Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Is it alright to call content made outside of Japan anime? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! It's a common discussion within the anime fandom of what is and isn't considered anime. Some fans think things are only anime if it comes from Japan. Others think anything can be anime as long as it uses the anime art style. Both of these arguments are valid. I personally consider things anime if it uses the anime art style. This includes things like Blush Blush or Mystic Messenger. However, I do state if something is or isn't from Japan. Since anime originated in Japan, some fans don't consider things anime if it isn't from there; even if it uses the anime art style. This is understandable, too. There are some things that are in a sort of limbo, as well. Things that are clearly based on anime, but lean more into the cartoon category than the anime category. Because of this, some fans don't count cartoons as anime even if it comes from Japan. Even though anime started out as just cartoons from Japan, the definition has since changed to include everything that fits a certain art style. But, those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic. I know this discussion can get pretty confusing. The definition is different for everyone, and my personal views on it may be different from how other people see it. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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