Saturday, October 14, 2023

New day, new post! Today's blog post will be about Yokai Watch. Long-time readers will recognize this name, because I used to talk about it often. Yokai Watch was, and still is, one of my favorite anime series. However, its popularity took a massive hit when Disney changed its English dub cast. For those of you who don't know, Yokai Watch is a series that was based on the games of the same name. Although some saw it as a Pokemon clone, it actually ended up becoming very popular. Both the games and anime were a success! But when it came to localizing the anime, Disney was put in charge of it. This went over well at first. Yes they changed and censored silly things, but it was made up for with the amazingly talented voice cast. Even though they split the first season into two seasons instead, fans still loved watching it. Then came the budget cuts. Disney, finally realizing Yokai Watch wasn't Pokemon, decided it wasn't doing well enough. So they decided to make it even worse. They limited its broadcasts, and fully replaced the voice cast. Although not all of the new actors were bad, some of them were absolutely miserable to listen to. It was made even worse when fans found out the original voice actors genuinely wanted to continue working on the series and were very upset they couldn't. The view count dropped after that. The show faded into obscurity, and soon the games followed. Even though the series was still doing well in Japan, Disney had absolutely destroyed the series in America. It's really disappointing because the show was doing really well. There were multiple seasons, movies, games, and a lot of merchandise. But just because it was doing a little poorly, it was completely tossed out. It's very upsetting to see because I adored this series. It likely would have gone differently if a company other than Disney had gotten the project, but it's impossible to say for sure. I'd love to see this series come back in some way because I'm still a big fan of it. If any of you haven't seen it yet, what are you waiting for! Go watch it! And as always, I'll be including a picture from the Yokai Watch anime below so you all can see it. Enjoy!

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