Thursday, February 16, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! I know I've been talking about Hatoful Boyfriend a lot recently, but it's mostly because I'm kind of obsessed with it. It has a good story, and I love the characters. But there isn't a ton of content between the two games we currently have. But worry not! Because there's actually more content for fans of the series. There's also books and drama CDs. The books are available in Japanese and English on Amazon. Each one only costs a few dollars, but they aren't very long. They're just fun little additions to the story. Even Kazuaki-kun got a book! The drama CDs are also good additions to the lore, and there's some fun little one-off adventures. The drama CDs were never released in English, but some good folks on the internet have provided English translations for them. There are even English subbed videos of the CDs on YouTube so you can follow along with the stories. The audio drama CDs also let fans actually hear what these little birdies sound like. They give more in-depth looks into their personalities as well, and some of the stories add some important lore. I highly recommend checking them out if you haven't already. Along with this, Hato Moa has also uploaded drawings of the characters on her official Twitter account, as well as some other places. Most of which can be found on the gallery pages of the Hatoful Boyfriend wiki. It's a bit disappointing that we still haven't gotten new content for the series, but at least we already have more content than just the games. I just hope we get even more soon. I can't wait to see these birdy boys again! Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of Nageki! Enjoy!


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