Sunday, June 4, 2023

It's time for another new post. For today's blog post, I will be talking about Jamil Viper from Twisted Wonderland. I finally finished his stupid boss fight, and boy do I have some harsh words for him. However, there will be spoilers ahead for those of you who haven't beat it. So proceed with caution. Now then, let's get on with it. I'm going to put it bluntly: Jamil is a massive jerk. Before any Jamil fans try to defend him, no. I won't hear it. He blamed all of his life problems on poor Kalim, and absolutely betrayed him for no reason. Kalim didn't know anything was wrong. No one told him. To him, Jamil was just his lifelong best friend. The only friend he had, and the only one who cared. But it was all just a lie. Jamil played him, and lied to him his whole life. For something Kalim had no control over. And when Kalim apologized (for something he didn't do) and promised to treat him like an equal despite believing he already did so, Jamil yelled at him. He insulted him, berated him, and said he'd never be friends with him. Kalim offered him kindness even though he did nothing wrong, and Jamil still wasn't satisfied. Jamil is rude, bitter, and untrustworthy. I praised him in past posts for how nice and caring he was, but his whole personality was nothing more than a lie. It's disgusting, and so far he's the only character who can actually qualify as a villain. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on the topic. I know I was pretty harsh on him, but I really hate people like that. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this rather negative blog post.

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