Friday, June 16, 2023

It's time to post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the coffins in Twisted Wonderland. For those of you who don't know, students arrive at Night Raven College in coffins. They stay there until the staff lets them out, but this is the only time coffins are mentioned within the game. However, Twisted Wonderland still has quite a bit of coffin imagery. This can be seen in official art, animations, and merchandise. Along with this, coffins are used for the loading screen of the game. The coffins on the loading screens change every time a new screen loads. It's always the same number of coffins, but the pictures on them change. Each picture represents a student, and their names are displayed under the coffins to show which one each represents. For example, Lilia Vanrouge has a bat on his coffin because he's heavily associated with bats. I believe if you look at these coffins, they'll help show you exactly who is based on what. As always, I will be including a picture of Lilia's coffin below as an example. Enjoy!

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