Tuesday, February 28, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about the problem with anime. Anime has many issues and such, but one of the biggest problems is how they portray body image. For example, How Heavy Are The Dumbbells You Lift shows the main character as "fat" and "unhealthy", even though she's actually very thin. She barely has any extra weight at all, and you'd never know if it wasn't constantly pointed out. It just makes girls even more self conscious than usual. It's also an issue in Kiss Him, Not Me, where most of the boys only like her when she's thin and pretty; even though she's the same person either way. It isn't just a problem for girls, either. Most anime portrays guys as conventionally attractive and buff. If they're even a little less attractive, they usually make them out to be awful guys who nobody likes. It's also very common for certain guy stereotypes to be seen as ugly by all of the other characters in a series. Because of this, anyone who watches an anime that points these things out and makes fun of them for it will often feel horrible and self-loathing if they share any of the characteristics of the characters. Anime often isn't based in reality, but it can still reflect badly on people. It isn't bad to joke about certain things, but it shouldn't be an ongoing thing where the only joke is how ugly someone is. People often can't really change the way they look, and it's harmful when things reflect on real life. People of all ages watch anime, and things like that can really change the way someone thinks of themselves. Especially if they look or act a lot like the poor punching bag in question. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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