Monday, February 13, 2023

It's the day before Valentine's Day. Tensions are running high. Some people are single, some people are just being let down by their partners, some people just can't be with their partners. They're bored and lonely and feeling like nothing can bring them back from this. Which is why I'm here to make the case for Hatoful Boyfriend. Yes, the pigeon game. As many of you know, it's also a dating simulator. Why be let down again when pigeons are lining up to date you? Hatoful Boyfriend is actually a very well put together dating game. It's funny and the characters are charming, and there are even human versions of the characters if your brain won't let you forget that you're dating a bird. Everyone has a human form except for Okosan, and he's more of a friend anyways. The shrine date in Holiday Star has the option to only see their bird or human form, and the base game of Hatoful Boyfriend lets you choose if you want to see them as humans or not when they're introduced. There are many characters to choose from, and the amount of times you can replay this game is pretty good. The characters tend to have multiple different endings, and the game can be pretty serious at times. It can be a bit tedious replaying the same sections over and over for the different endings, but the endings you get make it worth your time. There's even a Valentine's Day part in every route of Hatoful Boyfriend, so it's pretty much a Valentine's Day game anyways. For those of you who think I'm kidding, I'm mostly serious. I really do recommend this game. Go on, play it! Date that bird! Grow attached to those birds! Become obsessed with them! I don't know! Don't date real birds! And most importantly, have a Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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