Friday, July 7, 2023

It's Tanabata! Happy Tanabata everyone! Today is the day of the star festival. This festival is known for its wishes, and it's quite a big deal in Japan. It can be seen in a number of anime and manga series, and Tanabata even appears in Hatoful Boyfriend. On Tanabata, bamboo trees are used for wishes. Here's an example of one from The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya:

On these trees, little strips of paper are hung. These papers are called tanzaku, and they're used for wishes. You write your wish on the paper and then tie it on the bamboo tree. These papers can be seen here: 

Tanabata is such a widespread festival that even the wish Pokemon Jirachi can be seen with tanzaku on its head. This can be seen below: 

As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post! Happy Tanabata once again, and I hope all of your wishes come true!

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