Thursday, February 9, 2023

What is a kitsune? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! In the past, I've talked about what kitsune are, their appearances in anime and manga, and I've given a few little examples and lists of them here and there. But what are they really? Most people only know their base information. They're shapeshifting fox yokai. That's it, right? Well, more or less. They are shapeshifting yokai. But they're more than that. Sometimes if you don't know enough about them, then their appearances in anime won't make sense. Which is why I'm making this post. Kitsune are also tricksters who can make illusions. They can create and control fox-fire, and they can even possess people. They have the ability to enter the dreams of others, and they can look like anyone or anything they want. Many people believe they only take the forms of young women and old men, but really they can be anything. They are said to be very beautiful in their human forms, since foxes are always seen as beautiful and elegant creatures. There are more things that I could say about them, but I'm just covering the basic things in this post; since these are the things most likely to show up in an anime. This is an anime blog, after all. Not a paranormal one. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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