Thursday, February 2, 2023

It's post time. I hadn't originally planned on doing another Death Note post today, but I've had a busy day and I'm far too tired to think of anything else at the moment. So, let's get on to the post. Spoilers ahead for those who haven't finished the series. While I was researching Near for previous posts, I found an interesting fact in my Death Note 13: How To Read book. The creators hadn't originally intended for Near to be as childish as he is; it's just something that came about on its own. It was an idea that developed gradually over time, and I personally think it was a great addition. It's difficult to see Near and think of how he'd be without that part of his personality. Not only this, but it adds more contrast with Mello. Mello and Near are supposed to be opposites, which can be seen with their attitudes and designs. Because of this, it makes sense for Near to be childish because Mello is mature. Mello is highly emotional but mature, and Near is very level-headed but childish. It also further sets him apart from L, since L had childish tendencies but was never outwardly childish around others. Since Near is also quite small and thin, it makes him look like a child regardless of how old he is. Because of this, people often underestimate him because they think he's very young and naive. It's also pretty interesting to see such a calm and child-like character like Near in such a serious series like Death Note. Maybe this is another reason why he isn't as popular as other characters, but I personally prefer how he is now. It's nice to see that even a serious character has a hidden fun side, and seeing him play with toys during his serious investigations makes you forget for a moment just how serious things are. It's refreshing, and seeing him always surprise people with his intelligence is entertaining. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I always preferred L as a character because of his intelligence and varying personality traits, but I think it's safe to say Near is my second favorite now that I've rediscovered him. He's odd but relatable, and he shares a lot of similarities with L while still being his own person. I'm sure others would've preferred a different personality for him, but you can't change what we already have. So it's alright if they still don't like him as is. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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