Monday, February 27, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! For todays blog post, I will be talking about Hato Moa's Twitter account. Since I've been getting into Hatoful Boyfriend again, I rediscovered Hato Moa's Twitter account. Although it's mostly in Japanese (for obvious reasons), she actually posts very often. She posts about her daily life and interests, but she also posts exclusive artwork for Hatoful Boyfriend. She posts pictures of her journals as well, which often also have Hatoful Boyfriend pictures included in them. I don't normally talk about Twitter pages or Instagram accounts unless they're officially run by a company, but Hato Moa's is one of the ones I find genuinely interesting. The things she finds and talks about are pretty cool and interesting, and it's super fun to get surprise pieces of artwork from her. She also talks about her games a bit here and there, and it's fun to see what inspired her to write Hatoful Boyfriend and how much work she puts into her projects. Normally I would just mention her Hatoful Boyfriend comments, but I've noticed she doesn't get much interaction on her social media accounts unless it's specifically Hatoful Boyfriend stuff. Although I understand that, I'm sure it can be a bit draining to see people only ever care about one thing. Creators deserve a lot of support, especially when they make something that so many people love. I know it may not seem like much to most people, but creating things takes a lot of work! So the creators need some appreciation too! But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a link to Hato Moa's official Twitter page below; as well as a picture of Tohri Nishikikouji from her Twitter page. Enjoy!

Hato Moa's Twitter page:

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