Friday, October 20, 2023

What's wrong with overpowered characters? Well, that's what I'll be talking about in today's blog post! Overpowered characters can be found pretty much anywhere, but everyone knows they're most commonly found in anime. This is especially true with shows like Naruto, Dragon Ball, and One Piece. There are some anime series where you see the main character, and you know they'll be way too overpowered. But, what's wrong with that? Firstly, it gets very boring. You just know that no matter what they're up against, they'll always win. It doesn't matter how. You just know they will. This makes a series very repetitive. Making a very overpowered character also means the character isn't relatable at all. Sure, they may have experienced a sad and tragic past. But they're too untouchable once they reach a certain level. It's also kind of laughable to see a character win by sheer power and then say that the victory was because of the power of friendship. So, why do people like Saitama from One Punch Man? He's insanely overpowered, after all. To that I say, it's because he's funny. He didn't want to be overpowered, and he actually kind of hates it. It's fun to watch him effortlessly defeat someone just for him to be angry about winning so easily. Saitama is a good example of an actually good overpowered character. I don't think it's bad for a character to be undefeatable. But, they need to have a good personality to go with it. If you described the main character from most mainstream anime, their traits would be nearly identical. A way-too-optimistic guy who can't be defeated, wants to be friends with everyone, and eats a lot of food. That describes so many protagonists! When you have a super strong Mary Sue type character, it's important to make them likable. But the problem is, they're usually just carbon copies of each other. Those are mostly just my thoughts on this topic, though. Regardless, I hope you all still enjoyed this blog post!

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