Friday, June 9, 2023

It's time for a theory post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Light Yagami from Death Note. For those of you who don't know, L and Light are meant to be opposites. Light is meant to look very polished and perfect, and L is meant to look very messy. Light was made to be attractive, and L was made to look odd or unattractive. L always wears the same outfit, and Light always wears a different outfit. This is to show that Light and L are opposites of each other. Where L is very calm and methodical, Light tends to act more impulsively and emotionally. However, a little known fact is that L is immensely clean. He doesn't like germs, he bathes very often, and he owns many sets of the same clothes so he can change often while still wearing his favorite clothes. If this is the case, and Light and L are opposites, this means there's a very good chance Light is actually secretly filthy. There's really no evidence of him being clean or groomed in any way at all, and him being clean is just an assumption fans make. He's attractive, well-loved by his peers, popular with girls; of course he has to be clean. Wrong! He doesn't have to be clean at all! As long as he keeps up appearances, he doesn't have to do anything. He could be a total slob. In fact, he probably is a total slob. Since Light and L are opposites and L is the clean one, then Light would have to be the messy one. I'd also like to mention that this would be an amazing way to subvert expectations as well, since everyone just assumes Light is perfect when really he's just a person. But, I digress. I just wanted to talk about this because I think it would be interesting to see. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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