Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Why are there so many disappointing starter evolutions in Pokemon? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! There are quite a few disappointing evolutions when it comes to starter Pokemon. Although this isn't exclusive to starter Pokemon, it is more noticeable with starter Pokemon. Starter Pokemon are obviously the Pokemon you start your journey with. Each new game has a new batch, with the starters always being grass, water, and fire types. The baby Pokemon are usually really adorable, and great introductions to the games. But then they evolve, and then they evolve again. The middle evolutions are usually pretty great as well, but the final evolutions are....not great. Of course this isn't the case with all starter Pokemon, and I'm sure all of them have their fans. But most of the time fans are super disappointed with their final evolutions. You work really hard to level up your Pokemon, you give it all of your love and attention, you grow to love this Pokemon, and then it evolves. Now it isn't cute and sweet. Now it's big and it looks much different; and it just doesn't look as charming anymore. This can be seen with Oshawott's evolution line, Litten's evolution line, Piplup's evolution line, Chespin's evolution line, and so on and so forth. There are quite a few Pokemon who have pretty bad evolutions, but it's so common with starter Pokemon. It really shouldn't be, because even now they're supposed to be used as introductions to the games. Of course there are good evolution lines like Rowlett's line, Froakie's line, and Snivy's line; but it really feels like every generation has a disappointing starter Pokemon. Whenever fans choose a starter based on how cute it is, they often end up disappointed by the end. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this because I was looking at starter Pokemon and noticed just how many of them looked almost entirely different by their last evolution. I think people tend to like evolutions better when they actually look like the Pokemon they used to be in some way. At the very least, that's how I feel. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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