Monday, July 31, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Tsum Tsums. I've mentioned Tsum Tsums a few times before, but I wanted to talk about them again today. For those of you who don't know, Tsum Tsums are little stackable plushies. At least, they started out that way. Recently they've branched out quite a bit. There's a free game app for them, and quite a bit of merchandise. They've also become quite popular, as well. I found Tsum Tsums when they were first announced, and I'm impressed with how far they've come. I was also very happy to see that they were added to Twisted Wonderland for special events. For someone who's been a fan of both since they were first announced, that was a huge win for me. However, Tsum Tsums weren't just made for Twisted Wonderland. In fact, there have been Tsum Tsums made for nearly every Disney character now. Much like Twisted Wonderland, Tsum Tsums were created by the Japanese branch of Disney. This doesn't mean they're only popular in Japan though; because they're actually quite popular in many parts of the world. I personally adore these fuzzy little cylinders, and I'd love to get some Idia and Lilia ones. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, I'll be including a picture from the app below. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 30, 2023

It's time for a list! For today's blog post, I will be listing three "Pokemon clones" that I like; along with a picture of each. These anime aren't actually clones of Pokemon, but they have been compared to Pokemon. They're actually quite different though, and I highly recommend checking them out at least once. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Digimon

2.) Yokai Watch

3.) Dinosaur King

Saturday, July 29, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five otakus from anime; games included. I find it rather ironic when there are massive anime fans in an anime, and it brings up a few questions. Mainly the question of what qualifies as an anime in their world. Regardless, this trope actually happens rather often in anime. So I've decided to list a few anime fans for you all today. Enjoy!

1.) Leviathan from Obey Me

2.) Idia Shroud from Twisted Wonderland

3.) Umaru Doma from Himouto Umaru-chan

4.) Kae Serinuma from Kiss Him Not Me

5.) Staz Charlie Blood from Blood Lad

Friday, July 28, 2023

Another new day, another new post! Today's blog post will be a ranking of popular anime based on how many scenic areas they have. These scores will be out of ten, and I'll only be listing three anime series for today. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Naruto - 7/10 - There are a lot of very pretty and open spaces. But, there's a lot of fighting usually going on in this series, which means your nice strolls can and likely will be interrupted.

2.) Pokemon - 8/10 - There are a lot of beautiful places in this series! But minus two points because a Pokemon could easily attack you while you're out there.

3.) Death Note - 3/10 - Not very many open places, and the threat of death is constantly looming while the killer notebook exists.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

It's time for yet another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be giving my thoughts on Lilia Vanrouge with long hair. Minor spoilers ahead. Although I've been doing Twisted Wonderland posts for a while now, I did talk about the general Lilia card recently. As a fan of Lilia, I think it's my duty to give my thoughts on it. First of all, the card is amazing. The artwork is beautiful, and Lilia looks great. His armor is way more detailed than I expected it to be, and his mask is actually a nice touch. The whole thing seems to be a reference to Maleficent's minions, and I think that's really cool. I had also heard before that Lilia dyes his hair to have pink streaks; but I didn't expect his hair to normally have red streaks instead. I just assumed it was plain black. It looks really fantastic and fitting for him, though. I've read some translations for the card specific voice lines as well, and I think it's pretty funny to see how much he's changed and mellowed out with age. Overall I just think this was a great addition to the game, and I really love how his design came out. But, those are just my thoughts on it. I just wanted to give a nice civil review of the card because I've been seeing a lot of fans just about losing their minds over Lilia with a ponytail. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

It's post time! The blog post for today will be a list of which Twisted Wonderland characters I would prank and why. I decided to be a bit unconventional today because my posts have been feeling a bit uninspired. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Lilia Vanrouge - He deserves it. He enjoys scaring people, so it's only fair if he gets some sort of punishment for it.

2.) Riddle Rosehearts - He's just way too serious for his own good. So hopefully a small prank would help him laugh a little.

3.) Floyd Leech - I'm kind of curious about how he would react. But I would immediately run if he doesn't take it well.

4.) Jamil Viper - I feel like he would deserve it for being mean to Kalim.

5.) Malleus Draconia - I think this one would be funny. Just a harmless little prank that would confuse him beyond belief.

That's all for now! I may do a similar post like this in the future. But for now, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about the current Twisted Wonderland event. The Culinary Crucible event is an event where you gather ingredients and cook some food. All of the current recipes are egg-based, as well. This event is highly focused on cooking the recipes given to you, and it features Ruggie Bucchi and Malleus Draconia. To get the right combination of ingredients, you have to try different combinations. When you get an ingredient right, it'll be saved to the recipe so you know what is and isn't correct. If you don't get the correct combination, the food will be ruined. If you do get the right combination, that recipe will be unlocked. You can then make better versions of the recipes with higher quality ingredients. I actually really love this event. I love cooking and I'm a relatively good cook, so guessing the right ingredients has been pretty easy. It's also incredibly easy to gather ingredients for the recipes. Just send the characters of your choosing to get the ingredients! You can choose how long to send them for, and it's done in real-time so you don't have to worry about missing something. I highly recommend checking out this event if you haven't already! As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, July 24, 2023

It's time for a new blog post! The blog post for today will be about the Tsum Tsums from Twisted Wonderland. Anyone who has been reading this blog for a while will know I absolutely adore Tsum Tsums. I've been following these little cuties since day one, so I was overjoyed to learn that some were made for Twisted Wonderland as well! To celebrate these Tsum Tsums, or maybe just to market them, a special Tsum Tsums event was added to Twisted Wonderland. This event brought new Tsumsitter cards for some of the boys of Twisted Wonderland. These events were quite some time ago now, but really I just wanted to talk about these adorable Tsum Tsums. Like all Tsum Tsums, these ones are small and cylindrical. They can stack just like any Tsum Tsum can. Although there are real official plushies available for these adorable little guys, I'll be including a picture of their in-game versions below. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

It's post time! But before I start, I'd like to say that there are some pretty major Twisted Wonderland spoilers ahead! So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the newly released Lilia card. It hasn't been released outside of Japan yet, but it's quickly spreading throughout the fandom. This is because the card features Lilia in his old war general uniform. This is the first real look we've gotten for Lilia with long hair; and it doesn't disappoint. It's a bit surprising to see that the streaks in his hair are originally red instead of pink, but I suppose that's the least surprising part of the card. I won't talk about this card for too long; even though I absolutely love this one. Instead, I'll be including the new card below so you all can see it for yourselves. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 22, 2023

 New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Idia's hair from Twisted Wonderland. Yes, I know this sounds odd. But hear me out. Idia is based on Hades from the movie Hercules. So, his hair is on fire. Or maybe it's more true to say his hair is fire. It's a bit unclear which is true. My point is, there have been special events and cards that not only show his hair styled in different ways, but he's also been shown wearing hats. He also has very long hair; which means it's constantly touching his clothes. So if his hair is fire in some way, how does this work? I theorize that his hair isn't hot or able to spread like normal fire is, and is more contained to where it's supposed to be. There are times when the fire spreads when he's angry, but this is more of an emotional response. Idia himself is normally pretty calm, and he doesn't usually get angry often. There were also scenes in Hercules where the fire from Hades would spread when he was angry, but it still didn't scorch his clothes in any way. Although Idia is supposed to be a human and not a god, I'm sure there's still some sort of magical element involved that keeps his hair contained. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, July 21, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five of my favorite anemo boys from Genshin Impact. Anemo is my favorite element from the game, and some of my favorite characters are anemo users. These aren't all of my favorites, either. Just some of them. The traveler is also excluded, since he can change his element. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Venti

2.) Xiao

3.) Kaedehara Kazuha

4.) Wanderer

5.) Shikanoin Heizou

Thursday, July 20, 2023

 It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about how Scaramouche from Genshin Impact went from one of my least favorite characters, to one of my favorites. Minor spoilers ahead though! Back when Scaramouche was nothing more than a Fatui Harbinger, I couldn't understand why so many people liked him. He had a really nice design and all that, but he was honestly kind of a jerk. I'm not here to say "I'm not like other fans, I hated him" or anything like that. If fans liked him because he was a jerk, that's fine. If there were fans who were worried he would die, congrats! He's alive! But he isn't really the same. Not only does he go by a different name now, but his personality is a bit different too. Yes, he can still be cold and snarky. He still comes off as a bit uncaring, too. But he's also just a little bit kinder now. Surprisingly, that's not the only reason why I like him. After learning about his backstory and where he came from, I found myself understanding him. Sure he was a bit extreme, but I understood where he was coming from. Along with this, he was still willing to try despite everything he's been through. I find that admirable. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I'll be including a picture of Scaramouche below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

What is Lilia Vanrouge based off of in Twisted Wonderland? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! However, there may be some minor spoilers ahead! So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, the characters of Twisted Wonderland are all based on Disney villains in some way. Although they may not be directly based on the villain, they are all based on the villains. Some of them are more obvious, but others have fans questioning who or what they could be based on. Many fans have assumed Lilia is based on the dragon form of Maleficent. Personally, I don't fully believe this. Not only is Malleus already based on both forms of Maleficent, but it also wouldn't make very much sense. Lilia is small, as opposed to the very large dragon form of Maleficent. He also has nothing indicating he's connected to dragons at all. Instead, he's heavily associated with bats. There's a bat on his coffin, he likes to hang upside down, it's implied he can fly, and bats often surround him when he's taking his classes. Along with this, he also says he hates looking for things because he isn't good at finding them. Although there's a chance he's based more on Maleficent's minions than her dragon form, there's an even bigger chance that he's based on the curse itself. Bats did appear momentarily when Maleficent casted the curse in the original film, and Lilia is Silver's father because he found him as a baby and raised him; which would be the equivalent of the curse always being with Aurora. Some fans also theorize that he could have parts of the three fairies from the movie mixed in, but I find this somewhat unlikely. He's more likely an embodiment of the curse, while possibly being mixed with the live action movie version of Maleficent who did help raise Aurora. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because a lot of fans say he's the dragon form of Maleficent when that's very unlikely. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including a picture of the curse from the original movie, as well as a picture of Lilia below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Another new day, another new post! For today's blog post, I will be listing my three least favorite Twisted Wonderland characters. I do not hate these characters! They're just very low on my list. Not because I hate them, but because I'm very neutral about them. I'll be giving a reason for each of them, as well. These are also just my opinions. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Jamil Viper - His personality just doesn't mix well with me. I've tried to like him, but I can't.

2.) Vil Schoenheit - Vil is good! He has some pretty good qualities. But he's also very strict, bossy, and too focused on appearances. I don't mind him, but he does get a bit annoying to be around.

3.) Sebek Zigvolt - He's very loud and very clingy. Although he isn't scary, I get worried every time I see him because I'm just waiting for him to yell again. It's very unpleasant.

Monday, July 17, 2023

It's time for another new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Sanrio. Sanrio is known for making Hello Kitty, as well as many other adorable characters. However, they also do many collaborations. I'm sure I've mentioned some of their collaborations on here before because they have so many of them. In fact, they're currently working with Sailor Moon as well. They've worked with many anime series, as well as many different companies. They're known for making anything they work with a lot cuter. When you see Sanrio, you know it'll be cute. They've even worked with Naruto in the past! As always, I will be including a picture of their current Sailor Moon collaboration below as an example. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

It's post time! I did not realize this, but the the other day I published my 2,500th blog post. Anyone who has followed me for a while will know that I celebrate every 100 posts. I was going to celebrate yesterday, but I wanted to think of a good post. So for today's blog post, I will talk about my least favorite Death Note episode. That episode, is episode 25: Silence. Anyone who has watched the show will know why I hate this one, but major spoilers for anyone who hasn't. Episode 25 is more or less a good episode, much like the rest of the series. It has some pretty good symbolism, and it's carried out well. It was done so well in fact, that I was completely floored the first time I saw the episode. So why do I hate it so much? Well, because L died in that episode. But Rem and Watari also died, which was awful. Light was incredibly insufferable in that episode, too. So much so that I had hoped he would just die as well. The show also lulled a bit after this particular episode. Although I do like Near and Mello, it felt like it took a little while for the story to take back off. Not only that, but introducing new characters and killing fan favorites halfway through the series was a super risky move. I dislike this episode so much that I've only fully watched it once and never again. But, that's just my opinion. Maybe there's someone who loves this episode for some reason. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As a little bonus, here's a picture of L. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Xiao from Genshin Impact. Xiao is one of my favorite characters, but I don't often get to talk about him on this blog. So, today I will be giving my thoughts on him and talking about why I like him. For those of you who don't know, Xiao is an adeptus. He can seem very cold and uncaring, and fans have called him emo because of it. They say he's an edgy teenager, and his English voice doesn't represent his personality well enough. Personally, I don't agree with this. His English voice does a good job of showing how cold he can be without overdoing it. I've always seen Xiao as misunderstood more than anything else. Everything he does is for the good of everyone else, and he takes on the burdens of others so they can live better lives. He protects Liyue, and he keeps everyone at a distance for their own safety. He does care for others, and he gets lonely just like everyone does. But he doesn't want his karma to negatively impact those around him. I think it's really amazing how strong and thoughtful he is. I've always liked Xiao, and I sympathize with him. I like him for many reasons, but mostly I admire what a good person he is. Regardless, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Friday, July 14, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the Pokemon Go Plus+. This new little device is a Bluetooth auto catcher and sleep tracker that can be used with Pokemon Go and Pokemon Sleep. To use it with Pokemon Sleep, simply connect it to your phone and leave the Pokemon Go Plus+ by your pillow while you sleep. It can obviously also be used with Pokemon Go to help with catching Pokemon. If you buy a Pokemon Go Plus+, you'll even get a special Snorlax that is wearing a nightcap for Pokemon Go. However! The Pokemon Go Plus+ is a new device. Not only does it have a pretty steep pricetag of 55 dollars, but players have been experiencing some bugs and issues with it. So before you even plan on buying one, it would be a good idea to check on if it will work well with your phone. As always, I will be including a picture of the Pokemon Go Plus+ below, as well as a picture of nightcap Snorlax. Enjoy!

Thursday, July 13, 2023

It's time! It's time, everyone! Time, for pictures of 707 from Mystic Messenger! Yay! I wanted to list three pictures of 707 today. However, I do apologize if they're a bit fuzzy. These are some of the profile pictures from the game, so they were very small. Nonetheless, I hope you guys still like them! Now then, on with it! Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post I will be listing three rather obvious 707 fun facts from Mystic Messenger; for those who aren't familiar with him. This is just a fun little post I decided to make because I haven't mentioned him in a while. Enjoy!

1.) 707 is a very talented hacker, but he's also pretty smart in general. He knows several languages and is basically a genius.

2.) 707 loves honey butter chips and Dr.Pepper! But mostly because they're readily available to him.

3.) 707 actually does really love cats. He also likes cars, electronics, and space.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about vtubers once again. A vtuber is a virtual youtuber, and I've talked about them a few times on here before. However, they're becoming much more widespread and well-known. There are vtubers from everywhere, and it's easier than ever to start your own vtuber channel. Many people think you can only start with fancy and expensive top-of-the-line models and equipment. But that isn't true! There are actually many free services you can use to create a model, as well as to track your movements. VTube Studio is the most well-known free-to-use tracking software. They've also recently added hand-tracking, which means it's even easier to start your own channel. I highly suggest using a free software to create your models and kickstart your career. Professional vtubers can spend very large amounts of money to even start their careers. But, not everyone has that. I recommend doing your own research and finding the right materials for yourselves. I just wanted to talk about this because anime-themed avatars are extremely popular in the vtuber community, so they're very popular in the anime community as well. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, July 10, 2023

3, 2, 1, post time! Today's blog post will be about the upcoming app Pokemon Sleep. Pokemon Sleep will be a new sleep tracker app. Much like the name suggests, this app will be used to help players get a more restful sleep. To play this game, you just leave your smartphone by your pillow as you sleep. The app will then track your sleep. The more you sleep, the more you'll be rewarded. The app will also track your sleep style, and in the morning you'll find Pokemon that match your sleeping style that night. You'll also be working with the new Professor Neroli as you discover and learn about the different sleeping styles of Pokemon. Along with this, you'll be working with large Snorlax Pokemon who live on the island. As always, I will be including the link for the official article for the app below. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

It's post time! I am incredibly tired. Who else is always tired? Snorlax. The Pokemon Snorlax is so tired, he's even part of the new upcoming Pokemon Sleep. That's one tired Pokemon! So for today's blog post, I will be listing three pictures of Snorlax below. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 8, 2023

It's time for a list! For today's blog post, I will be listing three bad luck Pokemon; along with a picture of each. This list isn't based on any lore. But rather, it's based on their Pokedex numbers. These Pokemon have Pokedex numbers that are traditionally associated with bad luck. It's also important to note that these numbers are taken directly from the official Pokemon website. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Number 666 - Vivillon

2.) Number 444 - Gabite

3.) Number 13 - Weedle

Friday, July 7, 2023

It's Tanabata! Happy Tanabata everyone! Today is the day of the star festival. This festival is known for its wishes, and it's quite a big deal in Japan. It can be seen in a number of anime and manga series, and Tanabata even appears in Hatoful Boyfriend. On Tanabata, bamboo trees are used for wishes. Here's an example of one from The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya:

On these trees, little strips of paper are hung. These papers are called tanzaku, and they're used for wishes. You write your wish on the paper and then tie it on the bamboo tree. These papers can be seen here: 

Tanabata is such a widespread festival that even the wish Pokemon Jirachi can be seen with tanzaku on its head. This can be seen below: 

As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post! Happy Tanabata once again, and I hope all of your wishes come true!

Thursday, July 6, 2023

It's post time! Between the Starsending in Twisted Wonderland and Tanabata tomorrow, it feels like this week is the week of wishes. I wonder what you all will wish for. Whether you believe in wishes or not, it's nice to have something to dream of. Many people wish for money or fame, but I just hope you're all happy in your lives. Whether you're wishing on stars, or wishing for characters and weapons in Genshin Impact, I hope you all have good luck and fortune. As for today's post, I'll be including the boys from Twisted Wonderland in their Starsending robes below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

It's time for another new blog post. I've had a rather bad day today, so it'll just be a simple post. I'll be listing three pictures of Malleus Draconia from Twisted Wonderland for you all. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

It's the Fourth Of July! A holiday here in the States, known far and wide for fireworks, sparklers, and backyard barbecues. Despite this, it is only a holiday in America. This makes finding a yearly blog post more difficult each year. So instead of finding patriotic pictures this year, I'll just be showing off some anime fireworks instead. So, let's get on with the pictures! Happy fourth everyone, and stay safe!

Ha! I lied! It's just three Hatoful Boyfriend characters I poorly edited onto the fireworks from the in-game festival as an excuse to include some of my favorite boys again! This was all a trick! Although it did take me much longer to find the pictures and edit them together than I anticipated. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As silly as it was.

Monday, July 3, 2023

It's post time! As someone who has faced disadvantages as a free to play Genshin Impact player, I've decided to give you all some tips on how to improve your game without spending money. To make it easier to read, I'll be putting this in list format. Enjoy!

1.) You can still use your favorite characters even when they have no constellations. Focus on their talents and levels. A good weapon doesn't hurt either.

2.) Artifacts matter! You can gain some pretty great artifacts just from doing domains and quests. But be sure to check their bonuses! Giving a character a full gladiator set will do next to nothing if they're an anemo character and they're all electro artifacts.

3.) Don't be afraid to use standard weapons. A four star weapon can be just as good as the five star weapons if they're properly leveled and refined. You also get a lot of weapons from wishes, so you might as well use them.

4.) Use the standard banner characters! You lost the 50/50 and gained another constellation for a character you didn't want? Good! They're still five stars! Use them!

5.) Need primogems? Do the daily commissions! Can't find the time for daily commissions? That's okay! Even if you miss out on the primogems, you can still get them from events, quests, chests, and even from special online events on the official Hoyolab website or app.

That's all I have for now! I know these seem like pretty obvious tips, but many free to play players overlook these things. I know missing your favorite characters is frustrating. I'm still missing a lot of my favorite characters too. But that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy the game. Happy gaming, and good luck with your 50/50 pulls!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

It's time for another blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina from the Mario franchise. Although these three iconic girls each have their own unique personalities and attributes, it's rather obvious that these three look nearly identical to each other. They do have differences in their clothes and hairstyles, but the similarities are still incredibly noticeable. This isn't because all women in the Mario franchise look like this either; since Pauline looks much different in comparison. It has been implied that Daisy and Peach are related, but that still doesn't explain why Rosalina looks so similar. The only thing these three have in common are their status as princesses, which implies that perhaps only princesses share these similarities in the Mario universe. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

What is the Holy Lyre in Genshin Impact? There will be some spoilers ahead, so proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! For those of you who don't know, the Holy Lyre belongs to Venti. As a bard, he often has his lyre with him. However, the actual Holy Lyre is usually in the Cathedral because it's considered a sacred object. Since the actual lyre is so well protected, it's likely this one belonged to the nameless bard. Venti based his whole image on his best friend, but he doesn't seem to have anything that belonged to him. But, the nameless bard is often shown with a lyre. Of course Venti would also choose a lyre to honor his friend; but I believe the Holy Lyre is actually the lyre that once belonged to the nameless bard. Regardless, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, I will be including pictures of the Holy Lyre and nameless bard below. Enjoy!

The nameless bard.

The Holy Lyre.