Saturday, February 25, 2023

Does Nageki know how old he's supposed to be in Hatoful Boyfriend? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! But first, I'd like to mention a few things. First of all, spoilers ahead! So proceed with caution! Secondly, I apologize for making yet another Hatoful Boyfriend post today. I haven't been doing well for a while now, and it took me a long time to even just come up with this. When I'm feeling down, I tend to latch onto one thing; since it helps me feel a bit better. But, I understand why that would be annoying to others. Still, thank you all for your patience. Now then, let's get on with it. For those of you who don't know, Nageki is supposed to be 20 years old, but is physically 15 because he stopped aging. He spends all of his days in the library, and watches seasons and people pass by him. But, does he know he's stopped aging? This has actually been talked about in the series. Though he has no memories, he does have a sense of time loss. In the main game, he mentions being trapped in the library; as well as being unnoticeable by other people. After five years in the library, he's come to accept it. But in the Hatoful Boyfriend drama CD, there's a journal entry from Nageki that talks about this very thing. In it he mentions watching others grow up and leave the school, while he's still there. He mentions that it's just his own clock that has stopped ticking, and he seems very confused about why he hasn't aged at all. He knows time is passing, and he knows he should be following it. So mentally, he's older than he is physically. He knows he's supposed to be older, and has forgotten why he isn't. He may even know how old he's supposed to be at the start of the game, or he may just know he's meant to be older than he is. Either way, he knows he isn't supposed to be 15 anymore. After watching others age and watching the seasons pass, he knows he's too young. Since he's been in the library for five years now, he's even seen his own classmates finish school without him, and he's seen new batches of students come in as well. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. It has been confirmed that Nageki knows he isn't really 15 anymore, but with the loss of his memories I doubt he knows how old he is. In the mirror timeline, I hope he's aged up to where he's supposed to be like the others, and not kept young for the sake of a dating sim. I much prefer a solid continuity. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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