Thursday, February 23, 2023

Why didn't Haru stay a cat in The Cat Returns? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! However, there will be spoilers ahead. So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! This may seem like an odd question, since Haru obviously was not interested in being a cat in the movie. She didn't like it at all, and seeing herself become more cat-like throughout the film upsets her. But there are moments when it doesn't upset her. This can be seen when she's with the baron. This is first seen in the ballroom dance scene, where she considers staying a cat because of her infatuation with the baron. She also clearly likes him in other parts during the film, and even admits it to him before the end. So if she likes the baron, why didn't she stay a cat? Well, I have a few theories. The first one is, she wanted to be able to return to her normal life afterwards. This one is the most likely, since she seems to enjoy her new life after. The second one is, she may have just realized the baron isn't a real cat anyways. No matter how long she waits, there's a chance he'll always be there at the bureau. As she grows older, she may also forget about him entirely. The third option is, she may have just preferred being a human. The thought of being a cat forever and never being able to go back home again would most likely be too much for a young girl like Haru. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. There's a really good chance Haru just didn't want to be a cat. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! For no particular reason, here's a picture of the baron and Haru! Enjoy!

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