he's seen new batches of students come in as well. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It has been confirmed that Nageki knows he isn't really 15 anymore, but with the loss of his memories I doubt he knows how old he is. In the mirror timeline, I hope he's aged up to where he's supposed to be like the others, and not kept young for the sake of a dating sim. I much prefer a solid continuity. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, February 24, 2023

What time is it? Post time! Today I bring exciting news! Hato Moa has been working on a new game! She has been on the production team for Sushi Ben, and she's been putting a lot of work into it! It was announced recently on her official Twitter, and she's been posting many informative statuses regarding the new game. Hato Moa is the writer of Sushi Ben, so that would explain why she's been so busy. It also explains the long delay for Hatoful Boyfriend: Mirror, which she mentioned in one of her English posts. Hopefully this means Hatoful Boyfriend: Mirror will be completed soon! But in the meantime, it's important to support her now with this new project. Everyone has been working very hard on Sushi Ben, so I recommend playing it if you can. Sushi Ben will be a VR game, and it has an anime inspired art style. It looks like a well put together game, and it seems to be pretty fun too. Admittedly, I don't know very much about it at the moment. Instead, I will be including the link to Hato Moa's official Twitter page so you all can read about it yourselves. Enjoy!

Hato Moa's Twitter: https://twitter.com/moa810

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Why didn't Haru stay a cat in The Cat Returns? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! However, there will be spoilers ahead. So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! This may seem like an odd question, since Haru obviously was not interested in being a cat in the movie. She didn't like it at all, and seeing herself become more cat-like throughout the film upsets her. But there are moments when it doesn't upset her. This can be seen when she's with the baron. This is first seen in the ballroom dance scene, where she considers staying a cat because of her infatuation with the baron. She also clearly likes him in other parts during the film, and even admits it to him before the end. So if she likes the baron, why didn't she stay a cat? Well, I have a few theories. The first one is, she wanted to be able to return to her normal life afterwards. This one is the most likely, since she seems to enjoy her new life after. The second one is, she may have just realized the baron isn't a real cat anyways. No matter how long she waits, there's a chance he'll always be there at the bureau. As she grows older, she may also forget about him entirely. The third option is, she may have just preferred being a human. The thought of being a cat forever and never being able to go back home again would most likely be too much for a young girl like Haru. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. There's a really good chance Haru just didn't want to be a cat. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! For no particular reason, here's a picture of the baron and Haru! Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing reasons for why you, need a Shuu Iwamine from Hatoful Boyfriend in your life. This post is obviously just for fun, so please don't take it too seriously. Now then, let's get on with it!

1.) He's a doctor, so he can help you if you're injured!

2.) He makes his own medicine, so he can probably help you before anyone else! Or possibly kill you.

3.) He's really smart, too. What a great trait to have in a companion!

4.) He needs glasses and is almost blind without them, so he has an easily accessible weakness! But if he gets them back, you should probably run.

5.) He's handy with a cleaver! So maybe he's a good cook? He most likely is. Which is also, a really good trait to have.

These are just some of the reasons why Dr. Iwamine would make a great companion! There are so many already here, but I'm sure there are more. So go ahead and adopt this doctor today! But don't actually do that because he's amazingly dangerous for having poor vision and a bad arm. As a little bonus, here's a picture of him! Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing my favorite Hatoful Boyfriend characters from my favorite to my least favorite. Please keep in mind that this list is just based on my opinions, and I don't hate any of these characters. This is also just the main characters, excluding Hiyoko. The side characters may be for a different list. So let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Nageki Fujishiro

2.) Shuu Iwamine

3.) Kazuaki Nanaki

4.) Ryouta Kawara

5.) Yuuya Sakazaki

6.) Anghel Higure

7.) Okosan

8.) Sakuya Le Bel Shirogane

Monday, February 20, 2023

It's time for a list! So for today's blog post, I will be listing five bird Pokemon; along with a picture of each. These Pokemon are birds, and that's all. Since I've been talking about Hatoful Boyfriend a lot recently, I decided to take a little break. But that does not mean you're safe from the birds yet. Enjoy!

1.) Pidgey

2.) Taillow

3.) Wingull

4.) Fletchling

5.) Wattrel

Sunday, February 19, 2023

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the problem with main characters in otome games. As many of you may know, all games have main characters. They're always who you play as, and with otome games that main character is usually you. The only issue is, main characters always have to have a set appearance and personality. Some get around this by giving a lot of options and letting you customize the character's appearance. Others don't show the character at all. This can be seen with Hatoful Boyfriend. Hiyoko does not, and presumably will not, have a canon appearance. This was done so the player would feel more like her. Despite this, nothing will change the fact that many players are nothing like her; especially since the fans have created a design of her themselves. On the other hand, Obey Me made the main character a sheep. This was done so they could still use a main character that doesn't look like anyone in particular so the players still feel connected to them. I think this was one of the more clever ways to include a main character, since it still let players be themselves while also adding in a cute little joke as well. However, the main problem with otome games is how impersonal they are. If you have one with a lot of choices, then most of the time the main character doesn't look like you. If you have one with a set storyline, then most of the time the main character also doesn't act like you. If you have one with no personality whatsoever, then suddenly it's weird that anyone would even pay attention to this person at all. Even Mystic Messenger falls into this problem, since the MC doesn't have a set personality but she does have a set appearance that many people can't connect to. I suppose all that matters about a game is how much you enjoy it, and not really how much you relate to it. But sometimes it's nice to be immersed in a game. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Is Shuu Iwamine capable of love in Hatoful Boyfriend? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Spoilers ahead! Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, Shuu is one of the romanceable characters in Hatoful Boyfriend. However, his route is different from the others. No matter how much time you spend with him, or how many times you side with him, he just doesn't like you. Even after everything, he doesn't care about you. The main character is just an inconvenience, standing in the way of his ultimate goals. Now some may say "But he does love the main character in his second ending!", but that isn't true either. He doesn't love her. He's just grown used to having her around, and even refers to her as an object instead of a person. So, is he even capable of loving someone at all? I think he may be. Firstly, there's a good chance he just isn't interested in anyone at the moment. As far as he's concerned, a partner would get in his way of research. A partner like Hiyoko would definitely get in his way, since she doesn't care for any of the things he likes. Why would he love someone who kept him from pursuing his passions? However, there is someone else he did care for: Ryuuji Kawara. He was a good friend to him, and even looked after Ryouta for him. Ryuuji may have been much different than Shuu, but they had similar interests; and Ryuuji treated him well. There is a chance Shuu doesn't want to get attached to anyone again, but there's a really good chance he just doesn't want anyone to hold him back. He can grow to care for people and things over time; he just doesn't do it very often. Because of this, I think he would care for someone who had similar interests to him. That, or he would care for someone who could help progress his research in some way. Either because they could help him, or because they could become a research subject themself. However, I'm not sure if the last one could really be considered love. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Shuu! Enjoy!

Friday, February 17, 2023

It's Kaito's birthday! Happy birthday Kaito! For those of you who don't know, Kaito is a Crypton Vocaloid. Although he isn't as popular as Hatsune Miku, he actually came out a while before her. Kaito and Meiko were released before the other Crypton Vocaloids, which means they don't have numbers or ages like the others do. Kaito is speculated to be anywhere from young adult to middle aged, although it's impossible to know his age for sure. He doesn't get as much attention as other Crypton Vocaloids, but he's actually my favorite. Since he's the only one whose birthday I remember every year, I suppose that's pretty obvious. However, he is getting a bit more attention thanks to Project Sekai. He's also officially turning seventeen this year. As always, I will be including a special birthday picture of Kaito below to help celebrate. Enjoy! Happy Birthday Kaito!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! I know I've been talking about Hatoful Boyfriend a lot recently, but it's mostly because I'm kind of obsessed with it. It has a good story, and I love the characters. But there isn't a ton of content between the two games we currently have. But worry not! Because there's actually more content for fans of the series. There's also books and drama CDs. The books are available in Japanese and English on Amazon. Each one only costs a few dollars, but they aren't very long. They're just fun little additions to the story. Even Kazuaki-kun got a book! The drama CDs are also good additions to the lore, and there's some fun little one-off adventures. The drama CDs were never released in English, but some good folks on the internet have provided English translations for them. There are even English subbed videos of the CDs on YouTube so you can follow along with the stories. The audio drama CDs also let fans actually hear what these little birdies sound like. They give more in-depth looks into their personalities as well, and some of the stories add some important lore. I highly recommend checking them out if you haven't already. Along with this, Hato Moa has also uploaded drawings of the characters on her official Twitter account, as well as some other places. Most of which can be found on the gallery pages of the Hatoful Boyfriend wiki. It's a bit disappointing that we still haven't gotten new content for the series, but at least we already have more content than just the games. I just hope we get even more soon. I can't wait to see these birdy boys again! Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Nageki! Enjoy!


Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Why are there so many disappointing starter evolutions in Pokemon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There are quite a few disappointing evolutions when it comes to starter Pokemon. Although this isn't exclusive to starter Pokemon, it is more noticeable with starter Pokemon. Starter Pokemon are obviously the Pokemon you start your journey with. Each new game has a new batch, with the starters always being grass, water, and fire types. The baby Pokemon are usually really adorable, and great introductions to the games. But then they evolve, and then they evolve again. The middle evolutions are usually pretty great as well, but the final evolutions are....not great. Of course this isn't the case with all starter Pokemon, and I'm sure all of them have their fans. But most of the time fans are super disappointed with their final evolutions. You work really hard to level up your Pokemon, you give it all of your love and attention, you grow to love this Pokemon, and then it evolves. Now it isn't cute and sweet. Now it's big and it looks much different; and it just doesn't look as charming anymore. This can be seen with Oshawott's evolution line, Litten's evolution line, Piplup's evolution line, Chespin's evolution line, and so on and so forth. There are quite a few Pokemon who have pretty bad evolutions, but it's so common with starter Pokemon. It really shouldn't be, because even now they're supposed to be used as introductions to the games. Of course there are good evolution lines like Rowlett's line, Froakie's line, and Snivy's line; but it really feels like every generation has a disappointing starter Pokemon. Whenever fans choose a starter based on how cute it is, they often end up disappointed by the end. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this because I was looking at starter Pokemon and noticed just how many of them looked almost entirely different by their last evolution. I think people tend to like evolutions better when they actually look like the Pokemon they used to be in some way. At the very least, that's how I feel. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

It's Valentine's Day! Normally for Valentine's Day I'll list otome games or romantic anime things, but this year I'm doubling down on Hatoful Boyfriend. That's right! More birds! Almost every route in the game ends on Legumentine's Day, which is obviously the in-world equivalent of Valentine's Day. Not only this, but Hatoful Boyfriend Holiday Star also has a Legumentine's Day special that features Tohri Nishikikouji. Holiday Star also has the shrine dates, which are good even though they aren't really Valentine's Day related. Hatoful Boyfriend has a wide variety of characters, as well. Not only is there the main cast of characters, but there are some extra hidden characters too. Although a couple of them aren't romanceable, others are. Now some of you may ask "Are you just talking about Hatoful Boyfriend so much because you're hoping you'll get more content for it?" and to that I say, you ask too many questions. Instead you should be playing this great dating simulator! There's a bit less romance in the base game than other dating simulators, since it follows a somewhat set track until the end. However, the bonding time you get with the characters is really nice; and it helps it feel more natural and less rushed when the ending does come. Each route takes roughly an hour to finish in its entirety, unless you're skipping past the parts you've already seen multiple times. I truly do really enjoy this game, and I love the characters that came with it. So if you're looking for a good dating simulator for the holiday, I recommend this one. Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Monday, February 13, 2023

It's the day before Valentine's Day. Tensions are running high. Some people are single, some people are just being let down by their partners, some people just can't be with their partners. They're bored and lonely and feeling like nothing can bring them back from this. Which is why I'm here to make the case for Hatoful Boyfriend. Yes, the pigeon game. As many of you know, it's also a dating simulator. Why be let down again when pigeons are lining up to date you? Hatoful Boyfriend is actually a very well put together dating game. It's funny and the characters are charming, and there are even human versions of the characters if your brain won't let you forget that you're dating a bird. Everyone has a human form except for Okosan, and he's more of a friend anyways. The shrine date in Holiday Star has the option to only see their bird or human form, and the base game of Hatoful Boyfriend lets you choose if you want to see them as humans or not when they're introduced. There are many characters to choose from, and the amount of times you can replay this game is pretty good. The characters tend to have multiple different endings, and the game can be pretty serious at times. It can be a bit tedious replaying the same sections over and over for the different endings, but the endings you get make it worth your time. There's even a Valentine's Day part in every route of Hatoful Boyfriend, so it's pretty much a Valentine's Day game anyways. For those of you who think I'm kidding, I'm mostly serious. I really do recommend this game. Go on, play it! Date that bird! Grow attached to those birds! Become obsessed with them! I don't know! Don't date real birds! And most importantly, have a Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

What time is it? Post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the differences between Hitori Uzune and Kazuaki Nanaki. But before I continue, there are major spoilers in this post! So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, the Kazuaki Nanaki we meet in the Hatoful Boyfriend game is actually Hitori Uzune. Hitori is a teacher who is pretty much Nageki's older brother. They came from the same orphanage, and he takes care of him and considers Nageki family. In the mirror timeline, we can see Hitori for who he really is. He's kind, compassionate, intelligent, level-headed, and he treats everyone equally. He even puts up with Kazuaki despite being overwhelmed by his clingy nature. So, why does he act so differently as Mr.Nanaki? It's important to note that he isn't pretending to be like Kazuaki in the slightest. Kazuaki-kun is much more emotional and clingy, which isn't anything like how Hitori acts as Kazuaki. Firstly, he does still act similar to how he was before. He's kind, caring, and understanding. However, he's much slower. This is because his guilt and depression makes him extremely tired. This can be seen with how often he falls asleep, and there's a good chance he also has trouble sleeping at night. He also puts on a bit of an act so Shuu doesn't figure out who he is. Since nobody else met Kazuaki-kun before the incident, it makes sense why Hitori would just make up a different personality. He's also pretty detached from who he really is as Kazuaki, so this is most likely another reason why he acts so differently. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Not very much is known about Hitori at the moment, other than the little glimpses we've gotten from Holiday Star. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, February 11, 2023

It's time for another blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the odd ages of Nageki and Kazuaki-kun in Hatoful Boyfriend. But there will be spoilers! So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who somehow don't know, Nageki and Kazuaki-kun are dead in the current series. They both died a few years before the current events take place. Nageki was 15 and has been in the library for five years, which would make him about 20 years old if he was still alive. Kazuaki-kun was around 20, and he would be around 24 years old now. But this isn't the weird part. The weird part is that they don't age in the mirror timeline. Nageki is still only 15, and that's just incorrect. I understand the main character is 16, but that hasn't mattered before. In the original game, Shuu (who is 26) and Mr.Nanaki (who is 25) were both available love interests. This means there's really no reason why Nageki couldn't continue being a love interest if he was aged up to his proper age. It's difficult to tell if Kazuaki-kun was aged up properly, but I think it would be extremely strange if neither of them were. Perhaps Nageki just wasn't aged up because it would be difficult to make a new model for one shrine date, or because it wouldn't really make sense for him to be at a high school at 20 years old. There's a chance he and Kazuaki-kun will be their proper ages in Hatoful Boyfriend: Mirror, but there's no way of knowing that now. Regardless, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. But as always, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, February 10, 2023

It's post time! Every so often I decide to go and look for more Hatoful Boyfriend information. Announcements, developments, and others of the like. But no matter how long I wait, or how hard I look, I'm always disappointed to find that nothing has changed. There's still no word on Hatoful Boyfriend: Mirror or anything else. There's still the same books available, although the web series is no longer accessible. It was set in the same timeline as Mirror, and Hato Moa said its story would be completed in the game. However, it's now long past the release frame originally set for the upcoming game. I don't mind delays or setbacks, but it is a bit worrying that nothing has been said regarding it for years now. There has been new merchandise released on the official Hatoful shop here and there, but nothing else has really happened. I understand Hatoful Boyfriend isn't as popular now, and I'm sure the creator is working on other things as well. There are still quite a few fans for the series, but it isn't as popular as it once was. Because of this, I often wonder if we'll ever get new content for the series. I'm sure there are many people who would love to see something new be added. I know many fans miss the characters quite a bit, and I know people love buying the new merchandise when it comes out; myself included. However, at this point I think maybe we should just expect the worst. I'd love to be wrong, but it's discouraging not seeing or hearing anything regarding the series for so long. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! And remember to still support Hato Moa, even when no new Hatoful Boyfriend content has been announced!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

What is a kitsune? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! In the past, I've talked about what kitsune are, their appearances in anime and manga, and I've given a few little examples and lists of them here and there. But what are they really? Most people only know their base information. They're shapeshifting fox yokai. That's it, right? Well, more or less. They are shapeshifting yokai. But they're more than that. Sometimes if you don't know enough about them, then their appearances in anime won't make sense. Which is why I'm making this post. Kitsune are also tricksters who can make illusions. They can create and control fox-fire, and they can even possess people. They have the ability to enter the dreams of others, and they can look like anyone or anything they want. Many people believe they only take the forms of young women and old men, but really they can be anything. They are said to be very beautiful in their human forms, since foxes are always seen as beautiful and elegant creatures. There are more things that I could say about them, but I'm just covering the basic things in this post; since these are the things most likely to show up in an anime. This is an anime blog, after all. Not a paranormal one. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the strange case of yokai in Pokemon. For those of you who don't know, yokai are a type of Japanese spirits. The term can cover many different things that are not exclusive to just ghosts and the like. Stories of various yokai have been passed down through the ages, and they're still very commonly seen within Japanese media. Because of this, it's not a surprise that there are quite a few Pokemon based on the stories of these yokai. The only problem is, Pokemon are associated with animals. There are many humanoid yokai, and some of the Pokemon reflect this. This can be seen with Pokemon like Froslass and Mawile. However, yokai and Pokemon are on two entirely different levels. If you hear about a love story between a yokai and a human, it seems fine. Many yokai are human-like or shapeshifters who can look human, so of course some intermingling will happen. But if you hear about a Pokemon based on a yokai intermingling with humans, suddenly it's disgusting. It doesn't matter if they shapeshift or look very human-like; they're still a Pokemon and that's the end of it. Even when it was revealed that humans within the Pokemon universe were once Pokemon themselves, people within the fandom largely ignored it. This means any yokai-like story told within the Pokemon universe is looked down upon like it's something bad. If the creators want to add something that's derived from an old yokai legend, they'll have to substitute the yokai with the corresponding Pokemon. In the Pokemon universe, this Pokemon is the yokai. But for some reason people just don't realize this. I personally think there's nothing wrong with the stories and lore of people and Pokemon we've gotten; even the hidden lore like human-Pokemon marriage. Pokemon are not animals, and some of them weren't even born as Pokemon. Some of them were just outright humans, while others are an in-between for the two. Pokemon are very intelligent, and the only thing keeping them separated from humans is their appearance. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I find it odd how many people are freaked out about the fact there are humans and Pokemon who canonically had relationships. Pokemon aren't all animals, and some of them are just former humans, shapeshifters, ghosts, and very human-like in biology. There's even been theories about how humans themselves are also Pokemon because of it. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

New day, new post! The blog post for today will be about Roblox. Roblox is arguably one of the least anime-like games out there. It's a platform with many different games, but most of them have nothing to do with anime. However, there are many avatar items that are highly anime-related. There are a lot of different hairstyles, clothes, accessories, and faces that are all based on anime. Most of them cost Robux, but they're very cool nonetheless. All of these different customization options are great for anime lovers, and the game itself is so popular that it's a good way to find like-minded people. If you can find or create the right atmosphere, it would be easy to make a nice space for anime fans of all kinds. But, I would like to mention that Roblox is highly popular among children. With all of the different games and such, kids love keeping their short attention spans occupied with the different options. The 13+ settings on the accounts helps avoid the intermingling, but kids are known for lying about their ages. Because of this, in places like Roblox and Discord where kids normally are, I recommend making areas that are a certain age and up. It's good to have places where you can hang out and discuss topics, but no one wants a kid destroying the fun. No one wants an adult destroying the fun because of a kid, either. But, I digress. I just wanted to talk about Roblox because I've been spending a bit of time on it myself recently. It's nice to hang out and play the games, and the amount of anime-related content is super fun. Since there are games that allow customization without purchase, sometimes you can even try stuff out and make cool characters without buying anything. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, February 6, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about how Echo Girl mirrors real life in Mystic Messenger. However, there will be spoilers ahead! So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, Echo Girl is a character who appears in Zen's route. She seems nice at first, but in reality she is extremely creepy, perverted, and manipulative. She's clearly very spoiled, and she does a really good job of making everyone hate her. Despite this, I feel like she's a good example of how corrupt the world can be. Mystic Messenger tends to mirror the real world fairly well, and Echo Girl is another example of this. The things she says about Zen are blatant lies, but everyone outside of the RFA believes her. Why? Because she's young, famous, a woman, and popular enough that everyone thinks they know she wouldn't lie about such a thing. They don't know she's lying to their faces, and they all think she's too nice to do such a thing. The only reason Zen has anyone supporting him after Echo Girl's lies got out was because he had fans who really did know he would never do such things. His fans knew him for who he is, so they knew he wouldn't do anything to her. But even then, there were other fans of him that completely turned on him. We as the players only get angry because we know he wouldn't do such a thing and we know exactly what happened. The way the online comments are depicted in the game is exactly what usually happens in real life; which may be why we get so angry about it. Although Zen got to clear his name in the game, that actually doesn't happen very often in real life. People are so quick to believe women over men, just as everyone believes Echo Girl over Zen in the game. The only difference is, games get to have happy endings. Regardless, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this somewhat serious blog post!

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Since I've been doing a lot of Death Note posts recently, I decided to break it up a bit and list some 707 fun facts. For those of you who don't know, 707 is from Mystic Messenger. I absolutely adore this boy, but I don't get to talk about him very often on here. So, let's get on with the list already! Enjoy!

1.) Seven drinks Dr.Pepper and eats honey butter chips often only because they're readily available for him. He doesn't really care what he consumes as long as it's tasty and easy.

2.) Seven is highly intelligent, and he knows several languages. He also graduated from an ivy league school, and he excels in many areas.

3.) He is Catholic as well, which he mentions a few times. However, he's actually fairly religious, and can even be seen wearing a cross necklace with his normal everyday outfit. Along with this, Luciel is his baptismal name.

4.) 707 makes the most fourth wall breaks out of all of the characters, which has created many theories within the fandom. At the very least, he seems like he knows he's part of a game.

5.) And finally, 707 ranked number one in the official character popularity poll run by Cheritz. Clearly I'm not the only one who adores this crazy dummy.

As a little bonus, here's a picture of the man himself! Enjoy!

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Will Death Note ever get more content? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Death Note may have ended a long time ago, but it is still incredibly popular. However, it gets a bit boring re-watching and re-reading the same material over and over again. Of course there are others making new movies and plays and books, but none of them quite measure up to the original. Whenever anything containing the original characters, storyline, or anything similar comes out, fans flock to it like hungry little scavengers. They eat it all up and use it to further theorize and create new things for the fandom. So, it goes without saying that a new Death Note series made by the original creators would be massively successful. Even the most recent one-shot went over extraordinarily well, and the only original characters it contained were Ryuk, Near, and the other SPK members. I think it's safe to say the original creators wanted to add more to the series for fans, but they may have also wanted to see if it would be accepted. With all of the failed attempts at adding to the franchise, it's easy to see that the Death Note fandom took a massive hit. But as soon as the original creators came back, the fandom gained another jump start. No one expected to see more content this much later, so it was a massively successful surprise. Because of this, if the original creators came back for more, it would be amazing. It would most likely see success, and it would be nearly guaranteed to receive an anime adaptation as well. However, this isn't likely. The one shots we've received have never gotten animated as an extension of the series. They would most likely only contain enough for one or two extra episodes, but I'm sure people would have liked them anyways. There just isn't enough to revive the series. With the release of the newest one shot, people were scrambling in hopes for a season two of Death Note. But it seems like the creators just want to focus on their new projects now. I'm sure the new series are just as good as Death Note, but it's still a bit disappointing. We may get another one shot in the future, but I don't think we'll ever get another series out of it. It's so unfortunate too, because there are so many things you could do with a series like this. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. A part of me really hopes I'm wrong about this, since I'd love to see what they could do with the Shinigami and Near and the amazing world they've created. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, February 3, 2023

What time is it? Time for another list! Since yesterday was groundhog day, I've decided to make a list of five rodent Pokemon. There obviously aren't going to be five groundhog Pokemon, so I've just decided to include all rodents instead. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy! Happy belated groundhog day!

1.) Tandemaus

2) Dedenne

3.) Emolga

4.) Watchog

5.) Rattata

Thursday, February 2, 2023

It's post time. I hadn't originally planned on doing another Death Note post today, but I've had a busy day and I'm far too tired to think of anything else at the moment. So, let's get on to the post. Spoilers ahead for those who haven't finished the series. While I was researching Near for previous posts, I found an interesting fact in my Death Note 13: How To Read book. The creators hadn't originally intended for Near to be as childish as he is; it's just something that came about on its own. It was an idea that developed gradually over time, and I personally think it was a great addition. It's difficult to see Near and think of how he'd be without that part of his personality. Not only this, but it adds more contrast with Mello. Mello and Near are supposed to be opposites, which can be seen with their attitudes and designs. Because of this, it makes sense for Near to be childish because Mello is mature. Mello is highly emotional but mature, and Near is very level-headed but childish. It also further sets him apart from L, since L had childish tendencies but was never outwardly childish around others. Since Near is also quite small and thin, it makes him look like a child regardless of how old he is. Because of this, people often underestimate him because they think he's very young and naive. It's also pretty interesting to see such a calm and child-like character like Near in such a serious series like Death Note. Maybe this is another reason why he isn't as popular as other characters, but I personally prefer how he is now. It's nice to see that even a serious character has a hidden fun side, and seeing him play with toys during his serious investigations makes you forget for a moment just how serious things are. It's refreshing, and seeing him always surprise people with his intelligence is entertaining. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I always preferred L as a character because of his intelligence and varying personality traits, but I think it's safe to say Near is my second favorite now that I've rediscovered him. He's odd but relatable, and he shares a lot of similarities with L while still being his own person. I'm sure others would've preferred a different personality for him, but you can't change what we already have. So it's alright if they still don't like him as is. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! For today's blog post, I will once again be talking about Near from Death Note. Spoilers ahead for those who haven't finished the series. For those of you who don't know, Near is somehow highly overlooked within the Death Note fandom. Most people think he just took credit for L's work, while others defend him by saying he was better in the manga. However, I'd like to dispute this. The anime adaptation may have been rushed at the end, but even in the show Near is very clearly intelligent on his own. Firstly, he was chosen as L's successor because of his intelligence. But if you want to ignore this fact completely, he's also very clever. He comes to conclusions much faster than Light in almost any scenario, and he can come to accurate solutions with just a little information. He was able to pinpoint Teru Mikami as the extra Kira with ease, and not just because he "looked at a bunch of screens and picked someone out" like many people say. He actually noticed Teru Mikami because he was watching and listening to multiple news broadcasts at a time and noticed how often Mikami spoke highly of Kira. This made him realize that Kira would obviously choose someone who thought just like he did to carry on the killings in his place. His conclusions are very well thought out, and he's almost never wrong. He isn't just guessing or jumping to conclusions either; he's genuinely using all of the information he's gathered over time. Of course he also uses information provided by other people as well, because he'd be a fool not to. Every talented detective knows to use every resource they have. There are many points throughout the anime where you can see his display of intelligence, if you just stop to think of how he came to every conclusion. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this because I think it's unfair of everyone to sweep Near under the rug because they think he isn't as smart as the other characters when that just isn't true. Near was the number one successor to come from the orphanage, so he's obviously highly intelligent. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!