Tuesday, October 31, 2023

It's Halloween! I look forward to this holiday every year, and this year is no exception! So for this year's special post, I'll be listing six spooky Vocaloid songs; along with a link for each. Some Vocaloid songs can be very creepy and unsettling, so I decided to list a few of them for Halloween. I also decided to list six instead of five because six is a creepier number; for some reason. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy! Happy Halloween everyone!

1.) Demons And The Dead

2.) Gothic And Loneliness

3.) Trick And Treat

4.) Ashes To Ashes

5.) Here Comes Karakasa-San

6.) Now Choose

Surprise! An extra treat! Ha, I fooled you into thinking I was only going to list Vocaloid songs this time! That was my trick! So, here are six Twisted Wonderland Halloween pictures as a treat! Enjoy!

Monday, October 30, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about English speakers in Death Note. However! There will be some minor spoilers for the series, so proceed with caution. Now then, let's get on with it. When watching an anime, it's easy to forget the characters can, or should, be speaking a language other than Japanese. Even when watching the English dub, fans know that the characters would actually be speaking in Japanese. But it isn't unusual for characters to also speak other languages. A good example of this is 707 from Mystic Messenger. Seven can speak multiple languages; including English. In the case of Death Note, there's actually multiple characters who can speak English. The first one who comes to mind is probably Light Yagami. Light, despite being Japanese, is actually very skilled in English as well. This is why he can read the rules of the Death Note even though they were written in English. The rules of the Death Note being in English also implies that Ryuk, and perhaps most of the Shinigami, can also speak English. But wait, there's more! L, Near, Matt, and Mello are all from Wammy's House. Wammy's House is located in England, which means the children from Wammy's House are all native English speakers. Since Watari is the owner of Wammy's House, he's likely also a native English speaker. This also implies that everyone from Wammy's House is a native English speaker. This is further confirmed by Near moving to America to live after he had grown up. Although characters being able to speak English doesn't really have any effect on the actual story, I think it's a very interesting thing. It does make sense, since English is one of the most common and spoken languages. But it's also just very interesting, and also a neat little addition to the world of Death Note. As always, I hope you all enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Is the Death Note manga better than the anime? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! We've all heard it before; the fans who swear the manga is better than the anime. This is a common theme with all fandoms, since hearing someone say "the book is better than the movie" is also very common. But is it really better? The answer is, no. The manga isn't really better as much as it is, more detailed. Although Death Note is a relatively short series, the anime couldn't include every single thing in it. It very faithfully adapted the manga in most parts, and you can often see panels in the manga that look exactly like the counterparts found in the anime. But, it also took a few creative liberties. The second half of the anime was very rushed, but it still accurately portrayed the new characters as well as it could. I personally love the anime. It's one of my all-time favorites, even though I didn't find it until I was a teenager. It's very exciting and interesting, and I think it did a really good job telling the story. Does that mean it's better than the manga? No. Without the manga, the anime wouldn't even exist. I personally think it's better to check out both the anime and manga. Death Note is a relatively short series, so it wouldn't take very long to catch up on the series. It's also easy to find the digital version of the manga, since it's available on Viz's official website. If you liked the anime, you'll be a fan of the manga too. And if you liked the manga, give the anime a chance. There's a reason Death Note was, and still is, one of the most popular and well-known anime series ever made. I don't think one version of it is better than the other. I think they're both equally as good, and that experiencing both versions gives you the whole story of the series. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I often see Death Note manga fans downplaying the anime, but I think the anime did a really good job telling the story like it did. But I also understand liking the manga more because it gives the characters more depth. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be listing five Studio Ghibli movies. There are some Studio Ghibli movies that everyone always talks about. Things like Howl's Moving Castle, or Spirited Away. So for today's blog post, I'll be listing a few that aren't mentioned as often. These are just a few Studio Ghibli movies I like that are usually overlooked or forgotten about. Now then, let's get on with the list already! Enjoy!

1.) From Up On Poppy Hill

2.) Whisper Of The Heart

3.) Laputa: Castle In The Sky

4.) Tales From Earthsea

5.) The Secret World Of Arrietty

Friday, October 27, 2023

It's almost Halloween! So for today's blog post, I'll be listing five spooky Pokemon; along with a picture of each. I'll only be including recent Pokemon on this list to avoid repetition. Some of my lists have been pretty repetitive recently, so I'd like to break it up some. But with Halloween quickly approaching, I still wanted to list some Pokemon for the upcoming holiday. So, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Annihilape

2.) Iron Jugulis

3.) Houndstone

4.) Toedscruel

5.) Skeledirge

Thursday, October 26, 2023

What time is it? Post time! Halloween is quickly approaching, and that means it's almost time to dress up in costumes! Cosplayers look forward to this time of year, and many anime fans want to dress up as their favorite characters. But, character costumes can be really expensive. No one really wants to pay over a hundred dollars for a costume they'll almost never wear, and not everyone has the creative capabilities to make their own from scratch. So, I have a solution! Just don't! What do I mean by this? I mean, you can be your favorite character in other ways! Most of the time anime characters have certain very distinct traits. It's almost always cheaper to just get a wig than it is to get the whole outfit. Then once you get something that makes you resemble your favorite character better, you can just wear something you think they would wear. This makes it easier and cheaper because then you can use clothes you already have. Not only this, but it's also cheaper to get normal clothes than it is to get special clothes. If you really want to have that distinct costume, you can also get the things to do it yourself. You can get the accessories separately and piece together the costume yourself. Don't just settle for a potentially flimsy replica, figure things out yourself and get creative! And remember, Halloween is supposed to be fun! Nothing has to be perfect. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! The blog post for today will be a list of five somewhat obscure anime I like. There's a lot of anime out there, and not all of it can become popular. Sometimes things just don't go over as well as they should, and sometimes they're just completely overlooked. So, here's a list of some of my favorites. Enjoy!

1.) Servamp

2.) Cheer Boys

3.) Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan

4.) Zatch Bell

5.) Dinosaur King

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about starter Pokemon. Firstly, what is a starter Pokemon? Well, most of you probably know. But for those who don't, a starter Pokemon is a Pokemon you start a game with. There's usually three Pokemon, and it's usually a fire-type, water-type, and grass-type. It's been this way for almost every Pokemon game. When a new game comes out, the starters are usually the first ones to be revealed. The starter Pokemon are very important; especially since it's the first Pokemon you encounter in the game. And unless you're a heartless monster, it's also the Pokemon that will stay with you throughout your journey. That was a joke. I personally keep my starter Pokemon with me through the game, but most people don't. Whether you keep your starter in your small team is really just up to personal preference. Regardless, the starter Pokemon are always the most important Pokemon for a game. They're the ones who introduce players to the world, and they set the stage for what kind of Pokemon you'll encounter in your journey. They may not be legendary Pokemon, but that doesn't mean they aren't important. Not to mention they can still be really powerful if you level them up enough; but that can be said for any Pokemon. But, these are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, October 23, 2023

It's post time! Today's blog post will be about Peachette from the Mario series. For those of you who don't know, Peachette is a powered-up version of Toadette. When Toadette uses a special crown power up only she can use, it turns her into Peachette. Peachette looks very similar to Princess Peach, while also being different enough to be her own character. Nobody really knows why this happens, and it's never been confirmed by Nintendo. However, fans have come up with some theories. Some people think the crown just causes Toadette to resemble Princess Peach because she's the ruler. Others think Peachette is the true form of Toadette. Some fans have even suggested that Princess Peach is just a grown up Toad, and that the crown causes Toadette to temporarily transform into her adult self. Although these are good theories, it's hard to say if any of them would make sense. Since Toadette is the only one who can use the crown, that means she's the only one who can transform with it. At least, that's how it is right now. Because of this, there may be a connection between Toadette and Princess Peach specifically; instead of the crown being able to turn anyone into a version of Princess Peach. Although Toadette resembles Princess Peach while she's wearing the crown, she still isn't an exact copy. This means the crown doesn't just transform her into Princess Peach. Fans may be reading too far into this, though. There's a chance the company just wanted to add another Princess Peach-like character that wouldn't overshadow the original. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Peachette has always been an interesting thing to me, and I'm disappointed we haven't gotten more information about this yet. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Today is my 2,600th blog post! So to celebrate, I'll be listing 26 characters I like! Anything goes, as long as it's anime. But there are some rules! Well, just one rule. I'm only going to list one character from each thing so there won't be a bunch of characters from one thing. I also won't be including pictures because this is a long list. But, I will be saying what each character is from. These also won't be in any particular order. Before I go on, I'd also like to thank everyone for their support. This blog has been pretty small since day one, and sometimes it's difficult to do a post every single day. But despite this, I still have some fans. Regardless of if you've been here the whole time, left and came back, or if you've only just started reading my blog, I'd like to thank you all for your support. I may not get comments very often, but I don't mind. I just appreciate you all taking time out of your days to read my little anime blog. I appreciate all of you. And now that I've gotten the sappy stuff out of the way, let's get on with the list! Enjoy!

1.) Kaito the Vocaloid

2.) 707 from Mystic Messenger

3.) Lilia Vanrouge from Twisted Wonderland

4.) Deidara from Naruto Shippuden

5.) James from Pokemon

6.) Nageki Fujishiro from Hatoful Boyfriend

7.) Yato from Noragami

8.) Lawless from Servamp

9.) Lucifer from The Devil Is A Part-Timer

10.) Venti from Genshin Impact

11.) Hamtaro from Hamtaro

12.) Venoct from Yo-Kai Watch

13.) Howl from Howl's Moving Castle

14.) Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail

15.) Yami Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh

16.) L from Death Note

17.) Cloud from Final Fantasy

18.) Fafnir from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

19.) Speed-O'-Sound Sonic from One Punch Man

20.) Undertaker from Black Butler

21.) Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka from Ouran High School Host Club

22.) Staz from Blood Lad

23.) Eli from Blush Blush

24.) Alice Asmodeus from Welcome To Demon School Iruma-Kun

25.) Demon Cleric (Leonard) from Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle

26.) Belphegor from Obey Me

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The official Pokemon website has released more pumpkin stencils! Every year for Halloween, the official Pokemon website releases free printable Pokemon stencils so fans can make cute Pokemon-themed pumpkin carvings. I recently talked about the stencils that were already available, but the 2023 collection hadn't been released then. Well, now it has! There are now eleven more stencils, and they feature both new and old Pokemon. These stencils make it easy to carve out Pokemon pumpkins for the Halloween season, and there are even some more complicated designs so anyone can enjoy the challenge. As always, I'll be including the link to the Pokemon pumpkin stencils page below so you all can see it for yourselves; and maybe even pick a cute design for your own pumpkins! Enjoy!

The Pokemon pumpkin stencils: https://www.pokemon.com/us/halloween/stencils/

Friday, October 20, 2023

What's wrong with overpowered characters? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Overpowered characters can be found pretty much anywhere, but everyone knows they're most commonly found in anime. This is especially true with shows like Naruto, Dragon Ball, and One Piece. There are some anime series where you see the main character, and you know they'll be way too overpowered. But, what's wrong with that? Firstly, it gets very boring. You just know that no matter what they're up against, they'll always win. It doesn't matter how. You just know they will. This makes a series very repetitive. Making a very overpowered character also means the character isn't relatable at all. Sure, they may have experienced a sad and tragic past. But they're too untouchable once they reach a certain level. It's also kind of laughable to see a character win by sheer power and then say that the victory was because of the power of friendship. So, why do people like Saitama from One Punch Man? He's insanely overpowered, after all. To that I say, it's because he's funny. He didn't want to be overpowered, and he actually kind of hates it. It's fun to watch him effortlessly defeat someone just for him to be angry about winning so easily. Saitama is a good example of an actually good overpowered character. I don't think it's bad for a character to be undefeatable. But, they need to have a good personality to go with it. If you described the main character from most mainstream anime, their traits would be nearly identical. A way-too-optimistic guy who can't be defeated, wants to be friends with everyone, and eats a lot of food. That describes so many protagonists! When you have a super strong Mary Sue type character, it's important to make them likable. But the problem is, they're usually just carbon copies of each other. Those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, though. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Today I'm experiencing a bad case of writer's block. So for today's blog post, I'll be talking about The Amazing Digital Circus. I do apologize if anyone was trying to escape this show by reading my anime blog. This upcoming show has become massively popular in the week since its release. It isn't an anime at all, but it is spreading rapidly. Much like Welcome Home did. However, some anime fans may notice that the circus theme is similar to Popee The Performer. This show, is not that show. The Amazing Digital Circus was actually created by one of my personal favorite YouTubers; Gooseworx. The animation itself has a very bright, colorful, and bouncy style. I think anime fans would like this fun little show; even if it isn't an anime itself. I mostly just wanted to mention this show because it's becoming very popular very fast, and I'm sure many people have questions. Normally I would try to include something anime-related now like I did with my Welcome Home post, but I couldn't actually find anything official yet. So here's an official picture instead. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Is it alright to call content made outside of Japan anime? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! It's a common discussion within the anime fandom of what is and isn't considered anime. Some fans think things are only anime if it comes from Japan. Others think anything can be anime as long as it uses the anime art style. Both of these arguments are valid. I personally consider things anime if it uses the anime art style. This includes things like Blush Blush or Mystic Messenger. However, I do state if something is or isn't from Japan. Since anime originated in Japan, some fans don't consider things anime if it isn't from there; even if it uses the anime art style. This is understandable, too. There are some things that are in a sort of limbo, as well. Things that are clearly based on anime, but lean more into the cartoon category than the anime category. Because of this, some fans don't count cartoons as anime even if it comes from Japan. Even though anime started out as just cartoons from Japan, the definition has since changed to include everything that fits a certain art style. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know this discussion can get pretty confusing. The definition is different for everyone, and my personal views on it may be different from how other people see it. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

What time is it? Time for another list, of course! For today's blog post, I will be listing five short Twisted Wonderland characters; along with a picture of each. We appreciate short boys on this blog, so I'm dedicating a list to them. Since their official heights are available on the Twisted Wonderland website, I'm going to be listing these characters from the shortest to the tallest. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Ortho Shroud

2.) Epel Felmier

3.) Lilia Vanrouge

4.) Riddle Rosehearts

5.) Ruggie Bucchi

Monday, October 16, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I'll be talking about the game Blush Blush again. I talked about this game a bit a few days ago, but I decided to go into a bit more detail today. Blush Blush isn't a Japanese game, but it does use the anime art style. Blush Blush follows the story of a clumsy person who accidentally curses a bunch of guys. When giving out water at the zoo, the protagonist of the game gets distracted by all of the hot guys and mistakenly hands out cursed water instead. This turns the guys into animals, and sets the events of the game in motion. Now you must go through the process of finding all of the cursed guys and turning them back into humans! How do you do this? You make them fall in love with you, of course! This game is actually one of the more interesting dating sims out there, and it's whole story is just funny. It doesn't take itself seriously at all, and it's very addicting to play. It does get a little tedious at times, but not very much. You can unlock boys by leveling up different skills. If your skills aren't leveling fast enough, you can permanently boost them with ten diamonds each. Diamonds are in-game currency, and they're very easy to earn if you play the game on mobile. It's available on the computer as well, but it's much easier on the phone. The game is completely free to play, and really fun and enjoyable. Leveling up your love with the boys will also unlock Phone Flings; which means chatting with more cute boys. Some of the Phone Fling boys can even be unlocked as full characters. You can also unlock the base boys in any order you want; so you don't need to play the game in any specific way. You can even change the gender of your little marshmallow character at any point; so the game is available to everyone. But! This is a game for adults. The characters are adults, and they act like adults. So no kids! This is a warning! And as always, here's a picture from the game. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

All of the Blue Bouquet characters have been revealed for Fragaria Memories! That means there's only one Bouquet left to wait for. The Noir Bouquet is the only one left to reveal, which means we may be getting more information for the project soon. With more characters available, the project has been gaining attention. Fans have already started translating the information we have for English speaking audiences. There's an unofficial English Fragaria Memories Twitter account up now, and the project is slowly but surely gaining fans. Because of this, there's a good chance the project will eventually make it's way to places outside of Japan. The official website already has some English available on it; so it wouldn't be too difficult to translate things for other fans. But, those are just my thoughts. I'm mostly just looking forward to the project's official release, since I'm very excited to see what it will be. As always, I'll be including the links for the official Fragaria Memories Twitter below; as well as the unofficial English Twitter account. Enjoy!

The official Fragaria Memories Twitter: https://twitter.com/fragaria_sanrio

The unofficial English Fragaria Memories Twitter: https://twitter.com/fragaria_ENG

Saturday, October 14, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about Yokai Watch. Long-time readers will recognize this name, because I used to talk about it often. Yokai Watch was, and still is, one of my favorite anime series. However, its popularity took a massive hit when Disney changed its English dub cast. For those of you who don't know, Yokai Watch is a series that was based on the games of the same name. Although some saw it as a Pokemon clone, it actually ended up becoming very popular. Both the games and anime were a success! But when it came to localizing the anime, Disney was put in charge of it. This went over well at first. Yes they changed and censored silly things, but it was made up for with the amazingly talented voice cast. Even though they split the first season into two seasons instead, fans still loved watching it. Then came the budget cuts. Disney, finally realizing Yokai Watch wasn't Pokemon, decided it wasn't doing well enough. So they decided to make it even worse. They limited its broadcasts, and fully replaced the voice cast. Although not all of the new actors were bad, some of them were absolutely miserable to listen to. It was made even worse when fans found out the original voice actors genuinely wanted to continue working on the series and were very upset they couldn't. The view count dropped after that. The show faded into obscurity, and soon the games followed. Even though the series was still doing well in Japan, Disney had absolutely destroyed the series in America. It's really disappointing because the show was doing really well. There were multiple seasons, movies, games, and a lot of merchandise. But just because it was doing a little poorly, it was completely tossed out. It's very upsetting to see because I adored this series. It likely would have gone differently if a company other than Disney had gotten the project, but it's impossible to say for sure. I'd love to see this series come back in some way because I'm still a big fan of it. If any of you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for! Go watch it! And as always, I'll be including a picture from the Yokai Watch anime below so you all can see it. Enjoy!

Friday, October 13, 2023

It's Friday the 13th! Although that's bad news for those unlucky folks out there, it also means we're halfway through October! That means we're halfway to Halloween! So for today's blog post, I'll be doing a Halloween post. What's better at Halloween than a good old-fashioned jack-o'-lantern? Nothing! Well, there are some equally good things. But the jack-o'-lantern is a staple of the season. So how do we make them even better? We add Pokemon! Just like every year, the official Pokemon website has free jack-o'-lantern pumpkin patterns. These patterns feature many different Pokemon, and they're very easy to use. First, pick out your pattern. There are many available, which can be used by experts or beginners. Then, you just print out your stencil and put it on your pumpkin. Follow the outline to carve your pumpkin, and you're done! Although they haven't released any new ones yet this year, all of their previous designs are still available. So for any of you who may be interested, I'll be including the link to the pumpkin stencils below. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

There's a Fragaria Memories character based on Kirimichan! That's right! Our favorite fish filet is back in action! Or, maybe my favorite fish filet. For those of you who don't know, Fragaria Memories is an upcoming Sanrio project featuring cute boys based on Sanrio characters who serve as their lords within their world. Along with this, Kirimichan is one of my all-time favorite Sanrio characters. But, they don't get very much attention. Their projects were cancelled, and the Sanrio Boy who likes Kirimichan wasn't even included with the rest of the main cast. It's disappointing, to say the least. But, this new character makes up for it! A little. I actually adore this new character. His name is Rimicha, and he seems like he'll be pretty chaotic. For those interested in the upcoming Fragaria Memories project, they've actually already fully released the entire set of Red Bouquet characters and are now working on releasing the characters from the Blue Bouquet. Rimicha is part of the Red Bouquet, which makes sense. As always, I'll be including a picture of Rimicha below. I'll also be including the link for the characters page of the official Fragaria Memories website for anyone who wants to see the other characters. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about the game Blush Blush. Blush Blush is an anime-style idle dating sim, and it's free to play on the computer and mobile devices. I believe I may have mentioned this game on my blog before, but that would have been quite a while ago now. Since I've recently rediscovered it, I wanted to talk about it again. Blush Blush features many stereotypically pretty boys like every dating sim. But there's a twist; they've all been turned into animals! Now to change them back, you have to cure them with true love's kiss. I've played this game on both PC and mobile now, and I highly recommend using the smartphone app over the desktop one. It's easier to navigate and play on the phone; and it also looks a bit better as well. The graphics are the same either way, but the way it's formatted works better on mobile. Since I've last played, they've also added more characters that are available for purchase. If you don't want to buy characters, don't worry! Phone Fling characters can be purchased with diamonds; which can be obtained from playing the game. The base game also comes with a lot of great characters, too. Besides being a dating sim, it's also an idle game. You can collect necessary materials just by leaving the game alone for a while. But the game is also pretty fun just binging it for a few hours too. Is the game not moving fast enough for your liking? No problem! You can reset your progress at any time, and it'll give you a reset boost (without resetting your diamonds). Don't feel like resetting all of your progress for a boost? That's also fine! You can skip the reset by paying with some diamonds instead. I highly recommend this game if you like less serious dating sims. It's fun, it's free, and it's for both men and women! However, it is for older audiences. All of the characters are in their twenties, and they act like it. So 18 and older only! As always, I'll be including a picture from Blush Blush below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about characters in anime who look younger than they are. Pretty much every anime fan knows the trope of a character who looks young but is really hundreds to thousands of years old. These characters can be gods, ghosts, vampires, or basically any other supernatural thing. There are even just normal humans who are adults that look like children. There's nothing wrong with them looking young, since there are real people who look much younger than they are. But if they're actually much older, then that's where the problems begin. You see, these secretly much older characters almost never actually go for adults. They pretty much always go for teenagers, which is incredibly creepy. Regardless of how they may look, they're still adults. Unless they're part of a race that ages very slowly, that is. But those ones aren't the ones I'm referring to. There isn't as much of a problem if the long-lived character is technically close to the same age as their love interest. But this almost never happens. It's very creepy and uncomfortable to see a romantic relationship develop between a teenager and a very old adult; regardless of how young they look. Real people who look younger than they are still date within their age group because it would be wrong not to. Although anime doesn't often play by the same rules as reality does, that doesn't mean this shouldn't be considered a problem. It is still a problem to a certain degree because media, especially popular media, has an influence on how people see things in the real world. So if a character is older, they should be treated and portrayed as an adult if they are one; and they absolutely should not have any sort of romantic relationship with a teenager or younger. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I wanted to talk about this because the discussion of young looking characters comes up relatively often within the anime community. I personally see nothing wrong with a character looking or acting young as long as they are still treated as an adult. There are real people with real disabilities or genetics that can make them look or act younger than they physically are; and we shouldn't make them feel like they're doing something wrong just by existing because we find it weird or unusual. Regardless of this, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Monday, October 9, 2023

New day, new post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about live action remakes. Live action is a disease that has plagued the animation community as a whole for many years now. Nothing anywhere is safe, because as soon as it becomes popular, it will be ruined. This isn't always true. Sometimes good live action does come out. But it's a rare occasion. Even anime hasn't been able to escape this horrible fate. If you think I'm being dramatic, it's because I am. But, my point still stands. Fans of anime and animation are usually fans for more than just story reasons. We often like the visuals as well; especially since anime has some of the most beautiful and breathtaking visuals. We're watching anime specifically because it's anime. When you translate that into live action, you lose some of that magic. And if it isn't done well, then you lose all of that magic. You'll never find anyone who looks just like a specific character, and you'll never fully be able to capture the magic of the world. When something is created, it's created with a specific vision in mind. Live action movies are made with specific actors and sets in mind, just like how animation of any kind is made with specific colors and designs in mind. There are very few examples of live action becoming animation. So why do we feel the need to turn animation into live action? There's no point in it, and we lose so much of the magic and beauty from the original sources when we do this. Even the live action Death Note movies that were released in Japan, although loved within the community, have never been able to live up to the name and status of the original manga and anime. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know I'm practically talking to a wall when I bring up this topic, but I feel like it still needs to be said. I see announcements for more live action anime adaptations now more than ever; and I just feel like we don't need them at all. Regardless of this, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

It's time for another new blog post! For today's blog post, I will be talking about Malleus Draconia from Twisted Wonderland. More specifically, I'll be talking about how fans view him. There may be a few spoilers in this post though, so proceed with caution! For those of you who don't know, Malleus has become one of the most loved characters within the fandom. Fans find him sweet, attractive, and romantic. Although he has some bad traits, nobody is perfect. However, they overlook some very bad traits. He can be very destructive when he's upset; even if it isn't intentional. He's extremely powerful, and he doesn't always know how to handle his emotions. He's also still very young. It's true. In comparison to a human, Malleus is just past being a teenager; if he isn't still a teenager. He may be much older than a human, but fae age differently. This can be seen very well with Lilia Vanrouge. Lilia is very old, but he still looks young. He looks so young in fact, that his classmates often think he's lying whenever he brings up something he remembers from hundreds of years ago. Because of this, it's easy to forget that Malleus isn't even fully grown yet. He may look like an adult, but he's still young. I know it's easy to see Malleus as some kind of perfect man, but his faults still shouldn't be ignored. He's imperfect, just like everyone else. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because Malleus has become a very popular character, and many fans won't even acknowledge how dangerous he can be. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Is Scaramouche a good character? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! However! There will be some Genshin Impact spoilers in this post. So proceed with caution! Now then, let's get on with it! Scaramouche is one of the most popular characters in the game. Even before he was a playable character, fans practically begged for him to be released. But, is he a good character? Sometimes characters only get popular because people find them attractive. With Scaramouche's originally rude personality, it seemed like that was the case. He wasn't revealed to be sympathetic at all until much later in the game; long after he was introduced. Despite this, I think he is a good character. It was refreshing to see a character being mean just because he could, and his personality made him popular because he was confident and witty with a little sense of humor. Yes he was a jerk, but that wasn't all he was. I personally think he could've worked well even if he was never redeemed. It is nice to see his softer side, and his original personality still shines through really well even now. I also think it's important for a character to be able to exist on their own without knowing their backstory, and I think Scaramouche was good on his own. Even after he was changed for his playable release, he still managed to keep his popularity. Some may say he's even a little more popular now than he was before. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post! As always, here's a picture of Scaramouche. Enjoy!

Friday, October 6, 2023

It's time for a list! For today's blog post, I will be listing five games that have good worlds. This includes games that have fully developed worlds that have been talked about and shown throughout the game. I just wanted to make this list because I haven't listed games on here in a while, and these are some really good games. So, let's get on with it! Enjoy!

1.) Kingdom Hearts

2.) Twisted Wonderland

3.) Final Fantasy

4.) Pokemon

5.) Genshin Impact

Thursday, October 5, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about why Light Yagami from Death Note is actually a good character. Yes, I know. There are several posts on this blog that mention my extreme dislike of Light Yagami. However, my hatred towards him is actually a good thing. Let me explain. But first, here's a spoiler warning for those who haven't seen Death Note yet. So, let's get on with it! Light Yagami is, an idiot. He's selfish, egotistical, and sometimes downright cruel at times. But he wasn't always. Light was originally a normal student. He worked hard, had big dreams of following in his father's footsteps, and he was actually a very nice person. You can see these traits whenever he loses his memories of the Death Note. The Death Note series does a good job of showing what can happen when someone is given too much power. The Death Note itself doesn't corrupt people. Instead, the power it gives them amplifies traits that were already there. Light is a very good example of this. He already had a strong sense of justice. When he was given the power to punish criminals with just a flick of his wrist, it twisted his sense of justice into something far worse. We're not supposed to like Light Yagami while he's Kira. We're supposed to feel sorry for him and his wasted life and potential. Light is a very tragic person. He could've had a very positive and fulfilling life if Ryuk hadn't been bored that day; or if Light let someone else pick up the Death Note. I like Light as a person, and I do feel sorry for him as the series goes on. But I don't like Light as Kira, and it's important to separate those things. Light Yagami is not Kira, and Kira is not Light Yagami. Instead, they're opposites of each other. Light Yagami cares about getting justice the correct way, whereas Kira considers himself a god with the power to punish anyone any way he sees fit. When I say I hate Light Yagami, I really mean I hate who became as Kira. Light himself is actually one of my favorite tragic characters, and I think his character was written well. I would also like to mention that his mistakes and stupid actions only started happening after his views were twisted, and Light himself when he's in his right mind is actually more cautious and displays more intelligence with his actions. I think that's another good way of showing that Light Yagami as Kira is no longer thinking or acting like himself. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I just wanted to talk about this because I've mentioned quite a few times how much I dislike Light Yagami. Nonetheless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

It's post time! For today's blog post, I will be talking about So So Happy. The brand So So Happy, although not Japanese, would have fit in very well with the cute culture found within the anime community. This project was American, and it was created to help stomp out bullying. It featured many adorable and brightly colored characters, and the brand created many unique hoodies; which is what they were known for. If you notice my use of past tense, it's because So So Happy no longer exists. Unfortunately, they disappeared one day without warning. They've been gone for years, and there was no explanation for what had happened. One day their accounts stopped posting, and the website was gone; and that was the end. Despite this, So So Happy still has fans even to this day. Although I'd normally post the official links, there's no point in doing so this time. So instead, here is a picture of a So So Happy character I like named Wink. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

It's a Turnip-Head appreciation post! Turnip-Head is one of the often overlooked characters from the Studio Ghibli movie Howl's Moving Castle. Even though he's a main character who shows up often throughout the film, he's constantly overshadowed by other characters. However, Turnip-Head is actually one of my favorites, and he's my second favorite from the whole movie; after Howl himself of course. Turnip-Head is kind, caring, and loyal. Even though he doesn't talk very much, he still makes a pretty big impact. He is still recognizable, but that's mostly because of the movie he's from. Howl's Moving Castle is a very popular and well-known movie even now, but Turnip-Head himself is still usually overlooked. This is why I wanted to talk about him in today's post. As always, I will be including a picture of Turnip-Head below so you all can see him. Enjoy!

Monday, October 2, 2023

A new Fragaria Memories character has been announced! This new character is part of the Red Bouquet, and his name is Merold. Along with this, he works for My Melody. He's considered to be very strong, as well. Merold was just announced on the official Twitter account very recently, and his bio page is already available on the official website. If any of you are interested in learning more about him, I recommend checking out the official tweet and bio page; which I will be including the links for below. But please remember this project is still only available in Japanese. I personally think the designs for these characters are pretty amazing. They reflect the original characters well, while also being original. Merold is no exception to this. As always, I will be including his picture below so you all can see what he looks like. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

It's post time! With the colder weather approaching, that means it's time to start cozying up with fluffy things. Warm blankets, soft pillows, maybe a fuzzy pet or two. So for today's blog post, I'll be listing three pictures of one of the fluffiest creatures out there; Totoro! Totoro is from the movie My Neighbor Totoro, which is one of the most famous and well-known Studio Ghibli movies out there. Since he's also their mascot, I thought this would be a good way to kick off the cooler season. Now then, let's get on with it! Enjoy!