Tuesday, July 25, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about the current Twisted Wonderland event. The Culinary Crucible event is an event where you gather ingredients and cook some food. All of the current recipes are egg-based, as well. This event is highly focused on cooking the recipes given to you, and it features Ruggie Bucchi and Malleus Draconia. To get the right combination of ingredients, you have to try different combinations. When you get an ingredient right, it'll be saved to the recipe so you know what is and isn't correct. If you don't get the correct combination, the food will be ruined. If you do get the right combination, that recipe will be unlocked. You can then make better versions of the recipes with higher quality ingredients. I actually really love this event. I love cooking and I'm a relatively good cook, so guessing the right ingredients has been pretty easy. It's also incredibly easy to gather ingredients for the recipes. Just send the characters of your choosing to get the ingredients! You can choose how long to send them for, and it's done in real-time so you don't have to worry about missing something. I highly recommend checking out this event if you haven't already! As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

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