Thursday, June 15, 2023

Another new day, another new post! Today's blog post will be about the Pokemon Absol. Dark-type Pokemon can be rather cruel, but there are also many misunderstood Pokemon in this category. Absol is a good example of this. Although it's known as the disaster Pokemon, this was all a big misunderstanding. Absol shows up whenever there is a disaster. It was seen as a bad omen, and bad luck. Seeing one meant something bad was sure to happen. Everyone thought Absol was causing this. They even chased it into the mountains because of this. However, it was actually trying to prevent it. Absol can sense natural disasters, and its appearance happening directly before a disaster was because it was trying to warn everyone. After Absol's ability to detect disasters became known, its special horn became a target; causing it to flee deeper into the mountains. Now it only comes down to warn others of disaster. Absol is one of the most misunderstood Pokemon, although I'm sure it isn't the only one. As always, I will be including a picture of Absol below. Enjoy!

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