Sunday, February 5, 2023

Since I've been doing a lot of Death Note posts recently, I decided to break it up a bit and list some 707 fun facts. For those of you who don't know, 707 is from Mystic Messenger. I absolutely adore this boy, but I don't get to talk about him very often on here. So, let's get on with the list already! Enjoy!

1.) Seven drinks Dr.Pepper and eats honey butter chips often only because they're readily available for him. He doesn't really care what he consumes as long as it's tasty and easy.

2.) Seven is highly intelligent, and he knows several languages. He also graduated from an ivy league school, and he excels in many areas.

3.) He is Catholic as well, which he mentions a few times. However, he's actually fairly religious, and can even be seen wearing a cross necklace with his normal everyday outfit. Along with this, Luciel is his baptismal name.

4.) 707 makes the most fourth wall breaks out of all of the characters, which has created many theories within the fandom. At the very least, he seems like he knows he's part of a game.

5.) And finally, 707 ranked number one in the official character popularity poll run by Cheritz. Clearly I'm not the only one who adores this crazy dummy.

As a little bonus, here's a picture of the man himself! Enjoy!

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