Monday, February 6, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about how Echo Girl mirrors real life in Mystic Messenger. However, there will be spoilers ahead! So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, Echo Girl is a character who appears in Zen's route. She seems nice at first, but in reality she is extremely creepy, perverted, and manipulative. She's clearly very spoiled, and she does a really good job of making everyone hate her. Despite this, I feel like she's a good example of how corrupt the world can be. Mystic Messenger tends to mirror the real world fairly well, and Echo Girl is another example of this. The things she says about Zen are blatant lies, but everyone outside of the RFA believes her. Why? Because she's young, famous, a woman, and popular enough that everyone thinks they know she wouldn't lie about such a thing. They don't know she's lying to their faces, and they all think she's too nice to do such a thing. The only reason Zen has anyone supporting him after Echo Girl's lies got out was because he had fans who really did know he would never do such things. His fans knew him for who he is, so they knew he wouldn't do anything to her. But even then, there were other fans of him that completely turned on him. We as the players only get angry because we know he wouldn't do such a thing and we know exactly what happened. The way the online comments are depicted in the game is exactly what usually happens in real life; which may be why we get so angry about it. Although Zen got to clear his name in the game, that actually doesn't happen very often in real life. People are so quick to believe women over men, just as everyone believes Echo Girl over Zen in the game. The only difference is, games get to have happy endings. Regardless, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this somewhat serious blog post!

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