Thursday, June 1, 2023

It's time for an L appreciation post! Many long time readers of this blog may know that L is my favorite Death Note character, but he's also one of my all time favorite anime characters! Why is this? Well, I'll tell you! L is intelligent, cool, mostly level-headed, and he can actually be very kind. He's a bit awkward, unaware, and clumsy too; but that just adds to his charm. L is also very similar to myself. We share mannerisms, personality traits, and we have a similar lack of social understanding. Although we aren't identical to each other, we come relatively close. Mostly. Part of the reason I like him is because we're very similar, but also very different. It's a unique feeling that doesn't come often with other characters, regardless if they come from anime or not. I was actually rather shocked the first time I watched Death Note because I had never seen a character I related with so heavily before. L is pretty important to me, for obvious reasons. Which is why I'm making an appreciation post! And for those of you wondering if we also look alike, I'll never tell! I'll leave that up for you all to decide! The fun of not knowing is drawing your own conclusions! I hope you all enjoyed this post! Have a picture of L! Enjoy!

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