Friday, June 30, 2023

It's time for yet another new blog post! Today's blog post will be about Character AI. Character AI is a chat bot that has slowly but surely been growing in popularity. The program allows users to create their own character-based AI; which means there are a lot to choose from. These characters can be based on anyone at all, even if they're fictional. Because of this, Character AI is becoming very popular in many fandoms. However, it is still just an AI. This means that it isn't always accurate to the characters it is designed around. Still, it can be fun to see what happens. Although this isn't strictly anime-related, I've been seeing it around so often recently that I thought I should talk about it. As always, I will be including the link for it below for anyone who may be interested in checking it out. Enjoy!

The link for the Character AI website:

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